Congresos e seminarios

Digital ECAI 2020: 24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
AI on a Beautiful Island: Building the Future of Electricity Networks
Assistive AI: Research Challenges, Ethics and Science Fiction
From Statistical Relational to Neural Symbolic Artificial Intelligence
How Not to Destroy the World with AI
WGML2017: Machine Learning Workshop Galicia 2017
Deep Learning at HPE
INLG2017: 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Evaluating Natural Language Generation Systems
Talking about the world with a distributed model
Finding the "right" answers for customers
EURO-PAR: 23rd International European Conference on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Euro-Par 2017)
Software Analytics – Effectively Managing Complex Software Systems
High Level Abstractions and Automatic Optimization Techniques for the Programming of Irregular Algorithms
EVIA: 3ª Escuela de Verano de Inteligencia Artificial (EVIA)
From Smart to Cognitive Cities with Soft Computing
Fuzzy Systems in Big Data and Data Science
Planificación y coordinación en entornos multi-agente
Sistemas de recomendación
Information Retrieval. How to employ reinforcement learning to effectively build test collections
Intelligent Group Decision Support Systems
Fuzzy Learning and Data Mining
Predicción de datos temporales y aplicaciones
Semantic Open Data: Aplicaciones basadas en semántica
Linguistic Approaches for Multilingual Opinion Mining
Information Diffusion, Social Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Social Simulation of Marketing and Electoral Processes
SFLA: SFLA 2017 - Summer School on Fuzzy Logic and Applications
What the Practitioner of Fuzzy Logic should know?
What are R&D Results Good for?
The Fuzzy Rating Scales and a Random Fuzzy Numbers-based Methodology to Statistically analyze Data from them
From Smart to Cognitive Cities with Soft Computing
Fuzzy Systems in Big Data and Data Science
Modeling Decisions: Information Fusion and Aggregation Operators
Fuzzy Logic in Machine Learning
Aggregation guided by Fuzzy Quantifiers in Information Retrieval and in Social Media Analytics
On the Mathematics of Programming with Fuzzy Logic
Information Diffusion, Social Networks and Genetic Algorithms for Social Simulation of Marketing and Electoral Processes
A Hundred Words are Worth a Million Data: Data-To-Text Systems
On the Origin of Fuzzy Sets, Fuzzy Systems and Fuzzy Logic
Introduction to Fuzzy Set Theory and Possibility Theory
Imprecise Probabilities and Statistics with Coarse Data
From Granular Computing to Fuzzy Modeling
2nd Keystone Training School
Collective Intelligence: Crowdsourcing groundtruth data for large scale evaluation in Information Retrieva
Aggregating Multiple Dimensions for Computing Document Relevance
Interactive keyword-based access to large-scale structured datasets
Semantic annotation and expansion for keyword queries
Big data storage and analytics, including network science and graph stores
Information Retrieval Evaluation
Linked Open Data: Challenges and Opportunities
Visualization and Querying of Linked Open Data sources
MOOCs and learning in social networks
Gravación de Clases - Cara á Elaboración de OERs para MOOCs
Aprender sobre a Aprendizaxe - O Poder dos Datos
Accesibilidade e Aprendizaxe Social a través de Tecnoloxías Dixitais
MOOCs e Redes de Aprendizaxe Social
IbPRIA 2015: 7th Iberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Direct and Dense 3D Reconstruction from Autonomous Quadrotors
Visual illusions: sometimes it is better not to see the truth!
Towards Affordable Self-driving Cars
DSM-TP 2013: 4th International Summer School on Domain Specific Modeling - Theory and Practice
MDD Life in the trenches
Formal modeling of knowledge-based workflows
A model of a meta-modeling framework
Semantic Domain: Petri Nets
Analysis of Petri Nets in Alpina - Theory
Automated (Formal) Domain Verification with FORMULA
Code Synthesis (and Model Transformations for)
Definition of RPG language semantics using ATL + EGL + DSLTrans
Language Semantics
Semantic Domain: State Charts
Engineering Textual Domain Specific Languages
Domain Engineering Theory (SPLs, FMs, RE, KAOS)
Model Transformations Overview
BD&DS: Big Data & Data Science
BD & DS: Unha perspectiva computacional
Web Semántica e Linked Data
NoSQL: Introdución as Bases de Datos non estruturadas
Visualización dos Datos: Contando a historia
O papel do Cloud Computing no BD & DS
Manexando información espacio-temporal
Bioinformática da ultrasecuenciación
Big Data & Data Science. Presente e Futuro
Analizando a Web Social
Recuperación da Información: Actualidade e retos
WAF2012: XIII Workshop of Physical Agents
Towards Motor Skill Learning for Robotics
Bidirectional Assistance in Human Robot Interaction
SEMATICA 2011: First Doctoral Seminar in Transfer Applications and Computational Intelligence
Redacción y gestión de proyectos de I+D+i
Licencias libres: software, documentación y otros contenidos
Transferencia, protección y valorización de resultados de investigación
Selección de variables en problemas de clasificación supervisada
Recomendación y personalización en el ámbito de Internet
AISoy: Robots que sienten, perciben y deciden
Machine Learning en la E-salud
Robótica inteligente
La textrónica, nuevo paradigma en el desarrollo de soluciones e-health
Experiencias en la divulgación de la ciencia y la tecnología
Web inteligente y que aprende
Aprendizaje automático aplicado a las telecomunicaciones
Comunicación científico-técnica oral y escrita
Artificial Intelligence: science, technology, fiction or marketing?
Modelado del conocimiento en la web
Inteligencia artificial en las redes sociales: la I.A. 2.0
Inteligencia colectiva: modelos de enjambre aplicados a problemas de optimización
Computación biomolecular, un punto de encuentro entre la computación, la biología y la nanotecnología
Minería de datos: máquinas que aprenden
Computación bioinspirada: cuando la informática imita a los seres vivos
Lógica borrosa: máquinas que razonan con sentido común
Filosofía e inteligencia artificial
Razonamiento automatizado
El fascinante viaje de la I.A.
Inteligencia artificial y las tecnologías asistenciales en el ámbito de la e-Salud