Job offer for postdoctoral researchers at CiTIUS

The Research Center in Information Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela (CiTIUS) is seeking postdoctoral researchers for a period of two years.

CiTIUS is part of the Campus Vida of the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), which has been acknowledged as one from the eight International Campuses of Excellence by the Spanish Ministries of Education, Science and Innovation and it aspires to become 1 of the top 100 best biocampuses worldwide. CiTIUS, created as one of the fundamental pieces of the research strategy of Campus Vida, undertakes almost all the research activities of USC in the area of Information Technologies.  Currently, the CiTIUS hosts 32 senior researchers, which have been selected by an external scientific advisory board, and a total of 100 researchers. Since its creation in 2011, CiTIUS researchers have published more than 100 JCR papers and participated in more than 60 R&D projects, most of them in collaboration with the industry sector. CiTIUS researchers have also promoted 3 new spin-offs and 2 other entrepreneurship initiatives are incubating.

Researcher profile

CiTIUS research lines are structured in seven Scientific Programs. Succesfull candidates will work in a project in one of the following research areas (please see links for more details):

  1. [Artificial Vision](#Artificial Vision)
  2. High performance computing and cloud computing
  3. e-Health
  4. [Data engineering](#data eng)
  5. [Ambient intelligence and multimodal interfaces](#ambient int)
  6. [Business intelligence](#business int)
  7. [Web intelligence](#web int)
  8. [Personal robots](#personal robots)
  9. Innovating in smart services and wearables

Offer research objectives and specific required skills are detailed below for each research area.

Position details

Candidates must include in their application a motivation letter with a research proposal in one of the above mentioned areas. Applications without a research proposal or not aligned with the research lines listed will not be considered.

The postdoctoral position is for a period of two years. The contract period may be extended if successful candidates comply the Marie Curie mobility rule: not have resided or carried out their main activity in the host country (Spain) for more than 12 months in the last 3 years. Applicants will receive a gross salary of about 2.630€ per month (31.600€ per year). The estimated date of commencement is May or June 2015.

Number of positions available: 2

Qualifications and Skills

We seek highly motivated candidates with the ability to work effectively in a team environment as well as in interdisciplinary research groups. The applicants must have received their doctoral degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or related fields. Fluent English is essential.
Information about Scientific Program research lines, publications and projects can be found in this link.
Selection criteria will be scientific excellence of the candidate and the interest of the research proposal described in the motivation letter.


The application must contain information of research background and work experience, including:

  1. A detailed CV, including personal contact information and list of publications
  2. A brief research proposal in one of the above mentioned topics
  3. A motivation letter outlining background and experience

Applications must be submitted by e-mail to with the subject: “Postdoctoral position: [Research project name]"

Closing date for applications: 08.03.15 at 23h59 CET (UCT +01:00)

Details about research lines

1. Artificial Vision

A. Description and Research objectives

The Artificial Vision Scientific Program is interested in a postdoctoral researcher with broad knowledge in artificial vision techniques and proposes four research objectives for the position:

  • Design of low-power smart CMOS cameras with energy-harvesting capabilities.
  • 2D and 3D image acquisition and processing either stereo of ToF
  • Design of distributed lightweight vision algorithms on low-cost battery-operated hardware platforms.
  • Vision algorithms for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)

B. Qualifications and skills

Applicants must have a doctoral degree in the field of Electronic Engineering, Physics or Computer Science.
The candidates need to have a strong background in some of the following fields:

  • Mixed-signal design: strong background in Cadence design tools and knowledge of ASIC design methodology
  • Computer vision with emphasis on distributed algorithms
  • Digital design (ARM, FPGA, DSP, …): able to make system level judgment and associated trade-offs. Experience in RTL design and verification of ICs is a plus
  • Visual systems for 3D reconstruction in UAVs

The applicants must have good communication skills, be able to work in a team environment and have fluent English skills.

2. High performance computing and cloud computing

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

3. e-Health

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

4. Data engineering

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

5. Ambient intelligence and multimodal interfaces

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

6. Business Intelligence

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

7. Web Intelligence

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

8. Personal Robots

See scientific and technological objectives in the following link

9. Innovating in smart services and wearables

A. Description and Research objectives

The future is likely to see an enormous growth of sensorized personal smart systems and wearables. Personal computing is shifting towards handheld devices characterized by many features of interest: (a) high-end reliable sensors previously unavailable to lay users—cameras, microphones, GPS receivers, accelerometers, gyroscopes, magnetometers, light, and touch sensors; (b) increasing processing power; (c) a growing number of advanced software libraries, including signal processing modules; (d) continuous internet connectivity through wireless and mobile data networks; and (e) high mobility, due to small weight, small size, and battery power.  Nevertheless, the ability of new intelligent systems to process information is not enough.  Personal smart devices and wearables will need to be endowed with a new level of cognitive skills and intelligence, to expand the number of tasks that can solve, and to allow the improvement of their possibilities and ability to operate in open-ended environments, with natural interaction with humans and other artificial cognitive systems.

From this point of view, these personal smart systems can benefit from recent advances in personal robots. Just to mention an example, all research that has been done in robot localization has the potential to play a vital role in the indoor localization capabilities of the next generation of these smart personal devices.

The CiTIUS research program Personal Robots brings together an important number of researchers with an important trajectory in robotics and computer vision. We are interested in a postdoctoral researcher with important skills and knowledge in sensorized personal smart systems. The aim is that the joint work of the candidate in conjunction with other researchers in the field of robotics, machine learning and computer vision, allows facing new and open challenges to achieve smart systems with new levels of cognitive skills and intelligence: ability to learn, adapt, deliberate, weigh alternatives, take decisions on incomplete data, face complex tasks such as inertial navigation, etc.

B. Qualifications and skills

Applicants must have a doctoral degree in computer science, preferably in artificial intelligence, and must be fluent in English. Experience in one or more of the following items will be an advantage:

  • Research on sensor data treatment with accelerometers, gyroscopes, or magnetometers.
  • Background in inertial navigation, or indoor positioning.
  • Programming for android and/or iOS devices (e.g. smartphones, smartwatches, wrists, etc.).

The candidate will collaborate with people that are already developing research in robotics and computer vision. Therefore we look for a person able to provide a bridge amongst sensorized personal smart devices and recent advances in robotics, machine learning and computer vision. Hence, although it would be very interesting that the candidate has some kind of knowledge in machine learning or computer vision, it is more valuable the knowledge in these sensorized personal smart devices and their open challenges.