
Randomised-crossover clinical trial on the substantivity of a single application of a gel containing chlorhexidine and o-cymen-5-ol on the oral biofilm and saliva
Measuring and implementing lexical alignment: A systematic literature review
Applications of Computer Vision, 2nd Edition
Open Generative Large Language Models for Galician
Early Vision on the Focal-Plane With High Dynamic Range Pixels
A Macro-Pixel Based RGBZ CMOS Image Sensor for Simultaneous Color and Multifrequency Depth Image Acquisition
Overview of eRisk at CLEF 2024: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (Extended Overview)
Overview of eRisk 2024: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
Enseñando pensamiento computacional con perspectiva de género en las escuelas
ResNeTS: a ResNet for Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-2 Data Applied to Grassland Plant-Biodiversity Prediction
Low-Voltage CMOS Capacitor-Less LDOs: Bulk-Driven Versus Gate-Driven Comparative Study
Efficient phylogenetic tree inference for massive taxonomic datasets: harnessing the power of a server to analyze 1 million taxa
Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World? Challenges and Perspective
HPC Solutions for ALS Point Cloud Processing in Pathfinding and Powerline Detection and Characterization
Population-based detection of children ASD/ADHD comorbidity from atypical sensory processing
Deep learning with simulated laser scanning data for 3D point cloud classification
Region-based multispectral image registration on heterogeneous computing platforms
5-bit Signed SRAM-Based In-Memory Computing Cell
Web Search or Conversation with an Artificial Intelligence? Analysis of Misinformation and Relevance in the Case of Radon Gas
MPI4All: Universal Binding Generation for MPI Parallel Programming
Large Language Models for Binary Health-Related Question Answering: A Zero- and Few-Shot Evaluation
A User Study on the Utility of Context-Aware Explanations for Assisting Data Scientists in Error Analysis of Fuzzy Decision Trees
A new thread-level speculative automatic parallelization model and library based on duplicate code execution
Quick Hidden Layer Size Tuning in ELM for Classification Problems
Enriquecimiento de explicaciones interactivas en asistentes conversacionales usando redes de restricciones temporales difusas
High-performant and easy-to-use solutions for complex parallel problems
Improving Aggressiveness Detection using a Data Augmentation Technique based on a Diffusion Language Model
Redes convolucionales basadas en escalado uniforme de dimensiones para la clasificación de imágenes multiespectrales
GAN-based data augmentation for the classification of remote sensing multispectral images
Enriching Interactive Explanations with Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Networks
Abriendo la caja negra de la IA: Avances en Inteligencia Artificial Explicable (XAI)
TextFocus: Assessing the Faithfulness of Feature Attribution Methods Explanations in Natural Language Processing
MultiParaDetox: Extending Text Detoxification with Parallel Data to New Languages
Toxicity Classification in Ukrainian
SCOOP All the Constraints’ Flavours for Your Knowledge Graph
Inteligencia Artificial y Métodos Big Data para el estudio masivo de datos en Internet: Nuevas metodologías para el análisis de información sanitaria en línea
Powerline Detection and Characterization in General-Purpose Airborne LiDAR Surveys
Propagating Ontology Changes to Declarative Mappings in Construction of Knowledge Graphs
Multi3Generation: Multitask, Multilingual, and Multimodal Language Generation
Exploring the Challenges of Behaviour Change Language Classification: A Study on Semi-Supervised Learning and the Impact of Pseudo-Labelled Data
Introducing User Feedback-Based Counterfactual Explanations (UFCE)
ReproHum #0927-3: Reproducing The Human Evaluation Of The DExperts Controlled Text Generation Method
Sexism Detection on a Data Diet
Live Demonstration: A Mixed-Mode Signal CMOS Chip for Hyperdimensional Computing
Semi-Supervised Learning in the Field of Conversational Agents and Motivational Interviewing
LudoTrack: Web Mining, Search Technologies and Natural Language Processing for the Early Detection of Pathological Gambling
Comparison of Clustering Algorithms for Knowledge Discovery in Social Media Publications: A Case Study of Mental Health Analysis
PrimerEvalPy: a tool for in-silico evaluation of primers for targeting the microbiome
Model Performance Prediction for Hyperparameter Opti- mization of Deep Learning Models Using High Performance Computing and Quantum Annealing
High Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing: The Third Edition of the School Organized by the HDCRS Working Group of the GRSS Earth Science Informatics Technical Committee [Technical Committees]
CPU and GPU oriented optimizations for LiDAR data processing
REACH: Researching Efficient Alignment-based Conformance Checking
VERONA: A python library for benchmarking deep learning in business process monitoring
Closed-form Gaussian spread estimation for small and large support vector classification
An Empirical Study on the Number of Items in Human Evaluation of Automatically Generated Texts
Empowering the SDM-RDFizer Tool for Scaling Up to Complex Knowledge Graph Creation Pipelines
Customizable orodispersible films: Inkjet printing and data matrix encoding for personalized hydrocortisone dosing
eRisk 2024: Depression, Anorexia, and Eating Disorder Challenges
A user study on people’s perception to the credibility of online health information
Delving into the Depths: Evaluating Depression Severity through BDI-biased Summaries
Declarative generation of RDF-star graphs from heterogeneous data
CorpusNÓS: A massive Galician corpus for training large language models
DepressMind: A Depression Surveillance System for Social Media Analysis
Design of segmentation algorithms to recognize interested cells in microscopy biological images
Increasing manually annotated resources for Galician: the Parallel Universal Dependencies Treebank
A new path towards ultra-high efficient laser power converters: Silicon carbide-based multijunction devices
Assessing Intel OneAPI capabilities and cloud-performance for heterogeneous computing
Process-to-Text: A Framework for the Automatic Generation of Natural Language Descriptions of Processes
OralImmunoAnalyser: a software tool to immunohistochemical assessment of oral leukoplakia using image segmentation and classification models
HOPBAS10K: A 98×98 Pixels CMOS Vision Sensor for Background Subtraction
Using heterogeneous computing and edge computing to accelerate anomaly detection in remotely sensed multispectral images
Narrativas culturais sobre Santiago de Compostela: técnicas de análise automática mediante Processamento de Linguagem Natural
Software BreastAnalyser for the semi-automatic analysis of breast cancer immunohistochemical images
Software-assisted identification of non-native pitch elements for Russian-speaking learners of Spanish
An operational framework for guiding human evaluation in Explainable and Trustworthy AI
QPU integration in OpenCL for heterogeneous programming
Cognitive and clinical predictors of a long-term course in obsessive compulsive disorder: A machine learning approach in a prospective cohort study
An Unsupervised Perplexity-Based Method for Boilerplate Removal
CDS Free Frame Differencing Event Vision Pixel with Lateral Overflow Capacitor for Dynamic Range Extension
Global shutter CMOS vision sensors and event cameras for on-chip dynamic information
Can we predict behavior problems in children with autism?
Simultaneous Multifrequency Demodulation for Single-Shot Multiple-Path ToF Imaging
Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um modelo NER no domínio da análise cultural e do turismo
Deep Learning Models for Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes
Technologies for extracting and analysing the credibility of health-related online content
Estudio estadístico de fluctuaciones en transistores MOSFET multipuerta ultraescalados
Crawford, Kate (2023). Atlas de IA. Poder, política y costes planetarios de la inteligencia artificial Barcelona: Ned Ediciones
XSD2SHACL: Capturing RDF Constraints from XML Schema
Re-Construction Impact on Metadata Representation Models
Contextualized word senses: from attention to compositionality
Inteligencia Artificial para el análisis de información sobre riesgos para la salud en Internet
The RML Ontology: A Community-Driven Modular Redesign After a Decade of Experience in Mapping Heterogeneous Data to RDF
Investigating Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable Artificial Intelligence
CL-XAI: Toward enriched Cognitive Learning with eXplainable Artificial Intelligence
GIPS: Geometry-Inspired Passive ToF Sensing for 3D Depth Reconstruction
Recent Advances in Computational Time-of-Flight Imaging
Beyond plain toxic: building datasets for detection of flammable topics and inappropriate statements
Maximum output power point tracking for photovoltaic energy harvesting systems: Mathematical model and circuit implementation
Error syntax aware augmentation of feedback comment generation dataset
Optimization of thermionic cooling semiconductor heterostructures with deep learning techniques
Downsampling GAN for Small Object Data Augmentation
Promoting equality in higher education computer programming courses through cooperative learning
A Summer School Session on Mastering Geospatial Artificial Intelligence: From Data Production to Artificial Intelligence Foundation Model Development and Downstream Applications
Argumentative Conversational Agents for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Implementación paralela del algoritmo HSI-MSER para el registro de imágenes hiperespectrales
Overview of eRisk 2023: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
Overview of eRisk at CLEF 2023: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (extended overview)
The Droid You're Looking For: C-4PM, a Conversational Agent for Declarative Process Mining
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an Aortic Stenosis Integrated Care Process
MSCF: Multi-Scale Canny Filter to Recognize Cells in Microscopic Images
Estudio del contexto de ejecución en monitorización predictiva de procesos
The role of Speculations for Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: A use case on Art Genre Classification
Some lessons learned reproducing human evaluation of a data-to-text system
Detecting Text Formality: A Study of Text Classification Approaches
Health Information on the Internet: Relevant Search Results about Radon
A Test Dataset of Offensive Malay Language by a Cyberbullying Detection Model on Instagram Using Support Vector Machine
An accurate machine learning model to study the impact of realistic metal grain granularity on Nanosheet FETs
Kalman Filter-Driven Blind Source Localization for Passive 3D ToF Imaging
Personality trait analysis during the COVID-19 pandemic: a comparative study on social media
Digital forensic analysis of the private mode of browsers on Android
Short-term anti-plaque effect of a cymenol mouthwash analysed using the DenTiUS Deep Plaque software: a randomised clinical trial
An empirically supported approach to the treatment of imprecision in vague reasoning
Photogeneration and Performance Optimization (PhPO): A New Algorithm to Improve the Performance of Vertical Epitaxial Hetero-Structure Architecture Laser Power Converters
BigSeqKit: a parallel Big Data toolkit to process FASTA and FASTQ files at scale
CT-based radiomics to predict KRAS mutation in CRC patients using a machine learning algorithm: a retrospective study
Beyond Prediction Similarity: ShapGAP for Evaluating Faithful Surrogate Models in XAI
A machine learning approach to model the impact of line edge roughness on gate-all-around nanowire FETs while reducing the carbon footprint
Visual Multi-Object Tracking through Deep Learning
Técnicas de análisis forense para la evaluación de la privacidad e integridad de la información: navegadores web y ataques de ransomware
A Confusion Matrix for Evaluating Feature Attribution Methods
Prospective comparison of SURF and binary keypoint descriptors for fast hyperspectral remote sensing registration
Efficient Query over Large Datasets of Analytical Chemistry
Maximum Output Power Point Tracking for Low Power Photovoltaic Energy Harvesting Systems
Improving the performance of photovoltaic laser power converters using automatic global optimization techniques
A general toolkit for advanced semiconductor transistors: from simulation to machine learning
Accelerated Extinction Profiles for Anomaly Detection in Fluvial Ecosystems
Learning context-based representations of events in complex processes
S2 -LOR: Supervised Stream Learning for Object Recognition
Few-Shot Image Classification for Automatic COVID-19 Diagnosis
An ensemble-based phenotype classifier to diagnose Crohn’s disease from 16s rRNA gene sequences
Relation networks for few-shot video object detection
Recovering from Memory the Encryption Keys Used by Ransomware Targeting Windows and Linux Systems
Depth Estimation and Image Restoration by Deep Learning from Defocused Images
Don’t Lose the Message While Paraphrasing: A Study on Content Preserving Style Transfer
Embedding Graph Convolutional Networks in Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Monitoring
Exploring the balance between interpretability and performance with carefully designed constrainable neural additive models
Aprendizaxe de materias de programación e intelixencia artificial con perspectiva de xénero
Accurate Modelling of a GaAs-Based Laser Power Converter
Analysis of the statistical impact of variability in a 12 nm nanosheet FET
Consensus Techniques for Unsupervised Binary Change Detection Using Multi-Scale Segmentation Detectors for Land Cover Vegetation Images
ResBaGAN: a Residual Balancing GAN with data augmentation for forest maping
Two-dimensional visualization of classification and regression problems. Automatic prediction of behavior from sensory data in autism spectrum disorder
Quantum Recurrent Neural Networks for Multivariate Time Series Prediction
Dynamic workload optimisation on NUMA and heterogeneous architectures
Information-Seeking Dialogue for Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Modelling and Analytics
An Art Painting Style Explainable Classifier grounded on Logical and Commonsense Reasoning
An accurate neural network model to study threshold voltage variability due to metal grain granularity in Nanosheet FETs
Optimizing AI-based HEP algorithms using HPC and Quantum Computing
Ensemble and continual federated learning for classification tasks.
Techniques for the extraction of spatial and spectral information in the supervised classification of hyperspectral imagery for land-cover applications
OPERA-gSAM: Big Data Processing Framework for UMI Sequencing at High Scalability and Efficiency
Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing Workshops
DisorBERT: A Double Domain Adaptation Model for Detecting Signs of Mental Disorders in Social Media
Hypothesis Testing for Matched Pairs with Missing Data by Maximum Mean Discrepancy: An Application to Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Towards Ultra-High Efficiency Laser Power Converters: 3C- SiC-Based Vertical Epitaxial Hetero-Structure Architecture Devices
AI literacy in K-12: a systematic literature review
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): What we know and what is left to attain Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
A systematic overview of dental methods for age assessment in living individuals: from traditional to artificial intelligence-based approaches
Impact of 16S rRNA Gene Redundancy and Primer Pair Selection on the Quantification and Classification of Oral Microbiota in Next-Generation Sequencing
eRisk 2023: Depression, Pathological Gambling, and Eating Disorder Challenges
Handgrip strength conditional tolerance regions suggest the need for personalized sarcopenia definition: an analysis of the American NHANES database
Improving the Reliability of Health Information Credibility Assessments
The Role of Lexical Alignment in Human Understanding of Explanations by Conversational Agents
In silico evaluation and selection of the best 16S rRNA gene primers for use in next-generation sequencing to detect oral bacteria and archaea
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Alzheimer’s Disease: State of the Art, Opportunities, and Challenges
Validation Analysis of Panoramic Dental Application (PDApp) Software as a Tool for Predicting Third Molar Eruption Based on Panoramic Radiograph Images
Leveraging posts’ and authors’ metadata to spot several forms of abusive comments in Twitter
Simultaneous fabrication of multiple tablets within seconds using tomographic volumetric 3D printing
Characterizing zebra crossing zones using LiDAR data
Identification of Asthma Phenotypes in the Spanish MEGA Cohort Study Using Cluster Analysis
Estudio y optimización de herramientas numéricas para simulación de dispositivos semiconductores
Deep Learning for Predictive Business Process Monitoring: Review and Benchmark
Efficient Access to Heterogeneous Environmental Data Repositories Through Linked Data Standards
Contributions on metric spaces with applications in personalized medicine
New technologies to bridge the gap between High Performance Computing (HPC) and Big Data
La Llei Paz Andrade i l’ús del portuguès per a la traducció automàtica al gallec
A few‑shot approach for COVID‑19 screening in standard and portable chest X‑ray images
Low-Power Techniques on a CMOS Vision Sensor Chip for Event Generation by Frame Differencing with High Dynamic Range
An empirical study on how humans appreciate automated counterfactual explanations which embrace imprecise information
Passive 3D Time-of-Flight Imaging leveraging VLC Infrastructure
Evaluating Contextualized Vectors from both Large Language Models and Compositional Strategies”
Security by Design for Big Data Frameworks over Cloud Computing
Recent Advances in Digital Humanities: Romance Language Applications.
A Hybrid CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI Parallel TCA-based Domain Adaptation for Classification of Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
Spatio-temporal convolutional neural networks for video object detection
Ultra Fast Classification and Regression of High-Dimensional Problems Projected on 2D
Continual federated machine learning under concept drift
CiTIUS at the TREC 2022 Health Misinformation Track
A comprehensive Pelgrom-based on-current variability model for FinFET, NWFET and NSFET
Real-Time Siamese Multiple Object Tracker with Enhanced Proposals
Study and comparison of different Machine Learning-based approaches to solve the inverse problem in Electrical Impedance Tomographies
Ultra-Low-Power Low-Input-Voltage Charge Pump for Micro-Energy Harvesting Applications
Pseudo-Passive Time-of-Flight Imaging: Simultaneous Illumination, Communication, and 3D Sensing
A intelixencia artificial fiable: moda ou necesidade?
Guidance in storytelling tables supports emotional development in kindergartners
Federated Learning from Demonstration for Active Assistance to Smart Wheelchair Users
Pelgrom-based predictive model to estimate metal grain granularity and line edge roughness in advanced multigate MOSFETs
A General-Purpose CMOS Vision Sensor with In-Pixel 5-bit Convolutional Layer Computation
Fast Time-Domain Super-Resolution for Single-Shot Multi-Path ToF Imaging
2HDED:NET for joint depth estimation and image deblurring from a single out-of-focus image
Guidelines for Bimodal Virtual Assistants
Virtual LiDAR simulation as a high performance computing challenge: Towards HPC HELIOS++
Fast Support Vector Classifier for large-scale classification problems
Providing female role models in STEM higher education careers, a teaching experience
Impacto de la segmentación en superpíxeles sobre clasificadores de imágenes multiespectrales basados en aprendizaje profundo
An exploration of the semantic knowledge in vector models: polysemy, synonymy and idiomaticity
Proxecto Nós: Artificial Intelligence at the Service of the Galician Language
Alineamiento de imágenes multiespectrales de teledetección en un clúster de GPUs
ICA2TEXT: A system for the automatic natural language description of air quality time series
Automatic detection of Alzheimer’s disease progression: An efficient information fusion approach with heterogeneous ensemble classifiers
Early Detection of Mental Health Disorders by Social Media Monitoring
The Challenge of Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
The future of eRisk
A Survey of the First Five Years of eRisk: Findings and Conclusions
Early Risk Prediction of Mental Health Disorders
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an Aortic Stenosis Integrated Care Process
XAS: Automatic yet eXplainable Age and Sex determination by combining imprecise per-tooth predictions
IDALib: a Python library for efficient image data augmentation
TAQE: A Data Modeling Framework for Traffic and Air Quality Applications in Smart Cities
A full data augmentation pipeline for small object detection based on generative adversarial networks
A comprehensive Pelgrom-based on-current variability model for FinFET, NWFET and NSFET
Framework para la Descripción Automática de Procesos en Lenguaje Natural: Aplicación en un Proceso Asistencial Integrado de Estenosis Aórtica
Overview of eRisk 2022: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
Overview of eRisk 2022: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (Extended Overview)
Kinematic screws and dual quaternion based motion controllers
Robotic Motion Coordination Based on a Geometric Deformation Measure
Fast Multi-Object Tracking with Feature Pyramid and Region Proposal Networks
A survey on machine learning in array databases
Laser power converter architectures based on 3C-SiC with efficiencies > 80%
Non-IID data and Continual Learning processes in Federated Learning: A long road ahead
Low-cost mobile mapping system solution for traffic sign segmentation using Azure Kinect
Do we still need Human Assessors? Prompt based GPT-3 User Simulation in Conversational AI
Estimating Knee Movement Patterns of Recreational Runners Across Training Sessions Using Multilevel Functional Regression Models
Multi-GPU registration of high-resolution multispectral images using HSI-KAZE in a cluster system
A Multistage Retrieval System for Health-related Misinformation Detection
Dealing with hallucination and omission in neural Natural Language Generation: A use case on meteorology
Measuring Model Understandability by means of Shapley Additive Explanations
FCE: Feedback based Counterfactual Explanations for Explainable AI
SemEval-2022 Task 2: Multilingual Idiomaticity Detection and Sentence Embedding
Incremental Learning from Low-labelled Stream Data in Open-Set Video Face Recognition
Enseñando a diseñar sistemas software para la sostenibilidad: una experiencia docente
An Optimized Superpixel-based Domain Adaptation Scheme for River Ecosystem Classification
Social Minder: a tool for social media monitoring and its use for detecting COVID-19 misinformation
A neural machine translation system for Galician from transliterated Portuguese text
Perspectiva de género en Inteligencia Artificial, una necesidad
Ultra-low power CMOS circuit design for energy harvesting applications
The Nós Project: Opening routes for the Galician language in the field of language technologies
Automatic marbling prediction of sliced dry-cured ham using image segmentation, texture analysis and regression
Euro-Par 2021: Parallel Processing Workshops Euro-Par 2021 International Workshops, Lisbon, Portugal, August 30-31, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
The emerging potential of interactive virtual reality in drug discovery
Design of a 5-bit SRAM-based In-Memory Computing Cell for Deep Learning Models
Group VR experiences can produce ego attenuation and connectedness comparable to psychedelics
Large-area and low-cost force/tactile capacitive sensor for soft robotic applications
A 2-Tap Macro-Pixel-Based Indirect ToF CMOS Image Sensor for Multi-Frequency Demodulation
A computational psycholinguistic evaluation of the syntactic abilities of Galician BERT models at the interface of dependency resolution and training time
New neural networks based on extreme learning machine
A machine learning approach in autism spectrum disorders: from sensory processing to behavior problems
Fuzzy quantified protoforms for data-to-text systems: a new model with applications
Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children
Adaptive Deformation Control for Elastic Linear Objects
Real-Time Focused Extraction of Social Media Users
Spatiotemporal tubelet feature aggregation and object linking for small object detection in videos
Using Machine Learning Techniques to Predict Adolescents’ Involvement in Family Conflict
A Unified Framework to Improve the Interoperability between HPC and Big Data Languages and Programming Models
eRisk 2022: pathological gambling, depression and eating disorder challenges
High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing: HDCRS-A New Working Group of the GRSS Earth Science Informatics Technical Committee
CIMAR, NIMAR, and LMMA: Novel algorithms for thread and memory migrations in user space on NUMA systems using hardware counters
Dependence of the vertical - tunnel - junction GaAs solar cell on concentration and temperature
A Targeted Assessment of the Syntactic Abilities of Transformer Models for Galician-Portuguese
SemantiGal: An online visualizer of vector representations for Galician
Ideal kernel tuning: fast and scalable selection of the radial basis kernel spread for support vector classification
Interpretable Clinical Time-Series Modeling with Intelligent Feature Selection for Early Prediction of Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance
Enabling Efficient Distributed Spatial Join on Large Scale Vector-Raster Data Lakes
Tactile-Based Task Definition Through Edge Contact Formation Setpoints for Object Exploration and Manipulation
Meta-heuristics for generation of linguistic descriptions of weather data: experimental comparison of two approaches
A day at the races: Using best arm identification algorithms to reduce the cost of information retrieval user studies
Dynamic Evaluation of Deformable Object Grasping
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an aortic stenosis integrated care process
Deep learning for chronological age and sex prediction from dental panoramic radiographs
Automatic generation of textual descriptions in data-to-text systems using a fuzzy temporal ontology: Application in air quality index data series
Estimating Remaining Time of Business Processes with structural attributes of the traces
Viability Study of Machine Learning-Based Prediction of COVID-19 Pandemic Impact in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Patients
In-Silico Detection of Oral Prokaryotic Species With Highly Similar 16S rRNA Sequence Segments Using Different Primer Pairs
Design of CGAN Models for Multispectral Reconstruction in Remote Sensing
Agrupamiento dinámico de complejos QRS en tiempo real
Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Digital forensic analysis methodology for private browsing: Firefox and Chrome on Linux as a case study
A highly optimized skeleton for unbalanced and deep divide‑and‑conquer algorithms on multi‑core clusters
Quick extreme learning machine for large-scale classification
Stochastic embeddings of dynamical phenomena through variational autoencoders
GeoSPARQL query support for scientific raster array data
Tracking More Than 100 Arbitrary Objects at 25 FPS Through Deep Learning
Concept drift detection and adaptation for federated and continual learning
A fast and optimal pathfinder using airborne LiDAR data
Uso de tecnologias linguı́sticas para estudar a evolução dos sufixos -ÇOM e -VEL no galego-português medieval a partir de corpora históricos
A New Multispectral Data Augmentation Technique Based on Data Imputation
The TRASGO Project. Present Status and Results
Incremental Learning through Unsupervised Adaptation in Video Face Recognition
Review of soft fluidic actuators: classification and materials modeling analysis
Proposal of a Single-Shot Multi-Frame Multi-Frequency CMOS ToF Sensor
An 11 mA Capacitor-Less LDO with 3.08 nA Quiescent Current and SSF-Based Adaptive Biasing
Parallelization and Optimization of Iterative Solvers On High Performance Architectures
Efficient Registration of Multi and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images on GPU
HSI-MSER: Hyperspectral Image Registration Algorithm based on MSER and SIFT
Extreme learning machine with confidence interval based bias initialization
Virtual laser scanning with HELIOS++: A novel take on ray tracing-based simulation of topographic full-waveform 3D laser scanning
CiTIUS at the TREC 2021 Health Misinformation Track
0.6-V-VIN 7.0-nA-IQ 0.75-mA-IL CMOS Capacitor-Less LDO for Low-Voltage Micro-Energy-Harvested Supplies
A fault-tolerant clustering algorithm for processing data from multiple streams
Analysing Agreement Among Different Evaluators in God Class and Feature Envy Detection
PrimerEvalPy: a tool for in-silico evaluation of primers for targeting the microbiome
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Searching and Mining Large Collectiions of Geospatial Data (GeoSearch 2021).
General framework for the optimization of the human-robot collaboration decision-making process through the ability to change performance metrics
Exploring human-guided strategies for reaction network exploration: Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality as a tool for citizen scientists
GaAs Vertical-Tunnel-Junction Converter for Ultra-High Laser Power Transfer
A Conformance Checking-based Approach for Sudden Drift Detection in Business Processes
A comparison of machine learning algorithms on design smell detection using balanced and imbalanced dataset: A study of God class
Behavioral-based algorithms for process model simplification
Una metodología semiautomática de anotación de entidades nombradas para la creación de un gold standard
Spatio-Temporal Object Detection from UAV On-Board Cameras
Embedded ethics to teach machine learning courses: an experience
Impact of metal grain granularity on three gate-all-around advanced architectures
Simulations of Statistical Variability in n-Type FinFET, Nanowire, and Nanosheet FETs
Hybrid Intelligence Strategies for Identifying, Classifying and Analyzing Political Bots
Una nueva técnica de aumentado de datos para la clasificación de imágenes hiperespectrales mediante CNN
Influencia del algoritmo de segmentación en la precisión y el coste computacional de la detección de cambios multiclase sobre imágenes hiperespectrales
Prometheus: Harnessing Fuzzy Logic and Natural Language for Human-centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Evaluación empírica de modelos de cuantificación borrosa aplicados a un agente conversacional
Un sistema para la descripción automática en lenguaje natural de gráficas de sectores: aplicación en datos de calidad del aire
Comparing Traditional and Neural Approaches for detecting Health-related Misinformation
BrEarth: Tecnología de almacenes de datos para el cerebro de la tierra
CiTIUS at FakeDeS 2021: A Hybrid Strategy for Fake News Detection
Overview of eRisk 2021: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (extended overview)
Overview of eRisk 2021: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
In-silico Selection of the Best 16S rRNA Gene Primers for Detecting Oral Bacteria and Archaea
Redundancy of 16S rRNA Genes in Genomes from Oral Bacteria and Archaea
Predictive Potential of Anatomical Tooth Relationships for Determining Chronological Age Using a Semi-automated Approach
A new data augmentation technique for the CNN-based classification of hyperspectral imagery
HDR 4T-APS Pixel for Event Generation by Frame Differencing
Discovery of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro peptide inhibitors from modelling substrate and ligand binding
COVID-19: Estimation of the transmission dynamics in Spain using a stochastic simulator and Black-Box optimization techniques
Semiconductor devices variability: modelling, characterization and data management
Automated description of the mandible shape by deep learning
ZFTool: A Software for Automatic Quantification of Cancer Cell Mass Evolution in Zebrafish
A Soft Robotic Gripper With an Active Palm and Reconfigurable Fingers for Fully Dexterous In-Hand Manipulation
Assessing the Representations of Idiomaticity in Vector Models with a Noun Compound Dataset Labeled at Type and Token Levels
Exploring the Representation of Word Meanings in Context: A Case Study on Homonymy and Synonymy
STDnet-ST: Spatio-Temporal ConvNet for Small Object Detection
AutoMeKin2021: An open-source program for automated reaction discovery
ChemDyME: Kinetically Steered, Automated Mechanism Generation through Combined Molecular Dynamics and Master Equation Calculations
Towards a Self-sufficient Face Verification System
A Framework for Analyzing Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics: A Use-case in Banking Services
Comparing area-based and feature-based methods for co-registration of multispectral bands on GPU
Fuzzy Temporal Protoforms for the Quantitative Description of Processes in Natural Language
Estimating the Reliability of Health-related Search Results
Deep learning based classification techniques for hyperspectral images in real time
Watershed Monitoring in Galicia from UAV Multispectral Imagery Using Advanced Texture Methods
Automatic linguistic reporting of customer activity patterns in open malls
Build 3D Abstractions with Wireframes
Colaboración entre docentes de una universidad alemana y una española para el desarrollo de seminarios prácticos acerca de la credibilidad de la información
A 0.6 V, ultra-low power, 1060 μm² self-biased PTAT voltage generator for implantable biomedical devices
Book Review: Embeddings in Natural Language Processing. Theory and Advances in Vector Representations of Meaning
Smart Toys++: Exploiting the Social Connectedness for Playing and Learning
Compositional Distributional Semantics with Syntactic Dependencies and Selectional Preferences
STERapp: Semiautomatic Software for Stereological Analysis. Application in the Estimation of Fish Fecundity
Unha experiencia da introducción da perspectiva de xénero en materias de Intelixencia Artificial
Threshold voltage variability study in a 12 nm gate length Nanosheet FET
Real-Time Multiple Object Visual Tracking for Embedded GPU Systems
A new AXT format for an efficient SpMV product using AVX-512 instructions and CUDA
Low Power CMOS vision sensor for foreground segmentation
Efficient access methods for very large distributed graph databases
Bases para el diseño y aplicación de una infraestructura de datos espaciales del patrimonio arqueológico
Glucodensities: A new representation of glucose profiles using distributional data analysis
LIPG endothelial lipase and breast cancer risk by subtypes
On the road to a unified Big Data and HPC framework
A Parallel Skeleton for Divide-and-conquer Unbalanced and Deep Problems
Design of Real-Time Multiple Object Visual Detection and Tracking Systems
Load balanced heterogeneous parallelism for finite difference problems on image denoising
Exoscarne: Assistive Strategies for an Industrial Meat Cutting System Based on Physical Human-Robot Interaction
Perspectiva de género en Inteligencia Artificial
Virtual laser scanning (VLS) in forestry – Investigating appropriate 3D forest representations for LiDAR simulations with HELIOS++
Probing for Idiomaticity in Vector Space Models
Short-term anchor linking and long-term self-guided attention for video object detection
Using Dependency-Based Contextualization for transferring Passive Constructions from English to Spanish
Exploratory study of the impact of project domain and size category on the detection of the God class design smell
Bertinho: Galician BERT Representations
Martini 3: a general purpose force field for coarse-grained molecular dynamics
Reliability Prediction for Health-related Content: A Replicability Study
eRisk 2021: Pathological Gambling, Self-Harm and Depression Challenges
Factual and Counterfactual Explanation of Fuzzy Information Granules
A Survey of Computational Methods for Online Mental State Assessment on Social Media
Cost-effective Identification of On-topic Search Queries using Multi-Armed Bandits
Testing the Tests: Simulation of Rankings to Compare Statistical Significance Tests in Information Retrieval Evaluation
Fixed-Cost Pooling Strategies
Enriching linguistic descriptions of data: A framework for composite protoforms
GPU accelerated waterpixel algorithm for superpixel segmentation of hyperspectral images
Modelling of the adsorption of urea herbicides by tropical soils with an Adaptive-Neural-based Fuzzy Inference System
Explainable Fuzzy Systems - Paving the Way from Interpretable Fuzzy Systems to Explainable AI Systems
Comparing Dependency-based Compositional Models with Contextualized Word Embedding
A Multilayer Multimodal Detection and Prediction Model based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Alzheimer’s Disease
LBMA and IMAR2: Weighted lottery based migration strategies for NUMA multiprocessing servers
IHP: a dynamic heterogeneous parallel scheme for iterative or time-step methods-- image denoising as case study
A Survey of Contrastive and Counterfactual Explanation Generation Methods for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
SiamMT: Real-Time Arbitrary Multi-Object Tracking
Correlation-based ConvNet for Small Object Detection in Videos
An Adaptive Video-to-Video Face Identification System Based on Self-Training
Robust Hybrid Deep Learning Models for Alzheimer’s Progression Detection
Does the threshold voltage extraction method affect device variability?
From Efficient Airborne LiDAR Data Processing and Classification to 3D Point Cloud Visualisation
Towards Harnessing Natural Language Generation to Explain Black-box Models
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI)
Deep Learning for Small Object Detection
Explaining Bayesian Networks in Natural Language: State of the Art and Challenges
A proof of concept on triangular test evaluation for Natural Language Generation
CitiusNLP at SemEval-2020 Task 3: Comparing Two Approaches for Word Vector Contextualization
Dual-Window Superpixel Data Augmentation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Plenary Talk on "Interactive Natural Language Technology for Human-Centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops
Compact CMOS Class-AB Output Stage With Robust Behavior Against PVT Variations
Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI)
Estimation of customer activity patterns in open malls by means of combining localization and process mining techniques
Concept Drift Detection and Adaptation for Robotics and Mobile Devices in Federated and Continual Settings
CiTIUS at the TREC 2020 Health Misinformation Track
Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality (iMD-VR) is an effective tool for flexible substrate and inhibitor docking to the SARS-CoV-2 main protease
Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality is an effective tool for flexible substrate and inhibitor docking to the SARS-CoV-2 main protease
Fast Distributed kNN Graph Construction Using Auto-tuned Locality-sensitive Hashing
Medidas de distância entre línguas baseadas em corpus Aplicação à linguística histórica do galego, português, espanhol e inglês
CystAnalyser: A new software tool for the automatic detection and quantification of cysts in Polycystic Kidney and Liver Disease, and other cystic disorders
Gender perspective in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Plenary Talk on "Paving the way from Fuzzy Logic towards Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
Functional regression models for the prediction of Covid-19
Training atomic neural networks using fragment-based data generated in virtual reality
Artificial intelligence within the interplay between natural and artificial computation: Advances in data science, trends and applications
GPU-Accelerated Registration of Hyperspectral Images Using KAZE Features
1.88 nA Quiescent Current Capacitor-Less LDO with Adaptive Biasing Based on a SSF Absolute Voltage Difference Meter
Big Data in metagenomics: Apache Spark vs MPI
Understanding Implicit User Feedback from Multisensorial and Physiological Data: A case study
Emobook: A Multimedia Life Story Book App for Reminiscence Intervention
Repairing Alignments of Process Models
Overview of eRisk at CLEF 2020: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (extended overview)
Overview of eRisk 2020: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
La confianza en las máquinas inteligentes
Exploring the MSER-based hyperspectral remote sensing image registration
An Attribute-Based Access Control for Cloud-Enabled Industrial Smart Vehicles
Ensembles of Choice-based models for Recommender Systems
CT Radiomics in Colorectal Cancer: Detection of KRAS Mutation Using Texture Analysis and Machine Learning
Resolving Donor–Acceptor Interfaces and Charge Carrier Energy Levels of Organic Semiconductors with Polar Side Chains
Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Evaluation of the effects of a virtual intervention programme on cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control and basic math skills in childhood education
Process-To-Text: a framework for the quantitative description of processes in natural language
DenTiUS Plaque, a Web-Based Application for the Quantification of Bacterial Plaque: Development and Usability Study
TrustE-VC: Trustworthy Evaluation Framework for Industrial Connected Vehicles in the Cloud
An experimental study on the use of fuzzy quantification models for linguistic descriptions of data
RoI Feature Propagation for Video Object Detection
Towards deep learning reliable gender estimation from dental panoramic radiographs
The Impact of Linguistic Knowledge in Different Strategies to Learn Cross-Lingual Distributional Models
Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020)
24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Texture Extraction Techniques for the Classification of Vegetation Species in Hyperspectral Imagery: Bag of Words Approach Based on Superpixels
Neutrophil to lymphocyte ratio and breast cancer risk: analysis by subtype and potential interactions
A framework for evaluating security, trust, and efficiency of sustainable Cloud Computing for Big Data processing
Superpixel Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images using Waterpixels in Commodity Hardware
Teaching Explainable Artificial Intelligence to High School Students
Empirical Study of Fuzzy Quantification Models for Linguistic Descriptions of Meteorological Data
Experimental Study on Generating Multi-modal Explanations of Black-box Classifiers in terms of Gray-box Classifiers
Building Explanations for Fuzzy Decision Trees with the ExpliClas Software
Generation and Evaluation of Factual and Counterfactual Explanations for Decision Trees and Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers
Elaboración dun modelo de argumentación automática baseada en relacións lingüísticas imprecisas: unha contribución á CWW
Understanding complex process models by abstracting infrequent behavior
Piezo1 forms specific, functionally important interactions with phosphoinositides and cholesterol
Titratable Martini model for constant pH simulations
A Divide-and-conquer Parallel Skeleton for Unbalanced and Deep Problems
Collective disambiguation in entity linking based on topic coherence in semantic graphs
Aprendizaje experiencial e introducción de estresores en el diseño de una práctica centrada en procesos de gestión
eXtream: a System for Real-time Monitoring of Dynamic Web Sources
Deep Neural Networks for Chronological Age Estimation from OPG images
Distância diacrónica automática entre variantes diatópicas do português e do espanhol
A Big Data Platform for Real Time Analysis of Signs of Depression in Social Media
Designing a smart toy interactive setting for creating stories
Next-Generation Big Data Federation Access Control: A Reference Model
Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2019 International Workshops, Göttingen, Germany, August 26-30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Automatic Extraction of Road Points from Airborne LiDAR Based on Bidirectional Skewness Balancing
VeryFastTree: speeding up the estimation of phylogenies for large alignments through parallelization and vectorization strategies
Cloud Computing for Climate Modelling: Evaluation, Challenges and Benefits
Smart Toys, Smart Tangibles, Robots and other Smart Things for Children
Statistical and Mathematical Modeling in the Coronavirus Epidemic: Some Considerations to Minimize Biases in the Results
Estimación do tempo restante en procesos de negocio utilizando información estrutural das trazas.
CMOS Vision Sensor for Background Subtraction
A mixed-signal spatio-temporal signal classifier for on-sensor spike sorting
Motion Planning under Uncertainty for Autonomous Navigation of Mobile Robots and UAVs
Measuring diachronic language distance using perplexity: Application to English, Portuguese, and Spanish
Fatigue Induced Changes in Muscle Strength and Gait Following Two Different Intensity, Energy Expenditure Matched Runs
Dual resolution membrane simulations using virtual sites
On the Integration of Machine Learning and Array Databases
Numerical optimisation and recombination effects on the vertical-tunnel-junction (VTJ) GaAs solar cell up to 10,000 suns
eRisk 2020: Self-harm and Depression Challenges
On-Chip Solar Energy Harvester and PMU with Cold Start-Up and Regulated Output Voltage for Biomedical Applications
Ignis: an efficient and scalable multi-language Big Data framework
Autonomous navigation for UAVs managing motion and sensing uncertainty
Towards a Non-Functional Requirements Discovery Approach for Persuasive Systems
STDnet: Exploiting high resolution feature maps for small object detection
A New Hardware Counters Based Thread Migration Strategy for NUMA Systems
A Big Data Approach to Metagenomics for All-Food-Sequencing
A Methodology to Measure the Diachronic Language Distance between Three Languages Based on Perplexity
Big Data and large-scale Analytics: Efficiency of Sustainable Scalability and Security of Centralized Clouds and Edge Deployment Architectures
Capturing Choline–Aromatics Cation− π Interactions in the MARTINI Force Field
Walking recognition in mobile devices
Transient cavity dynamics and divergence from the Stokes–Einstein equation in organic aerosol
Máquinas que venden y compran a máquinas
Smart Environmental Data Infrastructures: Bridging the Gap between Earth Sciences and Citizens
Ultra-efficient intrinsic-vertical-tunnel-junction structures for next-generation concentrator solar cells
Using Score Distributions to Compare Statistical Significance Tests for Information Retrieval Evaluation
A comparison of machine learning algorithms for forecasting indoor temperature in smart buildings
Design methodology of a 0.7 V, 64.5 pW @ 36°C, 1830 μm² Subthreshold Voltage Reference for Implantable Devices
Learning from the Individuals and the Crowd in Robotics and Mobile Devices
Indoor positioning for smartphones without infrastructure and user adaptable (doctorado industrial)
Supervised Classifiers to Identify Hate Speech on English and Spanish Tweets
Design of Fuzzy Controllers for Embedded Systems with JFML
Paving the way towards counterfactual generation in argumentative conversational agents
Simplification of Complex Process Models by Abstracting Infrequent Behaviour
SID4VAM: A Benchmark Dataset with Synthetic Images for Visual Attention Modeling
Una aproximación basada en Machine Learning para evaluar la influencia del tamaño del proyecto en la detección de God Class.
INVERBIS: minería de datos aplicada a la mejora de procesos
Qualifying and Quantifying Uncertainty in Digital Humanities: A Fuzzy-Logic Approach
Contextualized Translations of Phrasal Verbs with Distributional Compositional Semantics and Monolingual Corpora
Extended Anisotropic Diffusion Profiles in GPU for Hyperspectral Imagery
Real-time visual detection and tracking system for traffic monitoring
Prediction of Maximal Oxygen Uptake From Submaximal Exercise Testing in Chronic Respiratory Patients. New Perspectives
TCANet for Domain Adaptation of Hyperspectral Images
Cross-lingual Diachronic Distance: Application to Portuguese and Spanish
Fast Ground Filtering of Airborne LiDAR Data Based on Iterative Scan-Line Spline Interpolation
NER and Open Information Extraction for Portuguese: Notebook for IberLEF 2019 Portuguese Named Entity Recognition and Relation Extraction Tasks
A Vector-Based Classification Approach for Remaining Time Prediction in Business Processes
Towards high-level fuzzy control specifications for building automation systems
In situ Evolution Pattern of Dental Plaque Through Plaque Indices by Imaging Analysis
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centric Data Analysis in Virtual Learning Environments
Implementación de un algoritmo de filtrado de terreno a partir de datos LiDAR sobre SoC Zynq
Computación eficiente de perfiles de difusión para la extracción de información espectral-espacial
Robust and fast scene recognition in robotics through the automatic identification of meaningful images
Caracterización vial en base a nubes de puntos LiDAR terrestre con MPI
Discovering Latent Depression Patterns in Online Social Media
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Kids
Content Determination for Natural Language Descriptions of Predictive Bayesian Networks
Naive-Bayesian Classification for Bot Detection in Twitter Notebook for PAN at CLEF 2019
Overview of eRisk at CLEF 2019: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (extended overview)
Overview of eRisk 2019. Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
Texture-based analysis of hydrographical basins with multispectral imagery
A new hardware counters based thread migration strategy for NUMA systems
A Bayesian approach to simultaneously characterize the stochastic and deterministic components of a system
Pattern-based Simplification of Process Models
Consultas eficientes sobre registros de eventos basadas en análisis de conformidad
A Real-Time Processing Stand-Alone Multiple Object Visual Tracking System
Factores que tienen en cuenta los desarrolladores en la priorización de smells para su corrección: conclusiones después de una réplica
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction
Metainformation scenarios in Digital Humanities: Characterisation and conceptual modelling strategies
Vacuum annealing effect on physical properties and electrical circuit model of ZnO:Sn/SnO<inf>2</inf>:F bilayer structure
Application of Functional Data Analysis for the Prediction of Maximum Heart Rate
Dataflow Execution of Hierarchically Tiled Arrays
Generating Synthetic Images for Visual Attention Modeling
Combined nanoscale KPFM characterization and device simulation for the evaluation of the MOSFET variability related to metal gate workfunction fluctuations
Big Data Security Frameworks Meet the Intelligent Transportation Systems Challenges
Common Security Criteria for Vehicular Clouds and Internet of Vehicles Evaluation and Selection
Unsupervised Compositional Translation of Multiword Expressions
A multi-method simulation toolbox to study performance and variability of nanowire FETs
Working Notes of CLEF 2019 - Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum
SURF-based registration for hyperspectral images
Teaching Enzyme Catalysis Using Interactive Molecular Dynamics in Virtual Reality
Uma utilidade para o reconhecimento de topónimos em documentos medievais
A new approach to study the relative age effect with the use of additive logistic regression models: A case of study of FIFA football tournaments (1908-2012)
Indoor Positioning and Guiding for Drivers
Assessing the Influence of Size Category of the Project in God Class Detection, an Experimental Approach based on Machine Learning (MLA)
A dependency-based approach to word contextualization using compositional distributional semantics
Assisting Forensic Identification through Unsupervised Information Extraction of Free Text Autopsy Reports: The Disappearances Cases during the Brazilian Military Dictatorship
Incremental Learning Techniques within a Self-updating Approach for Face Verification in Video-Surveillance
Ultralow power voltage reference circuit for implantable devices in standard CMOS technology
Dataset Bias Exposed in Face Verification
Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Occlusion Handling
Exploring the Registration of Remote Sensing Images using HSI-KAZE in Graphical Units
Identifying Causal Relations in Legal Documents with Dependency Syntactic Analysis
ExpliClas: Automatic Generation of Explanations in Natural Language for Weka Classifiers
Py4JFML: A Python wrapper for using the IEEE Std 1855-2016 through JFML
Fabrication and Characterization of Sensitive Room Temperature NO<inf>2</inf> Gas Sensor Based on ZnSnO<inf>3</inf> Thin Film
An Improved Version of the Classical Banister Model to Predict Changes in Physical Condition
Influence of Architectural Features of the SNC-4 Mode of the Intel Xeon Phi KNL on Matrix Multiplication
Detector of small objects with application to the license plate symbols
Clustering Hydrographic Conditions in Galician Estuaries
People and Machines: Partners in Innovation
Interactive molecular dynamics in virtual reality from quantum chemistry to drug binding: An open-source multi-person framework
From line matching to 3D abstraction
CiTIUS-COLE at SemEval -2019 Task 5: Combining Linguistic Features to Identify Hate Speech Against Immigrants and Women on Multilingual Tweets
The use of an Explainable Artificial Intelligence Tool for Decision-making Support in Virtual Learning Environments
A Pluggable Authentication Module for Big Data Federation Architecture
Automatic Detection and Characterization of Power Lines and their Surroundings Using LiDAR Data
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, texture analysis and regression techniques to non-destructively predict the quality characteristics of meat pieces
Feature selection and evolutionary rule learning for Big Data in smart building energy management
A Nichesourcing Framework Applied to Software Sustainability Requirements
Time-of-Flight Pixel with Homodyne Phase Demodulation in Standard CMOS Technology
Live Demonstration: Deep Learning-Based Visual Tracking of Multiple Objects on a Low-Power Embedded System
On-Chip Solar Cell and PMU on the Same Substrate with Cold Start-Up from nW and 80 dB of Input Power Range for Biomedical Applications
Metodología de aprendizaje electrónico móvil (m-learning) mediante gamificación para desarrollar competencias transversales en titulaciones universitarias
Graduated Fidelity Lattices for Motion Planning under Uncertainty
Robust Heading Estimation in Mobile Phones
Conceptualization and Non-Relational Implementation of Ontological and Epistemic Vagueness of Information in Digital Humanities
A New Calibration Process for a Homogeneous Cyclorama Illumination in Virtual TV Sets
Micro-Energy Harvesting System including a PMU and a Solar Cell on the same Substrate with Cold Start-Up from 2.38 nW and Input Power Range up to 10μW using Continuous MPPT
Early detection of risks on the Internet: an exploratory campaign
Improving design smell detection for adoption in industry
Light Micro-Energy Harvesting in Standard CMOS Technologies
Leveraging Bitmap Indexing for Subgraph Searching
Multimodal and Multidimensional Geodata Interaction and Visualization
Strategies for building high quality bilingual lexicons from comparable corpora
Training Neural Nets to Learn Reactive Potential Energy Surfaces Using Interactive Quantum Chemistry in Virtual Reality
Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2018 International Workshops, Turin, Italy, August 27-28, 2018, Revised Selected Papers.
Workfunction fluctuations in polycrystalline TiN observed with KPFM and their impact on MOSFETs variability
Natural interaction in virtual TV sets through the synergistic operation of low cost sensors
A multi-device version of the HYFMGPU algorithm for hyperspectral scenes registration
Modeling human perceptions in e-Commerce applications. A case study on business-to-consumers websites in the textile and fashion sector
Extended attribute profiles on GPU applied to hyperspectral image classification
Wavelet-based Multicomponent Denoising Profile for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images
Deep Learning-Based Multiple Object Visual Tracking on Embedded System for IoT and Mobile Edge Computing Applications
Procesamiento eficiente de nubes de puntos LiDAR aéreo para aplicaciones de caracterización del terreno
From Zadeh's computing with words towards explainable Artificial Intelligence
Paving the way to explainable Artificial Intelligence with fuzzy modeling
Impact of Gate Edge Roughness Variability on FinFET and Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET
Towards Real-Time Automatic Stress Detection for Office Workplaces
Drift-Diffusion Versus Monte Carlo Simulated ON-Current Variability in Nanowire FETs
Scene wireframes sketching for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Designing a Playful Robot Application for Second Language Learning
Explorando métodos non-supervisados para calcular a similitude semántica textual
Gesture recognition system application to early childhood education
An extensive experimental survey of regression methods
Vertical-Tunnel-Junction (VTJ) Solar Cell for Ultra-High Light Concentrations (>2000 Suns)
AXC: A new format to perform the SpMV oriented to Intel Xeon Phi architecture in OpenCL
Comparing Supervised Machine Learning Strategies and Linguistic Features to Search for Very Negative Opinions
Psychophysical evaluation of individual low-level feature influences on visual attention.
Sparse Matrix Classification on Imbalanced Datasets using Convolutional Neural Networks
Mining Frequent Patterns in Process Models
The role of interpretable fuzzy systems in designing cognitive cities
Impact of threshold voltage extraction methods on semiconductor device variability
Fuzzy-Based Language Grounding of Geographical References: From Writers to Readers
When to Stop Making Relevance Judgments? A Study of Stopping Methods for Building Information Retrieval Test Collections
Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volume 10659). Euro-Par 2017 International Workshops, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 28-29, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Interactive Systems and Language Generation
JFML: A Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Systems According to the IEEE Std 1855-2016
Towards a Fast and Accurate EIT Inverse Problem Solver: A Machine Learning Approach
Corpus-based Construction of Sentiment Lexicon to Identify Extreme Opinions by Supervised and Unsupervised Machine learning Methods
Using the Outlier Detection Task to Evaluate Distributional Semantic Models
Linguistic Features to Identify Extreme Opinions: An Empirical Study
Outlier Detection for Line Matching
Acquisition and Declarative Analytical Processing of Spatio-Temporal Observation Data
IMPRESSION–prediction of NMR parameters for 3-dimensional chemical structures using machine learning with near quantum chemical accuracy
A 6-minute sub-maximal run test to predict VO2 max
Grid, cloud and high performance computing: scientific applications' use cases
Study of GaAs Vertical Solar Cells at High Concentration Levels
Supporting Content Design with an Eye Tracker: The Case of Weather-based Recommendations
Adapting SimpleNLG to Galician language
Meteorologists and Students: A resource for language grounding of geographical descriptors
Sorption of phenylurea herbicides by soils: Modelling uncertainty and ruling factors with an artificial neural-based fuzzy inference system
Olivia: A Developer-Friendly "Open Lidar VIsualiser and Analyser" for Point Clouds with 3D Stereoscopic View
GeoHbbTV: A framework for the development and evaluation of geographic interactive TV contents
Motion Planning under Uncertainty in Graduated Fidelity Lattices
Automatic prediction of village-wise soil fertility for several nutrients in India using a wide range of regression methods
Dependency parsing with finite state transducers and compression rules
Organic cattle products: authenticating production origin by analysis of serum mineral content
Desarrollo de un repositorio común de contenidos para facilitar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje
Aplicando Gamificación con Kahoot en el desarrollo de competencias
Representing Imprecise and Uncertain Knowledge in Digital Humanities: A Theoretical Framework and ConML Implementation with a Real Case Study
Modelado borroso de referencias geográficas textuales sobre datos de expertos
Generación Automática de Explicaciones en Lenguaje Natural para Árboles de Decisión de Clasificación
Estudio empírico sobre el tratamiento de la sinonimia en los razonamientos vagos
Descripciones lingüísticas de datos de observación meteorológica usando temple simulado
ExpliClas: Un Servicio Web que Genera Automáticamente Explicaciones en Lenguaje Natural de Árboles de Decisión para Clasificación
Deep Learning para detección y tracking de objetos en vídeo
Improving the working memory during early childhood education through the use of an interactive gesture game-based learning approach
LinguaKit: a Big Data-based multilingual tool for linguistic analysis and information extraction
A Comparative Study of Polarity Lexicons to Identify Extreme Opinions
Innovación y emprendimiento: un modelo de crecimiento para España más allá de la crisis
Smart Navigation for a Storytelling Multi-Robot Setting
Classification of color texture feature patterns extracted from cells in histological images of fish ovary
A novel and simple strategy for evolving prototype based clustering
Reconstruction of Tomographic Images through Machine Learning Techniques
Exploring Unsupervised Methods to Textual Similarity
Scene Wireframes Sketching for Drones
Computational Processing of the Portuguese Language
Robust Step Counting for Inertial Navigation with Mobile Phones
Detección de concept drift en minería de procesos basado en agrupamiento de trazas
A tool for runtime analysis of performance and energy usage in NUMA systems
Consulta eficiente de datos moleculares: Situación actual y retos futuros
Fully automatic teeth segmentation in adult OPG images
Multimodal User Interaction for GIS Applications (MUI_GIS).
Producto matricial en el Intel Xeon Phi KNL en el modo Sub-NUMA Clustering 4
Incremento de las capacidades ejecutivas mediante el uso de herramientas interactivas basadas en gestos: Caso de estudio la memoria de trabajo.
Towards a Big Data Multi-language Framework using Docker Containers
Task-Oriented Evaluation of Dependency Parsing with Open Information Extraction
Multiclass Change Detection for Multidimensional Images in the Presence of Noise
Overview of eRisk: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet
Overview of eRisk 2018: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet (extended lab overview)
A New Approach for Sparse Matrix Classification Based on Deep Learning Techniques
STDnet: A ConvNet for Small Target Detection
Ontology-based approach for the validation and conformance testing of xAPI events
In‐pixel analog memories for a pixel‐based background subtraction algorithm on CMOS vision sensors
On the adoption of abductive reasoning for time series interpretation
Abductive reasoning as the basis to reproduce expert criteria in ECG atrial fibrillation identification
Characterizing Quantifier Fuzzification Mechanisms: a behavioral guide for applications
Measuring language distance among historical varieties using perplexity. Application to European Portuguese
Estratégias Lexicométricas para Detetar Especificidades Textuais
New distributed virtual TV set architecture for a synergistic operation of sensors and improved interaction between real and virtual worlds
An ontology-based interpretable fuzzy decision support system for diabetes diagnosis
High validity of dental plaque indices by imaging analysis
DenTiUS Plaque: a web-based tool for quantifying dental plaque levels
Stacked autoencoders for multiclass change detection in hyperspectral images
Efficient multitemporal change detection techniques for hyperspectral images on GPU
Hybrid Data-Expert Explainable Beer Style Classifier
Improving Design Smell Detection for Adoption in Industry
Solving the general map overlay problem using a fuzzy inference system designed for spatial disaggregation
GPU computation of Attribute Profiles for RS Image Classification
Towards a Multi-device Version of the HYFMGPU Algorithm for Hyperspectral Scenes Registration
Explainable AI Beer Style Classifier
Cost-effective construction of Information Retrieval test collections
Building Python-Based Topologies for Massive Processing of Social Media Data in Real Time
Evaluation of Distributional Models with the Outlier Detection Task
Rethinking children's co-creation processes beyond the design of TUIs
Reinterpreting Interpretability for Fuzzy Linguistic Descriptions of Data
A bibliometric analysis of the explainable artificial intelligence research field
CitiusNLP at SemEval-2018 Task 10: The Use of Transparent Distributional Models and Salient Contexts to Discriminate Word Attributes
Improving performance of iterative solvers with the AXC format using the Intel Xeon Phi
Live Demonstration: Light Energy Harvesting System with an On-Chip Solar Cell and Cold Start-Up
Shannon Entropy as Background Dynamics Estimator In Foreground Detector Algorithms
Impact of Analog Memories Non-Idealities on the Performance of Foreground Detection Algorithms
Poster: Discovering requirements of behaviour change software systems from negative user experience
A lexicon based method to search for extreme opinions
Pulsed Time-of-Flight Pixel with on-Chip 20 klux Background Light Suppression in Standard CMOS Technology
Alignment of Hyperspectral Images Using KAZE Features
GPU-based segmentation of retinal blood vessels
Spatial Sensitivity of Silicon GAA Nanowire FETs Under Line Edge Roughness Variations
Estrategias estáticas y dinámicas para el agrupamiento de latidos mediante acumulación de evidencia
Simultaneous estimation of deterministic and fractal stochastic components in non-stationary time series
Efficiency increase of a-Si:H solar cells with optimized front and back contact textures
Modelling of nanoscale multi-gate transistors affected by atomistic interface roughness
A Micromodule Approach for Building Real-Time Systems with Python-Based Models: Application to Early Risk Detection of Depression on Social Media
FoMPy: A figure of merit extraction tool for semiconductor device simulations
Special issue on advances on smart camera architectures for real-time image processing
Caffe CNN-based classification of hyperspectral images on GPU
FinFET versus gate-all-around nanowire FET: Performance, scaling, and variability
Machine learning algorithms for pattern visualization in classification tasks and for automatic indoor temperature prediction
Heartbeat classification using abstract features from the abductive interpretation of the ECG
Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies 12th International Symposium, APPT 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29, 2017, Proceedings
KEYSTONE Activities and Results Overview on Training School
MPI-Performance-Aware-Reallocation: method to optimize the mapping of processes applied to a cloud infrastructure
Impact of Cross-Sectional Shape on 10-nm Gate Length InGaAs FinFET Performance and Variability
SEL: a Unified Algorithm for Entity Linking and Saliency Detection
Distributional Semantics for Diachronic Search
Improving zebrafish embryo xenotransplantation conditions by increasing incubation temperature and establishing a proliferation index with ZFTool
Toward automatic generation of linguistic advice for saving energy at home
A Rank Fusion Approach based on Score Distributions for Prioritizing Relevance Assessments in Information Retrieval Evaluation
Evaluating and improving lexical resources for detecting signs of depression in text
Software Design Smell Detection: a Systematic Mapping Study
Directed Exploration in Black-Box Optimization for Multi-Objective Reinforcement Learning
In situ substrate-formed biofilms using IDODS mimic supragingival tooth-formed biofilms
Heart Rate Variability Analysis with the R package RHRV
Fuzzy classifier ensembles for hierarchical WiFi-based semantic indoor localization
GPU Framework for Change Detection in Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
Comparison of a massive and diverse collection of classifiers for oil spill detection in SAR images
Psychological Features for Automatic Text Summarization
Image Sharpness and Contrast Tuning in the Early Visual Pathway
Metal Grain Granularity Study on a Gate-All-Around Nanowire FET
A identificacão e referenciacão de entidades geográficas mencionadas: o caso da 'Peregrinação', de Fernão Mendes Pinto
Performance evaluation of FreeSurfer medical application in cloud computing
Big Data meets High Performance Computing: Genomics and Natural Language Processing as case studies
Polynomial Kernel Discriminant Analysis for 2D visualization of classification problems
In Situ Antibacterial Activity of Essential Oils with and without Alcohol on Oral Biofilm: A Randomized Clinical Trial
Reconstrucción 3D densa de escenas utilizando una cámara monocular
Building Cognitive Cities with Explainable Artificial Intelligent Systems
Inertial navigation with mobile devices: A robust step count model
Automatic selection of user samples for a non-collaborative face verification system
Searching for the Most Negative Opinions
Perldoop2: a Big Data-oriented source-to-source Perl-Java compiler
GPU Accelerated FFT-Based Registration of Hyperspectral Scenes
New Types of Computational Perceptions: Linguistic Descriptions in Deforestation Analysis
Reconstrucción de imágenes tomográficas mediante Machine Learning
Generación automática de descripciones lingüísticas de datos en meteorología usando metaheurísticas
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Comparative study of xAPI validation tools
From language identification to language distance
Scene wireframes sketching for UAVs
Comparative study of building footprint estimation methods from LiDAR point clouds
Linguistic Descriptions for Cognitive Cities: an Illustrative Use Case
The role of syntactic dependencies in compositional distributional semantics
Arrhythmia Classification from the Abductive Interpretation of Short Single-Lead ECG Records
CUDA Multiclass Change Detection for Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Images using Extended Morphological Profiles
Caracterización de aplicaciones mediante información de contadores hardware en sistemas NUMA
Transformada de Fourier aplicada al alineamiento de imágenes multidimensionales en GPU
PASTASpark: multiple sequence alignment meets Big Data
Using fuzzy sets in a data-to-text system for business service intelligence
eRISK 2017: CLEF Lab on Early Risk Prediction on the Internet: Experimental Foundations
Study of Strained Effects in Nanoscale GAA Nanowire FETs Using 3D Monte Carlo Simulations
Towards Keyword-Based Search over Environmental Data Sources
Wavelet-based multicomponent denoising on GPU to improve the classification of hyperspectral images
CLEF 2017 eRisk Overview: Early Risk Prediction on the Internet: Experimental Foundations
Discovering Infrequent Behavioral Patterns in Process Models
Invited talk on "eXplainable Computational Intelligence: paving the way from Smart to Cognitive Cities"
An Essay on Self-explanatory Computational Intelligence: A Linguistic Model of Data Processing Systems
Adapting SimpleNLG to Spanish
Linguistic Description of Complex Phenomena with the rLDCP R Package
Comparing explicit and predictive distributional semantic models endowed with syntactic contexts
Foreword to the special issue on pattern recognition and image analysis
Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing. Lecture Notes in Computer Science
Multi-Armed Bandits for Adjudicating Documents in Pooling-Based Evaluation of Information Retrieval Systems
Automatización Inteligente
Sense Contextualization in a Dependency-Based Compositional Distributional Model
A rule-based system for cross-lingual parsing of Romance languages with Universal Dependencies
Citius at SemEval-2017 Task 2: Cross-Lingual Similarity from Comparable Corpora and Dependency-Based Contexts
Nonparametric estimation of stochastic differential equations with sparse Gaussian processes
Predicting academic success by using context variables and probabilistic classification
A study of the influence of VM allocation policies on MPI Bcast and MPI Exchange latency in cloud
Wireless Sensor Network with Perpetual Motes for Terrestrial Snail Activity Monitoring
Natural Language Generation with Computational Intelligence
Stated and Revealed Preferences on Gastronomic Tourism in Santiago de Compostela
Towards the Extraction of Frequent Patterns in Complex Process Models
Modelo dinámico de la circuitería push pull del dNGL
Estimating rodent brain volume by a deformable contour model
GPU Framework for Change Detection in Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
An Empirical Approach for Modeling Fuzzy Geographical Descriptors
Invited tutorial on software for fuzzy computing
An Exploratory Study on the Benefits of using Natural Language for Explaining Fuzzy Rule-based Systems
VICLEO: A Visualization Tool for Representing the Semantic Field of Statements
rLDCP: R package for text generation from data
Looking for a real-world-semantics-based approach to the interpretability of fuzzy systems
Scalable Modeling of Thermal Dynamics in Buildings using Fuzzy Rules for Regression
GPU Classification for Hyperspectral Images based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Collection length and optical path improvement in a-Si:H solar cells
Empleo de personas y máquinas
Dynamic Model of Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters in the Slow-Switching Limit including Charge Reusing
Application of machine learning to agricultural soil data
Computer-assisted development of two-dimensional liquid chromatographic separations
Effect of Temporal and Spatial Noise on the Performance of Hardware Oriented Background Extraction Algorithms
Automatic Construction of Domain-Specific Sentiment Lexicons for Polarity Classification
What do datasets say about saliency models?
Robust step detection in mobile phones through a learning process carried out in the mobile
Comparative study of artificial neural network models for forecasting the indoor temperature in smart buildings
Possibilities of Cloud Computing for Climate Modelling
OPERA-P: An Adaptive Scheduler for Dynamically Provisioning Big Data Frameworks On-demand
Characterisation of a tunnel field-effect transistor using 2D TCAD simulations
3D Monte Carlo simulatisns of strained Si GAA nanowire FETs with different channel orientations
Metal grain work-function variability in GAA Si nanowire via a fluctuation sensitivity map
Incremental Reinforcement Learning for multi-objective robotic tasks
Descripciones linguisticas de fenomenos complejos: Aplicaciones a Big Data (Linguistic Descriptions of Complex Phenomena: Applications to Big Data)
Characterization and optimization of cloud infrastructures and its application to the development of a flexible cluster manager
Local Defect Density in Polycrystalline High-k Dielectrics: CAFM-Based Evaluation Methodology and Impact on MOSFET Variability
Dynamic Whitening Saliency
Pattern recognition beyond classification: an abductive framework for time series interpretation
Time-of-flight sensors in standard CMOS technologies
EME: An automated, elastic and efficient prototype for provisioning Hadoop clusters on-demand
Use of several Cloud Computing approaches for climate modelling: performance, costs and opportunities
Descubrimento de grafos en datos enlazados para a anotación semántica de documentos
Advanced visualization and interaction applied to virtual scenarios
Compositional Semantics using Feature-Based Models from WordNet
A Perplexity-Based Method for Similar Languages Discrimination
A Web Interface for Diachronic Semantic Search in Spanish
Fluctuation Sensitivity Map: A Novel Technique to Characterise and Predict Device Behaviour Under Metal Grain Work-Function Variability Effects
Classification of agricultural soil parameters in India
Fourier-Mellin registration of two hyperspectral images
Graph-based approach for airborne light detection and ranging segmentation
Simulations of a Planar Silicon Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor
On the use of feature selection to improve the detection of sea oil spills in SAR images
Speeding up the multimedia feature extraction: a comparative study on the big data approach
Enabling BOINC in infrastructure as a service cloud system
Mining complete, precise and simple process models
Generating Automatic Linguistic Descriptions with Big Data
Analytical transfer equations for the spectral modelling of III-V multi-junction concentrator solar cells
2D Simulation Evaluation of PE-TFET device
Band gaps modelling of dilute bismide (GaBi x As 1-x) and dilute nitride (GaN x As 1-x)
GWM: An intelligent task manager applied to semiconductor statistical studies
Semantic Mediation of Environmental Observation Datasets through Sensor Observation Services
Scaling/LER study of Si GAA nanowire FET using 3D finite element Monte Carlo simulations
Simulation of DIBL effect in 25 nm SOI-FinFET with the different body shapes
Low Power CMOS Vision Sensor for Gaussian Pyramid Extraction
Evaluation of a Data-To-Text System for Verbalizing a Learning Analytics Dashboard
Semantic mediation of observation datasets through Sensor Observation Services
Las empresas de alto crecimiento no surgen por azar. Recomendaciones para actuar en su ecosistema
In the Quest of Vision-Sensors-on-Chip: Pre-Processing Sensors for Data Reduction
Continuous space estimation: Increasing WiFi-based indoor localization resolution without increasing the site-survey effort
Landing sites detection using LiDAR data on manycore systems
Influence of normalization and color space to color texture classification
GPU Projection of ECAS-II Segmenter for Hyperspectral Images Based on Cellular Automata
Achega ao estudo por imaxe da afectación da articulación temporomandibular na artrite idiopática xuvenil
Claudio Moraga and the University of Santiago de Compostela: many years of collaboration
Application of fuzzy sets in data-to-text systems
Evolutionary learning of fuzzy rules for regression
Enhancing Discovered Processes with Duplicate Tasks
Development of tools to improve the efficiency of hydrogenated amorphous silicon solar cells
TweetLID: a benchmark for tweet language identification
Sensor Observation Service Semantic Mediation: Generic Wrappers for In-Situ and Remote Devices
Análisis de texturas para la clasificación de células en imágenes histológicas de gónadas de peces
GPU classification of remote-sensing images using kernel ELM and extended morphological profiles
Diseño y desarrollo de una herramienta para el análisis cuantitativo automático de imágenes microscópicas: aplicación a la gestión de recursos marinos
On the use of nominal and ordinal classifiers for the discrimination of states of development in fish oocytes
Development of tools for the simulation of nanometric transistors using advanced computational architectures
Machine learning for the management of agricultural soil data
Aplicación de técnicas de selección de características para la mejora de los sistemas automáticos de detección de vertidos de hidrocarburos
HypeRvieW: an open source desktop application for hyperspectral remote-sensing data processing
Fuzzy sets across the natural language generation pipeline
S-FRULER: Scalable Fuzzy Rule Learning through Evolution for Regression
Aprendizaxe baseada na prestación de servizos de administración informática na USC
Dynamic joint model of capacitive charge pumps and on-chip photovoltaic cells for CMOS micro-energy harvesting
Two-dimensional simulation study of textured p-i-n a-Si:H solar cells with p-a-SiC:H and p-nc-Si:H window layers
Inteligencia emocional: diseño metodológico para la mejora del análisis de calidad de servicio on-line
A rule-based classification from a region-growing segmentation of airborne lidar
Exploring the impact of wavelet-based denoising in the classification of remote sensing hyperspectral images
Graph-based segmentation of airborne lidar point clouds
Choice-based recommender systems
Sobre el grado de acuerdo entre evaluadores en la detección de Design Smells
Reparación de alineamientos en modelos de proceso similares
Recompilación de procesos de educación a partir de registros de eventos
Sentiment Analysis on Multilingual Tweets using Big Data Technologies
Prediction of indoor temperatures for energy optimization in buildings
Comparación de herramientas de Detección de Design Smells
Aproximación a la búsqueda basada en términos sobre conjuntos de datos medioambientales
Análisis inteligente de flujos de trabajo sociales
A Federated Approach for Array and Entity Environmental Linked Data
Preliminary evaluation of the Kinect V2 sensor for its use in virtual TV sets with natural interaction
Clasificación de imágenes de teledetección mediante ELM kernel y perfiles morfológicos en GPU.
Impact of cross-section of 10.4 nm gate length In0.53Ga0.47As FinFETs on metal grain variability
3D MC simulations of strain, channel orientation, and quantum confinement effects in nanoscale Si SOI FinFETs
A Test Collection for Research on Depression and Language use
A simulated annealing algorithm for zoning in planning using parallel computing
3D evaluation of mandibular skeletal changes in juvenile arthritis patients treated with a distraction splint: A retrospective follow-up
GPU-Based Acceleration of ECG Characterization Using High-Order Hermite Polynomials
Real time architectures for the Scale Invariant Feature Transform algorithm
Enhancing Fingrams to deal with precise fuzzy systems
PRECISION: A reconfigurable SIMD/MIMD coprocessor for Computer Vision Systems-on-Chip
FRULER: Fuzzy Rule Learning through Evolution for Regression
Towards Large Scale Environmental Data Processing with Apache Spark
Procesamiento paralelo de datos medioambientales con Apache Spark
Study of point-to-point communication latency for MPI implementations in cloud
Natural Language Generation and Fuzzy Sets: An Exploratory Study on Geographical Referring Expression Generation
Evolutionary Cellular Automata based Approach to High-dimensional Image Segmentation for GPU Projection
A Genetic Fuzzy System for Large-scale Regression
Entity Linking with Distributional Semantics
Parallel landing sites detection using LiDAR data on manycore systems
An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework
Aprendizaje basado en la prestación de servicios de administración informática en la USC
Govocitos: a software tool for estimating fish fecundity based on digital analysis of histological images
Special Issue on selected papers from the IFSA-EUSFLAT2015 conference
Multimodal and Multidimensional Geodata Visualization System
Process Mining in IT Service Management: A Case Study
Determination of the most relevant images for scene recognition in mobile robotics
Prediction of building temperatures for energy optimization
Injecting Multiple Psychological Features into Standard Text Summarisers
Repairing Alignments: Striking the Right Nerve
Simulation study of scaled In0.53Ga0.47As and Si FinFETs for sub-16 nm technology nodes
A Graph-Based Framework For Optimal Semantic Web Service Composition
Study of Metal-Gate Work-Function Variation Using Voronoi Cells: Comparison of Rayleigh and Gamma Distributions
GPU-accelerated Level-Set Segmentation
Interacción natural en museos, un caso real de estudio: Desarrollo de un módulo para la exposición “Juego de Neuronas”
A MapReduce Implementation of a Genetic Fuzzy System for Regression
Fuzzy sets and natural language generation. What to make out of it?
TweetMT: A Parallel Microblog Corpus
Live Demonstration: Wireless Sensor Network For Snail Pest Detection
Dynamic Model of On-Chip Inverting Capacitive Charge Pumps with Charge Reusing
Time-of-Flight Chip in Standard CMOS Technology with In-Pixel Adaptive Number of Accumulations
SparkBWA: Speeding Up the Alignment of High-Throughput DNA Sequencing Data
Recompiling learning processes from event logs
Desarrollo de un sistema planimétrico computacional de cuantificación de placa bacteriana: un estudio piloto
Influencia de factores metodológicos en las características del biofilm oral in situ
Descriptive and Comparative Analysis of Human Perceptions expressed through Fuzzy Rating Scale-based Questionnaires
Effects of movement imitation training in Parkinson´s disease: A Virtual Reality Pilot Study
Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Software
Low-Power, Low-Latency Hermite Polynomial Characterization of Heartbeats Using a Field-Programmable Gate Array
Hardware Accelerator to Compute the Minimum Embedding Dimension of ECG Records
Design for Maximum Power Transfer Efficiency of Thermoelectric Generators using Mixed Mode Simulations
Challenges and opportunities of cloud computing for atmospheric sciences
Enabling BOINC in cloud Services: CPDN as example
Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of Non-Typical Semiconductor Materials with Conventional CAD Tools
Hardware Counter Based Performance Analysis, Modelling, and Improvement through Thread Migration in NUMA Systems
Feeling Lucky? Multi-armed Bandits for Ordering Judgements in Pooling-based Evaluation
Universities performance in knowledge transfer: An analysis of the Ibero-American region over the golden decade
Updated insight into the use of μc-Si:H n-layers in a-Si:H solar cells
Anisotropic Quantum Corrections for 3-D Finite-Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale Multigate Transistors
Comparison of Fin-Edge Roughness and Metal Grain Work Function Variability in InGaAs and Si FinFETs
Performance limitations of a text search application running in cloud instances
Boosting Performance of a Statistical Machine Translation System Using Dynamic Parallelism
SODA: A framework for spatial observation data analysis
GWMEP: Task-Manager- as-a-Service in Apache CloudStack
On the role of linguistic descriptions of data in the building of natural language generation systems
Application of Systems Identification to the Implementation of Motion Comouflage in Mobile Robots
A survey of fuzzy systems software: Taxonomy, current research trends, and prospects
Image Feature Extraction Acceleration
Scaling/LER Study of Si GAA Nanowire FET using 3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations
Blanqueado adaptativo de escalas espacio-temporales como mecanismo computacional de atención visual dinámica
Daily Life Activities Recognition Using RFID to Save Energy
Influence of Nominal Project Knowledge in the Detection of Design Smells: An Exploratory Study with God Class
Environmental Linked Data: Challenges
Modelado del rendimiento de códigos irregulares paralelos en sistemas distribuidos
A Review of CMOS Photodiode Modeling and the Role of the Lateral Photoresponse
Particle filter robot localisation through robust fusion of laser, WiFi, compass, and a network of external cameras
Hierarchical Approach to Enhancing Topology-based WiFi Indoor Localization in Large Environments
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the International Fuzzy Systems Association and the European Society for Fuzzy Logic and Technology
Study of basic vector operations on Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA Tesla using OpenCL
BigBWA: Approaching the Burrows-Wheeler Aligner to Big Data Technologies
Integration of Grid, cluster and cloud resources to semantically annotate a large-sized repository of learning objects
Diseño y analisis de sistemas fuzzy apoyados en técnicas de análisis de redes sociales (Design and analysis of Fuzzy Systems supported by Social Network Analysis Techniques)
An Adaptive Multi-resolution State Lattice Approach for Motion Planning with Uncertainty
Unsupervised Method to Remove Noisy and Redundant Images in Scene Recognition
GALiWeatherApp: applicación móvil para predicción meteorológica individualizada en lenguaje natural
Automatic Generation of Air Quality Index Textual Forecasts Using a Data-To-Text Approach
Las descripciones lingüísticas de datos en los sistemas "Data to Text"
Generacion automática de informes en lenguaje natural en una plataforma de e-learning
Spectral-spatial classification of n-dimensional images in real-time based on segmentation and mathematical morphology on GPUs
Plataforma de Serviços Inteligentes de Learning Analytics para grandes quantidades de dados
Descrição semântica de experiência de aprendizagem baseada na especificação xAPI
Supporting real open educational resources in Edu-AREA
A method for processing perceptual dialectology data
SmartLAK: A Big Data Architecture for Supporting Learning Analytics Services
Sistema para la extracción de entidades geográficas asociadas a telediarios: construcción de mapas para lengua castellana y gallega a través de HBBTV
Sensorización avanzada para estudios virtuales de televisión
Introducing Negative Evidence in Ensemble Clustering Application in Automatic ECG Analysis
Fast and Accurate Circle Tracking Using Active Contour Models
Multi-junction solar cells electrical characterization by neuronal networks under different irradiance, spectrum and cell temperature
Effects of retinal DoG filters on natural images in terms of contrast, entropy and spatial correlation
Development and Creativity in Ubiquitous Technologies in University: CIDUS Contribution
An Open Source Desktop Application for Classification of Remote Sensing Data
Paralelización de un clasificador automático de objetos con datos de sensores remotos LiDAR
Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale QoS-Aware Service Composition
The importance of Diversity in Profile-based recommendations: A Case Study in Tourism
Integración semántica de datos de observación mediante servicios SOS
ProDiGen: minando modelos completos, precisos y simples con un algoritmo genético
Optimización del almacenamiento de datos en la gestión energética de edificios inteligentes
GeoNews: Generación automática de contextos geográficos para programas de noticias a través de HbbTV
Overview of TweetMT: A Shared Task on Machine Translation of Tweets at SEPLN 2015
Algoritmo Híbrido de Composición Automática de Servicios con QoS
Multi-camera intelligent space for a robust, fast and easy deployment of proactive robots in complex and dynamic environments
Multi-Subband Interface Roughness Scattering using 3D Finite Element Monte Carlo with 2D Schodinger Equation for Simulations of sub-16nm FinFETs
Multilingual Open Information Extraction
Demo: Mask and Maskless Face Classification System to Detect Breach Protocols in the Operating Room
Keyword-Based Search over Environmental Datasets
Real time exploration of the human head in real time through natural interaction for educational purposes
A Noise Robust QRS Delineation Method Based on Path Simplification
Anisotropic Schrodinger Equation Quantum Corrections for 3D Monte Carlo simulations of Nanoscale Multigate Transistors
Multi-Subband Interface Roughness Scattering using 2D Finite Element Schodinger Equation for Monte Carlo Simulations of Multi-Gate Transistors
A method for context-based adaptive QRS clustering in real-time
A study on the representation of QRS complexes with the optimum number of Hermite functions
A Flexible Cluster System for the Management of Virtual Clusters in the Cloud
Improving CPU Service Offerings in Apache CloudStack
TweetNorm: a benchmark for lexical normalization of Spanish tweets
Aspects of quality evaluation in Linguistic Descriptions of Data
A Model Based on Computational Perceptions for the Generation of Linguistic Descriptions of Data
STAC: a web platform for the comparison of algorithms using statistical tests
Reducing the Complexity in Genetic Learning of Accurate Regression TSK Rule-Based Systems
Exploring the Effectiveness of Linguistic Knowledge for Biographical Relation Extraction
Virtual integration of sensor observation data
Reseña sobre "Linguistic Descriptions for Automatic Generation of Textual Short-Term Weather Forecasts on Real Prediction Data"
Dependency Parsing with Compression Rules
Reconfigurable computing for future vision-capable devices
Platform as a service integration for scientific computing using DIRAC
Multijunction Concentrator Solar Cells: Analysis and Fundamentals
Towards Textual Reporting in Learning Analytics Dashboards
Semantic description of the Experience API Specification
Anisotropic Schrödinger Equation Quantum Corrections for 3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Triangular SOI Fin-FET
Two-view line matching algorithm based on context and appearance in low textured images
Fuzzy Knowledge Representation for Linguistic Description of Time Series
The role of Precise and Imprecise Syllogisms in the diagnosis of reasoning deficits in mental disorders
Evaluation of the Collection Length and Optical Path Enhancement in a-Si:H Solar Cells
The effect of interface roughness scattering on Si SOI FinFET with Ando's and extended Prange and Nee model
A Hybrid Local-Global Optimization Strategy for QoS-Aware Service Composition
Diseño de video juegos como herramienta pedagógica en la enseñanza de la asignatura Computación Gráfica.
Mining Duplicate Tasks from Discovered Processes
Soft Computing for Learner's Assessment in SoftLearn
Yet another suite of multilingual NLP tools
Clinical Evaluation of an Automatic Method for Segmentation and Characterization of the Thoracic Aorta with and Without Aneurysm Patients
A Multi-platform Graphical Software for Determining Reproductive Parameters in Fishes Using Histological Image Analysis
Videogrammetry System for Wind Turbine Vibration Monitoring
Scene Recognition Invariant to Symetrical Reflections and Illumintation Conditions in Robotics
Adaptative Line Matching for Low-Textured Images
Canonical Views for Scene Recognition in Mobile Robotics
System for Medical Mask Detection in the Operating Room Through Facial Attributes
Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
Assesssment of soft tissues within the temporomandibular joint by sotfware processing og cone beam computed tomography data enhancing image contrast.
Approximate syllogism as argumentative expression for knowledge representation and reasoning with Generalized Bayes' Theorem
General Workload Manager: a Task Manager as a Service
Federated Big Data for resource aggregation and load balancing with DIRAC
Variability Characterisation of Nanoscale Si and InGaAs Fin Field-Effect-Transistors at Subthreshold
Retinal DOG filters: effects of the discretization process
Efficient ELM-Based Techniques for the Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images on Commodity GPUs
Pyramid Representations of the set of actions in reinforcement learning
Scene Recognition for Robot localization in Difficult Environments
Wavelet Based Classification of Hyperspectral Images using Extended Morphological Profiles on Graphics Processing Units
Application of fuzzy techniques to Autonomous Robots
Retinal DOG filters: high-pass or high-frequency enhancing filters?
A Keyword Recommendation Experiment to Support Information Organization and Folksonomies in Edu-AREA
Live Demonstration: Gaussian Pyramid Extraction with a CMOS Vision Sensor
Enric Trillas: master, scientist and humanist
Dark Current Optimization of 4-Transistor Topologies in Standard CMOS Technologies for Time-of-Flight Sensors
Mejora en las condiciones técnicas de xenotransplantes en pez cebra: temperatura e índice de proliferación
BigDataDIRAC: deploying distributed Big Data application
Study of the KVM CPU performance of Open-Source cloud management platforms
Mobile Robot Positioning with 433-MHz Wireless Motes with Varying Transmission Powers and a Particle Filter
Finding a Needle in the Blogosphere: An Information Fusion Approach for Blog Distillation Search
Data Storage Optimization for Energy Management in Intelligent Buildings
Low Power CMOS Vision Sensors for Scale and Rotation Invariant Feature Detectors using CMOS Heterogeneous Smart Pixel Architectures
Capacitance-based Wireless Sensor Mote for Snail Pest Detection
Avalingua: Natural Language Processing for Automatic Error Detection
Applying random linear oracles with fuzzy classifier ensembles onWiFi indoor localization problem
Design and Monte Carlo Simulation of a LED-based Optic Coupler
Multivariate Analysis of Variance for High Energy Physics Software in Virtualized Environments
Computing with perceptions for the linguistic description of complex phenomena through the analysis of time series data
Approaching uncertainty management in D2T generation using fuzzy sets
Implementation and performance analysis of the AXPY, DOT, and SpMV functions on Intel Xeon Phi and NVIDIA Tesla using OpenCL
Power and Energy Implications of the Number of Threads Used on the Intel Xeon Phi
Omnidirectional visual SLAM under severe occlusions
Distance Measurement Error in Time-of-Flight Sensors Due to Shot Noise
Power and Energy Implications of the Number of Threads Used on the Intel Xeon Phi
Four-transistor pinned photodiodes in standard CMOS technologies for time-of-flight sensors
Comparison of state-of-the-art distributed computing frameworks with the GWM
Spectral Coupling of Atmosphere and the Performance of Perovskite Solar Cells
A tool to deploy nanodevice simulations on Cloud
Implementation of numerical methods for nanoscaled semiconductor device simulation using OpenCL
Raytracing and electromagnetic 2-D simulations of the EQE of a-Si:H thin-film solar cells
ProDiGen: Mining complete, precise and minimal structure process models with a genetic algorithm
Impact of signal representations on the performance of hierarchical WiFi localization systems
Automatic characterization of thoracic aortic aneurysms from CT images
Analytical Model for Crosstalk in p-nwell Photodiodes
Linguistic Descriptions for Automatic Generation of Textual Short-Term Weather Forecasts on Real Prediction Data
ELM-based Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images using Extended Morphological Profiles and Composite Feature Mappings
3-D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Scaled Si SOI FinFET With Different Cross Sections
Data Mining for Automatic Linguistic Description of Data - Textual Weather Prediction as a Classification Problem
Computing with perceptions for the linguistic description of complex phenomena through the analysis of time series data
Interpretability of fuzzy systems: Current research trends and prospects
Route learning and reproduction in a tour-guide robot
Classification of somatosensory stimuli on the basis of the temporal coding at the cuneate nucleus
Learning Fuzzy Controllers in Mobile Robotics with Embedded Preprocessing
Extracção de relações semânticas. Recursos, ferramentas e estratégias
Towards Fast Multimedia Feature Extraction: Hadoop or Storm
Common Data Model in AmI Environments
Sistemas de informação Geográfica e Realidade Aumentada em Turismo: Guía interactivo do Caminho Português de Santiago em Barcelos
Development of a general purpose tour-guide robot able to learn routes from people and to adapt and move in unstructured and crowded environments
Reconstructing IMS LD Units of Learning from Event Logs
Wireless Sensor Mote for Snail Pest Detection
Automatic decision support system based on SAR data for oil spill detection
3DyRM: a dynamic roofline model including memory latency information
Rhetorical Structure Theory for Polarity Estimation: an Experimental Study
Perldoop: Efficient Execution of Perl Scripts on Hadoop Clusters
Técnicas para la segmentación y visualización eficiente de imagen médica 3D: explotando la arquitectura de la GPU
Learning Analytics for the Prediction of the Educational Objectives Achievement
Using a Learning Analytics Tool for Evaluation in Self-Regulated Learning
Integrating quality control tests in a computed tomography system
Do we Need hundreds of classifiers to solve real world classification problems?
An empirical study of sentence features for subjectivity and polarity classification
Variability characterisation of nanoscale Si and InGaAs FinFETs at subthreshold
Multiobjective Optimization Technique Based on Monitoring Information to Increase the Performance of Thread Migration on Multicores
A 26.5 nJ/px 2.64 Mpx/s CMOS Vision Sensor for Gaussian Pyramid Extraction
Clasificación Supervisada de Imágenes de Sensado Remoto en GPU
Thread migration techniques based on dynamic Roofline models and latency information
Comparing Ranking-based and Naive Bayes Approaches to Language Detection on Tweets
Overview of TweetLID: Tweet Language Identification at SEPLN 2014
Optimizing the representation of intervals
Using temporal abduction for biosignal interpretation: A case study on QRS detection
Exploiting multiple sources of evidence for opinion search in the Web
MC/DD Study of Metal Grain Induced Current Variability in a Nanoscale InGaAs FinFET
A Genetic Algorithm for Process Discovery Guided by Completeness, Precision and Simplicity
Fan/cone beam CT: visualisation and applications for non-clinical X-ray imaging
Simplification and Hardware Implementation of the Feature Descriptor Vector Calculation in the SIFT Algorithm
Uso de corpora comparáveis para filtrar dicionários bilíngues gerados por transitividade
Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution of Person Entities for Open Information Extraction
Análisis morfosintáctico y clasificación de entidades nombradas en un entorno Big Data
PoS-tagging the Web in Portuguese. National varieties, text typologies and spelling systems
A New Rounding Method Based on Parallel Remainder Estimation for Goldschmidt and Newton-Raphson Algorithms
Wavelet denoising to improve the quality of SEM images
Performance Prediction and Evaluation
Hierarchically Tiled Array as a High-Level Abstraction for Codelets
An Entity-Centric Coreference Resolution System for Person Entities with Rich Linguistic Information
Citius: A Naive-Bayes Strategy for Sentiment Analysis on English Tweets
Implementation of the KVM Hypervisor on Several Cloud Platforms: Tuning the Apache CloudStack Agent
Fast radix-10 Multiplication Using Redundant BCD
Fostering data reduction and analysis in radio astronomy with CASA through the use of Cloud and virtualization technologies
The Dickson Charge Pump as Voltage Booster for Light Energy Harvesting on CMOS Vision Chips
Custom Design of Pinned Photodiodes in Standard CMOS Technologies for Time-of-Flight Sensors
Gaussian Pyramid Extraction with a CMOS Vision Sensor
Smart hierarchical WiFi localization system for indoors
Efficient Classification of Hyperspectral Images on Commodity GPUs using ELM-based Techniques
Customization of Products Assisted by Kansei Engineering, Sensory Analysis and Soft Computing
3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Study of Scaled Triangular SOI FinFETs using 2D Schrödinger Quantum Corrections
Heterogeneous sensor data integration for crowdsensing applications
SoftLearn: A Process Mining Platform for the Discovery of Learning Paths
Analyzing fuzzy association rules with Fingrams in KEEL
Extracting answers from causal mechanisms in a medical document
Evaluación del rendimiento de hipervisores usados en infraestructuras cloud que aprovechan la virtualización por hardware
Desarrollo de un sistema de imagen para la planificación de operaciones de aorta
Spatio-temporal Integrated Analysis with MAPAL
An Overview of Open Information Extraction
Assessment, Design and Implementation of a Private Cloud for MapReduce Applications
Hipster: An Open Source Java Library for Heuristic Search
Global image features for scene recognition invariant to symmetrical reflections in robotics
Cloud flexibility using DIRAC interware
Influence of device geometry on electrical characteristics of a 10.7 nm SOI-FinFET
WN and TiN metal gate workfunction variability in a 10.4 nm gate length InGaAs FinFET
Influence of textured interfaces in the performance of a–Si:H double–junction solar cell
3D Finite Element Schrodinger Equation Corrected Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale FinFETs
Evaluation of real-time LBP computing in multiple architectures
Multilingual corpora with coreferential annotation of person entities
TweetNorm es Corpus: an Annotated Corpus for Spanish Microtext Normalization
Guia interativo do Caminho Português de Santiago em Barcelos
Some Reflections on the Set-based and the Conditional-based Interpretations of Statements in Syllogistic Reasoning
A hardware counter-based toolkit for the analysis of memory accesses in SMPs
Dark Current in Standard CMOS Pinned Photodiodes for Time-of-Flight Sensors
Hermite Polynomial Characterization of Heartbeats with Graphics Processing Units
3D Monte Carlo Study of Scaled SOI FinFETs Using 2D Schrodinger Quantum Corrections
Scaling of Metal Gate Workfunction Variability in nanometer SOI-FinFETs
Using an extended Roofline Model to understand data and thread affinities on NUMA systems
Statistical study of the influence of LER and MGG in SOI MOSFET
Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Wavelets and Extended Morphological Profiles
Split and Shift Methodology on Cellular Processor Arrays: Area Saving versus Time Penalty
Integración de recursos grid y cloud para anotar semánticamente grandes colecciones de objetos de aprendizaje
Random Dopant, Line-Edge Roughness, and Gate Workfunction Variability in a Nano InGaAs FinFET
Quantum Corrections Based on the 2-D Schrödinger Equation for 3-D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscaled FinFETs
Razoamento siloxístico aproximado: unha contribución aos patróns de inferencia e casos de uso
Form Factor Improvement of Smart-Pixels for Vision Sensors through 3-D Vertically-Integrated Technologies
Representation techniques for real-time visualization of hybrid terrain models
Fuzzy temporal association rules: combining temporal and quantitative data to increase rule expressiveness
FPGA Implementation of an Efficient Algorithm for the Calculation of Charged Particle Trajectories in Cosmic Ray Detectors
Study of data locality and thread affinity on multicore systems using the Roofline Model
Recursos lingüístico-formales para el silogismo aproximado
Generación automática de predicciones meteorológicas a corto plazo: Metodología y validación
Gesture based interaction with voice feedback for a tour-guide robot
Using sampled information: is it enough for the sparse matrix-vector product locality optimization?
Obtaining Accurate Error Expressions and Bounds for Floating-Point Multiplicative Algorithms
Direct Kernel Perceptron (DKP): ultra-fast kernel ELM-based classification with non-iterative closed-form weight calculation
Modeling the performance of parallel applications using model selection techniques
Combining Psycho-linguistic, Content-based and Chat-based Features to Detect Predation in Chatrooms
Impact of series and shunt resistances in amorphous silicon thin film solar cells
Exploring ELM-based spatial–spectral classification of hyperspectral images
Analysis of high concentrator photovoltaic modules in outdoor conditions: Influence of direct normal irradiance, air temperature, and air mass
Collaboration and Social Networking in Higher Education
Graph-based semantic annotation for enriching educational content with linked data
Computing Efficiently Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images on Commodity GPUs
Análisis de las actividades de I+D+i+e en Universidades Iberoamericanas
A Fuzzy Syllogistic Reasoning Schema for Generalized Quantifiers
Development of simulation tools for devices based on magnetic semiconductors
Localización y mapeado simultáneos en robótica mediante visión omnidireccional
Voltage Boosters for on-Chip Solar Cells on Focal-Plane Processors
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer many-core processor
Motor facilitation during real-time movement imitation in Parkinson's disease: A virtual reality study
Fingrams: Visual representations of fuzzy rule-based inference for expert analysis of comprehensibility
Caracterización, modelización y optimización de células solares industriales de silicio de capa fina
A State Lattice Approach for Motion Planning under Control and Sensor Uncertainty
Aprendizaje, hallazgo y satisfaccion en un sistema de recomendacion en turismo
Comparison of Photosensing Structures in CMOS Standard Technology for Time-of-Flight Sensors
A Method to Lexical Normalisation of Tweets
Seguridade vial: avaliación da resposta emocional ante anuncios televisivos de divulgación da seguridade vial mediante software afect, cued review e test de recordo
Learning analytics framework for educational virtual worlds
Efficient 2D and 3D Watershed on Graphics Processing Unit: Block-Asynchronous Approaches Based on Cellular Automata
A new algorithm for wavelet-based heart rate variability analysis
A New Radial Symmetry Measure Applied to Photogrammetry
A hierarchical vision processing architecture oriented to 3D integration of smart camera chips
Temporal data mining algorithms for metric temporal constraint networks discovery
Sistemas de informação geográfica e realidade aumentada. Guia interactivo do caminho português de santiago em Barcelo
A Machine Learning approach for Subjectivity Classification based on Positional and Discourse Features
A multiclassifier approach for topology-based WiFi indoor localization
Closed-form and explicit analytical model for crosstalk in CMOS photodiodes
A hybrid method based on level set and 3D region growing for segmentation of the thoracic aorta
Multiresolution rendering based on gpgpu computing
A Software Toolkit for Nonlinear Heart Rate Variability Analysis
A New Methodology for Nonlinear Heart Function Analysis: Studying Just the Beat Morphology
New Hardware Support for Transactional Memory and Parallel Debugging in Multicore Processors
Una experiencia real de anotación semántica a gran escala utilizando recursos de computación heterogéneos
Automatic Generation of Textual Short-Term Weather Forecasts on Real Prediction Data
Introducción a la tarea compartida Tweet-Norm 2013 : Normalización léxica de tuits en español
TASS: A Naive-Bayes strategy for sentiment analysis on Spanish tweets
Combining different algorithms to get stable learning from environment interaction
Comments-Oriented Query Expansion for Opinion Retrieval in Blogs
Extensión del modelo Roofline y herramientas para su uso
Partitioning and mapping a fast level-set algorithm on the GPU
A 176 X 120 Pixel CMOS Vision Chip for Gaussian Filtering with Massivelly Parallel CDS and A/D-Conversion.
CMOS photodiode model and HDL implementation
A practical experience concerning the parallel semantic annotation of a large-scale data collection
Improving subthreshold MSB-EMC simulations by dynamic particle weighting
Automatic linguistic reporting in driving simulation environments
Exhaustive comparison of color texture features and classification methods to discriminate cells categories in histological images of fish ovary
Iterative Algorithm and Architecture for Exponential, Logarithm, Powering and Root Extraction
Mapping Sets for Spatial Observation Data Warehouses
Functional properties of a realistic model of dLGN
High-Speed FPGA Architecture for CABAC Decoding Acceleration in H.264/AVC Standard
A Flexible and Dynamic Page Migration Infrastructure based on Hardware Counters
A GPU-based multiresolution pipeline for compressed volume rendering
Optimización e caracterización eléctrica de módulos pv de tecnoloxía de lámina delgada de silicio amorfo
Bivariate kernel smoothers. Applications in thoracic aorta pathology.
Robust multi-sensor system for mobile robot localization
Dynamic Saliency from Adaptative Whitening
Route Learning and Reproduction in a Tour-Guide Robot
A new fingram-based software tool for visual representation and analysis of fuzzy association rules
A Proposal of Fuzzy Chained Syllogism based on the Concept of Synonymy
An Instance Selection Algorithm for Regression and its Application in Variance Reduction
3D Finite Element Quantum Corrected Monte Carlo Simulations of Nanoscale Si SOI FinFETs
Discovering metric temporal constraint networks on temporal databases
Self-organized Multi-Camera Network for Ubiquitous Robot Deployment in Unknown Environments.
Integrating CAD modules in a PACS enviroment using a wide computing infrastructure
Visualization software for CT: fan/cone beam and metrology applications
DyRM: A Dynamic Roofline Model Based on Runtime Information
Automatic Linguistic Descriptions of Meteorological Data. A soft computing approach for converting Open Data to Open Information
Stent strut detection in intravascular optical coherence tomography
A Tabu Search Optimization Module for Scheduling: Design and integration in the open source tool LibrePlan for project management
Sentiment-based Ranking of Blog Posts using Rhetorical Structure Theory
Contrast enhancement mechanisms in the retinothalamic circuitry
Fast Implementation of a New Radial Symmetry Measure for Photogrammetry
Detection and Matching of Lines for Close-Range Photogrammetry
Quantification of Right and Left Ventricular Function in Cardiac MR Imaging: Comparison of Semiautomatic and Manual Segmentation Algorithms
Special Issue on Software Tools for Soft Computing
An open platform for the protocolization of home medical supervision
Quest for Interpretability-Accuracy Trade-off Supported by Fingrams into the Fuzzy Modeling Tool GUAJE
Outdoor evaluation of concentrator photovoltaic systems modules from different manufacturers: first results and steps
A two subcell equivalent solar cell model for III-V triple junction solar cells under spectrum and temperature variations
Human activity recognition in indoor environments by means of fusing information extracted from intensity of WiFi signal and accelerations
3D Finite Element Monte Carlo Simulations of Multigate Nanoscale Transistors
Fuzzy logic and education: teaching the basics of fuzzy logic through an example (by the way of cycling)
Desarrollo, despliegue y validación de un laboratorio virtual oceanográfico basado en computación Grid
Analyzing the Sense Distribution of Concordances Obtained by Web As Corpus Approach
Experimental characterization of peripheral photocurrent in CMOS photodiodes down to 65 nm technology
Lexical Inheritance with Meronymic Relationships
On the analysis of set-based fuzzy quantified reasoning using classical syllogistics
A Petri net model for changing units of learning in runtime
Simulation of the spin polarization and the charge transport in Zener tunnel junctions based on ferromagnetic GaAs and ZnO
Low-Cost Virtual Reality System in Evaluation of Rhythmic Motor Patterns in Elderly and Parkinson's Disease Patients
Learning verb inflection using Cilenis conjugators
GeoDADIS: A framework for the development of geographic data acquisition and dissemination servers
Simulation of a-Si:H Dual Junction Solar Cells
Nanodevice simulations on CloudStack
Calculation of Cell Temperature in a HCPV Module using Voc
Development of a very fast spectral response measurement system for silicon thin film modules
Performance of Two Possible Implementations of ILUT Preconditioners in the 3D Nanodevice Simulation
Study of statistical variability in nanoscale transistors introduced by LER, RDF and MGG
On the Accuracy of Representing Heartbeats with Hermite Basis Functions
Three-Dimensional Simulations of Random Dopant and Metal-Gate Workfunction Variability in an In0.53Ga0.47As GAA MOSFET
Clasificación automática de códigos CIE-9-MC en documentación clínica
Robots capaces de aprender e adaptarse ao ambiente a partir das súas propias experiencias
Self-Organized Multi-Camera Network for a Fast and Easy Deployment of Ubiquitous Robots in Unknown Environments
Learning on real robots from experience and simple user feedback
Effect of a risk factor in convoy merging manoeuvres considering uncertainty in travelling times
Development of a very fast spectral response measurement system for analysis of hydrogenated amorphous silicon solar cells and modules
+Universidad -Especulación
Fuzzy Systems at the University of Santiago de Compostela. A personal vision of the last twenty years
Social Network Analysis of Co-fired Fuzzy Rules
A FastSLAM-based Algorithm for Omnidirectional Cameras
High performance genetic algorithm for land use planning
Another half century of progress in fuzzy logic?
Dynamically reconfigurable architecture for embedded Computer Vision systems
A Verilog-AMS photodiode model including lateral effects
Modeling interpretable fuzzy rule-based classifiers for medical decision support
CMOS-3D Smart Imager Architectures for Feature Detection
Validation of a linguistic summarization approach for time series meteorological data
Semantic linking of learning object repositories to DBpedia
Render on the cloud: Using Cinelerra on virtualized infrastructures
Cloud computing for teaching and learning MPI with improved network communications
A Dynamic QoS-Aware Semantic Web Service Composition Algorithm
Split and Shift Methodology: Overcoming Hardware Limitations on Cellular Processor Arrays for Image Processing
Implementation of robot routing approaches for convoy merging manoeuvres
Redundant Floating-point Decimal CORDIC Algorithm
Effective sentence retrieval based on query-independent evidence
Design of a smart camera system on a single chip in 3D integrated circuit technology
Sistema recomendador de restaurantes y rutas turísticas para dispositivos móviles orientados a turistas
MeteoSIX: Difusión de datos meteorológicos y oceanográficos en MeteoGalicia
Modelling and characterization of small photosensors in advanced CMOS technologies
Adaptive thresholding algorithm based on SAR images and wind data to segment oil spills along the northwest coast of the Iberian Peninsula
Influencia de las mesetas en la implementación de watershed sobre GPUs
Proyección del método de segmentación del conjunto de nivel en GPU
Uso de algoritmos genéticos para la obtención de modelos estadísticos de rendimiento
Performance of numerical simulations on the cloud
Análisis del rendimiento de una aplicación cosmológica sobre máquinas virtuales
Performance of OpenMP simulations on the cloud
Análisis espacio-temporal en sistemas de bases de datos lógico-funcionales
Integración de observaciones medioambientales: Solución inicial y retos futuros
FBM-Yahoo! at RepLab 2012
A learning-based approach for the identification of sexual predators in chat logs
Diseño de Servidores de Adquisición y Publicación de Datos de Sensores
Diseño de un sistema escalable para la sensorización de platós virtuales de televisión con emisiones en directo
Efficient segmentation of hyperspectral images on commodity GPUs
3D Simulation Study of Work-Function Variability in a 25 nm Metal-Gate FinFET with Curved Geometry using Voronoi Grains
3D simulations of random dopant induced threshold voltage variability in inversion–mode In0.53Ga0.47As GAA MOSFETs
Simulation of light trapping and electrical performance of thin film aSi:H solar cells with textured interfaces
Continuous learning on a real robot through user feedback
Anytime Motion Replanning in State Lattices for Wheeled Robots
A FastSLAM Algorithm for Omnivision
Maniobra de enlace con convoy en entornos urbanos considerando incertidumbre en los tiempos de recorrido. Simulación con Player&Stage
Selecting the most relevant sensors in a wall following behavior
Gesture based interface with voice feedback for a guide robot
Analysis of different localization systems suitable for a fast and easy deployment of robots in diverse environments
Técnicas de procesamiento del lenguaje natural en la Recuperación de Información
An Efficient Algorithm for Optimal Routing Applied to Convoy Merging Manoeuvres in Urban Environments
Toward the Use of Petri Nets for the Formalization of OWL-S Choreographies
Learning on real robots from their direct interaction with the environment
Petri net-based engine for adaptive learning
An evaluation of indexes as support tools in the diagnosis of sleep apnea
Feature Analysis for Human Recognition and Discrimination: Application to a Person Following Behaviour in a Mobile Robot
Una propuesta de silogismo encadenado aproximado
Motion Capture for Clinical Purposes, an Approach Using PrimeSense Sensors
A Graphical Tool for Performance Analysis of Multicore Systems Based on the Roofline Model
Memory Hierarchy Optimization for Large Tridiagonal System Solvers on GPU
Efficient GPU Asynchronous Implementation of a Watershed Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata
Hardware Counters Based Analysis of Memory Accesses in SMPs
Performance of the CloudStack KVM Pod primary storage under NFS version 3
Model Selection to Characterize Performance using Genetic Algorithms
SIMD/MIMD dynamically-reconfigurable architecture for high-performance embedded vision systems
Semantic integration of social information in learning systems
Static Multipole Method Applied to Boundary Conditions for Semiconductor Device Simulations
Analytical modelling of size effects on the lateral photoresponse of CMOS photodiodes
8th Conference on Real Numbers and Computers
Exploración en tiempo real de la reconstrucción virtual de los instrumentos del Pórtico de la Gloria
Identificação e Classificação de Entidades Mencionadas em Galego
Fast segmentation of retinal blood vessels using a deformable contour
Gastronomic preferences of international tourism in Santiago de Compostela
Feature detection and matching on an SIMD/MIMD hybrid embedded processor
Formiga CLOUD: una herramienta para la gestión y aprovechamiento de los recursos de las aulas de informática
SoftLearn: Soft computing para minería de procesos en e-learning
Evaluación de las políticas universitarias de sostenibilidad como facilitadoras para el desarrollo de los campus de excelencia internacional
GPU-based infrared thermography for NDE of minefields
Enhancing the fuzzy modeling tool GUAJE with a new module for fingrams-based analysis of fuzzy rule bases
Modelización y caracterización de células solares iii-v multiunión y de módulos de concentración
A conversation on philosophy and fuzzy logic
The Split-and-Merge Method in General Purpose Computation on GPUs
Two-Dimensional Monte Carlo Simulation of DGSOI MOSFET
On the relationship between optical variability, visual saliency and eye fixations: a computational approach
A generalization of s-step variants of gradient methods
Ab initio study of the influence of nanoscale doping inhomogeneities in the phase separated state of La1-xCaxMnO3
Segmentación biventricular automática del eje corto en resonancia magnética cardíaca
Experiences with the Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on a Many-core Processor
The Integration of CloudStack and OCCI/OpenNebula with DIRAC
In-Pixel Generation of Gaussian Pyramid Images by Block Reusing in 3D-CMOS
Scale- and rotation-invariant feature detectors on Cellular Processor Arrays
Evidence of the lateral collection significance in small CMOS photodiodes
Dependency-Based Open Information Extraction
DepPattern: A Multilingual Dependency Parser
Automatic Phonetic Transcription by Phonological Derivation
Extraction of Bilingual Cognates from Wikipedia
Evolutionary Intelligence in Asphalt Pavement Modelling
An Optimal and Complete Algorithm for Automatic Web Service Composition
The virtual instruments of the Pórtico de la Gloria
Métodos iterativos s-pasos para la resolución de grandes sistemas dispersos de ecuaciones y su implementación paralela
Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using Reordering Techniques on GPUs
3D ‘atomistic’ simulations of dopant induced variability in nanoscale implant free In0.75Ga0.25As MOSFETs
High-Performance Monte Carlo Radiosity on GPU based on Scene Partitioning
Pacman: Tolerating Asymmetric Data Races with Unintrusive Hardware
GPU-Based Visualization of Hybrid Terrain Models
Photons detection in Positron Emission Tomography through Iterative Rule Learning of TSK rule
Razonamiento silogístico aproximado con cuantificadores generalizados
Construcción de resúmenes lingüísticos informativos sobre series de datos meteorológicos: informes climáticos de temperatura
Quality assessment of linguistic description of data
A CMOS-3D Reconfigurable Architecture with In-pixel Processing for Feature Detectors
Virtual Reality as a Tool for Evaluation of Repetitive Rhythmic Movements in the Elderly and Parkinson's Disease Patients
Performance Counter-based Strategies to Improve Data Locality on Multiprocessor Systems: Reordering and Page Migration Techniques
Learning in real robots from environment interaction
Towards Real-Time Hyperspectral Image Processing: A GPGPU Implementation of Target Identification
Automatic detection of pulmonary nodules: Evaluation of performance using two different MDCT scanners
Extended Hybrid Meshing Algorithm for Multiresolution Terrain Models
FlexSig: Implementing Flexible Hardware Signatures
Towards the optimal hardware architecture for Computer Vision
Assessment of the Accuracy of Right Ventricle Volume and Function by Cmr
100 Buenas Prácticas de Emprendimiento Universitario
Propuesta para una semántica de las dependencias sintácticas
Aplicabilidade da Pegada Ecológica em contextos universitarios
Estudio de la Producción Científica y Tecnológica
Saliency from hierarchical adaptation through decorrelation and variance normalization
Estrategias de Sostenibilidad y Responsabilidad Social en las Universidades Españolas: una Herramienta para su Evaluación.
A Structural Knowledge-Based Proposal for the Identification and Characterization of Apnoea Episodes
Estimating the Effect of Cache Misses on the Performance of Parallel Applications Using Analytical Models
Learning Intelligent Controllers for Path-Following Skills on Snake-Like Robots
Enhanced WiFi localization system based on Soft Computing techniques to deal with small-scale variations in wireless sensors
Parallel Hierarchical Radiosity on Hybrid Platforms
Efficient segmentation of hyperspectral images on commodity GPUs
Multi-agent system for fast deployment of a guide robot in unknown environments
DIRAC integration with CloudStack
Aprendizaje de Controladores Difusos para Seguimiento de Trayectorias en Robots Multiarticulados
Combination of a low cost GPS with visual localization based on a previous map for outdoor navigation
On the role of fuzzy quantified statements in linguistic summarization
An Evolutionary Approach for Learning the Weight of Relations in Linked Data
Paralelización e optimización dun simulador 2D Monte Carlo sobre arquitecturas Grid e Cluster: Estudo de flutuacións en transistores MOSFET baseados en SOI
Implementación de modelos de fotodiodos en lenguajes de descripción hardware de señal mixta
Tourist Classification in gastronomy of Santiago de Compostela: based on the data collected from Santiago(e)Tapas contest, 2010
A Weakly-Supervised Rule-Based Approach for Relation Extraction
Simulación y modelado de la magnetorresistencia en uniones magnéticas túnel multicapa
Using accurate AIC-based performance models to improve the scheduling of parallel applications
Multi-Subband Ensemble Monte Carlo simulation of bulk MOSFETs for the 32 nm-node and beyond
Variable Latency Goldschmidt Algorithm Based on a New Rounding Method and a Remainder Estimate
Analyzing the Execution of Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on the Finisterrae SMP-NUMA System
Effective and Efficient Polarity Estimation in Blogs based on Sentence-Level Evidence
Special issue on interpretable fuzzy systems
Direct Parallel Perceptrons (DPPs): Fast Analytical Calculation of the Parallel PerceptronsWeights with Margin Control for Classification Tasks
HILK++: An interpretability-guided fuzzy modeling methodology for learning readable and comprehensible fuzzy rule-based classifiers
Performance analysis of massively parallel embedded hardware architectures for retinal image processing
Detección de contaminantes en el medio marino a través del análisis e interpretacién de imágenes SAR utilizando técnicas de Inteligencia Artificial
Is the average duration of apneas, hypopneas and desaturations useful in the diagnosis of SAHS?
An eco-feedback system for improving the sustainability performance of Universities
Towards Real-time Hyperspectral Image Processing, a GP-GPU Implementation of Target Identification
Common scab detection on potatoes using an infrared hyperspectral imaging
Dependency-Based Text Compression for Semantic Relation Extraction
Evaluating Various Linguistic Features on Semantic Relation Extraction
Descripción de la Plataforma Formiga Cloud
Comparativa y Estudio de distribución de software de cálculo científico en entornos cloud con CVMFS
Measuring Comparability of Multilingual Corpora Extracted from Wikipedia
Estimación del efecto de los fallos cache en el rendimiento de aplicaciones paralelas
Comparación del rendimiento entre hipervisores XEN y KVM usando virtualización
Herramientas para la monitorización de los accesos a memoria de códigos paralelos mediante contadores hardware
Detección de regiones transitables para un robot móvil fusionando datos de cámaras estéreo y de sensores láser 2D
Continual learning in robots from environment interaction
Influence of air mass, DNI and air temperature in CPV modules: Study of different technologies
Multi-agent system for fast deployment of a guide robot in unknown environments
An optimal and fast algorithm for web service composition
Resolución de Correferencia de Nombres de Persona para Extracción de Información Biográfica
Robot Routing Approaches for Convoy Merging Manoeuvres
SERVANDO: An extensible platform for home-care services providing
An empirical study on interpretability indexes through multi-objective evolutionary algorithms
Switched-Capacitor Networks for Scale-Space Generation
Non-Destructive Detection of Hollow Heart in Potatoes Using Hyperspectral Imaging
Modeling and experimental results of short-channel annular MOS transistors
Applying Multicriteria Algorithms to Restaurant Recommendation
Detecting sleep apnea by heart rate variability analysis
Algorithms for the analysis of polysomnographic recordings with customizable criteria
Extending the language modeling framework for sentence retrieval to include local context
Composite Iterative Algorithm and Architecture for q-th Root Calculation
Seeding Simulated Queries with User-study Data for Personal Search Evaluation
A parallel algorithm based on simulated annealing for land use zoning plans
Study of Performance Issues on a SMP-NUMA System Using the Roofline Model
A Study of Memory Access Patterns in Irregular Parallel Codes Using Hardware Counter-Based Tools
Selecting the Best Tridiagonal System Solver Projected on Multi-Core CPU and GPU Platforms
Modelado analítico do rendemento de aplicacións en sistemas paralelos
An Exploration of the Linguistic Knowledge for Semantic Relation Extraction in Spanish
A Java-based Parallel Genetic Algorithm for the Land Use Planning Problem
Rapid Infrared Multi-Spectral Systems Design using a Hyperspectral Benchmarking Framework
Dynamic adaptation in OPENET4LD
Recommending teachers for collaborative authoring tools
Semantic linking of a learning object repository to DBpedia
Automatic web service composition with a heuristic-based search algorithm
Mining temporal constraint networks by seed knowledge extension
Assessing neural activity related to decision-making through flexible odds ratio curves and their derivatives
Building a meteorological SDI for the region of Galicia (Spain)
Toward enriching course content with Linked Data
Exploración en tiempo real de la reconstrucción virtual de los instrumentos del Pórtico de la Gloria
Pórtico de la Gloria Virtual, aplicación interactiva en tiempo real para la exploración virtual del Pórtico de la Gloria
Simplified Workflow Representation of IMS Learning Design
Desarrollo de un sistema CT/DR: visualización y aplicaciones
Statistical and Wavelet based texture features for fish oocytes classification
An Open-Source cloud management platform comparison
Implementation of the Density Gradient Quantum Corrections for 3-D Simulations of Multigate Nanoscaled Transistors
Online Feature Weighting for Human Discrimination in a Person Following Robot
Self-organized Multi-agent System for Robot Deployment in Unknown Environments
Improving search effectiveness in sentence retrieval and novelty detection
Conversión Fonética Automática con Información Fonológica para el Gallego
Is Singular Value Decomposition Useful for Word Similarity Extraction?
Spin-polarized transport in a full magnetic pn tunnel junction
Ways we can improve Simulated Personal Search Evaluation
Modeling early visual coding and saliency trough adaptative whitening: plausibility, assessment and applications
Iterative Rule Learning of Quantified Fuzzy Rules for control in mobile robotics
Semi-Fuzzy Quantifiers as a Tool for Building Linguistic Summaries of Data Patterns
Scene Recognition through Visual Attention and Image Features: A comparison between SIFT and SURF Approaches
Algorithm for registration of full Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscope video sequences
Effects of applied pressure in ZnV2 O4 and evidences for a dimerized structure
Dynamic adaptation in IMS Learning Design
Evolutionary intelligence in fuction optimization
A Grammatical Formalism Based on Patterns of Part-of-Speech Tags
Electronic structure analysis of the quasi-one-dimensional oxide Sr6Co5O15 within the LDA+U method
Machine Scheduling in Custom Furniture Industry through Neuro-Evolutionary Hybridization
Simulation of electron transport in magnetic tunnel junctions using the drift-diffusion model
An e-science infrastructure for nanoelectronic simulations based on grid and cloud technologies
Simulation of the temperature dependence of a-Si:H solar cell current-voltage characteristics
Temperature dependence of monolithic III-V triple-junction solar cell
Efficient Monte Carlo Simulation of n-MOSFET on unstructured Meshes
Simulation of the effect of p-layer properties on the electrical behaviour of a a-Si:H thin solar cell
Simulation of transport in fully epitaxial (Zn,Co)O/ZnO/(Zn,Co)O magnetic tunnel junction
Drift-Diffusion simulations of a 20 nm InGaAs implant free quantum well MOSFET
Parallel performance of the PETSc Krylov methods applied to linear systems of 3D nanodevice simulators
Precise segmentation of the optic disc in retinal fundus images
How to perform left and right ventricular function quantification in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with a simple mouse click
A first-principles study of the influence of helium atoms on the optical response of small silver clusters
Guest Editors Introduction: Special Section on Computer Arithmetic
Density functional study of the magnetic properties of Bi4Mn clusters: discrepancy between theory and experiment
Multi-Subband Monte Carlo Simulation of Oxide Thickness Fluctuation on SGSOI MOSFETs
3D Monte Carlo simulations of a 25 nm gate length SOI FinFET using unstructured tetrahedral grids
Geometrical information coded in Maxwell’s equations: a review
Cuantificación semiautomática de la función ventricular izquierda y derecha en RM cardíaca. Estudio preliminar
Comparative study of ROC regression techniques. Applications for computer-aided diagnostic system in breast cancer detection
Integración de IMS LD en mundos virtuales
Visualizing 3D models with fine-grain surface depth
Modelos de Recuperación de Información II
Recuperación de imagen
Heat Transfer for NDE: Landmine Detection
Técnicas Avanzadas de Recuperación de Información II
Simultaneous learning of perception and action in mobile robots
Analytical model for P-N junctions under point source illumination
Supporting adaptive learning with a student model repository and shared adaptive variables
Semantic annotation of educational resources through linked data
Multicriteria predictors using aggregation functions based on item views
Photoresponse model for photodiode-based CMOS APS in 180nm and 90nm technologies
In-Pixel ADC for a Vision Architecture on CMOS-3D Technology
An own-developed CT/DR system for visualization and defect recognition in NDT
Combining uncorrelated similarity measures for service discovery
A Sensor Observation Service Based on OGC Specifications for a Meteorological SDI in Galicia
EPIMETA: un Metapaquete de Epilinux
Composition of web services through genetic programming
Statistical query expansion for sentence retrieval and its effects on weak and strong queries
Retelab: A geospatial grid web laboratory for the oceanographic research community
Aplicaciones de Realidad Virtual y Visualización Inmersiva e Interactiva Basadas en Arquitectura PC: Desarrollo de un Marco de Trabajo y Factores de Diseño e Implantación en Museos y Espacios Públicos
A context-based algorithm for annotating educational content with Linked Data
Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition using Soft Computing
A New Multiresolution Blob Detector Applied to Photogrammetry
Parallel robot learning through an ensemble of predictors able to forecast the time interval before a robot failure
Una técnica de minería de datos para la inducción de redes de restricciones temporales cuantitativas entre eventos
A New Multiresolution Blob Detector Applied to Photogrammetry
FPGA computation of the 3D heat equation
OPENET: Ontology-based engine for high-level Petri nets
Variable Vigilance Fuzzy ART applied to robot learning
Unsupervised Complexity Reduction of Sensor Data for Robot Learning and Adaptation
The mean value of the descriptors of the pathological events recorded on the polysomnogram as a support tool in the diagnosis of SAHS
OPENET4WF: Marco de conocimiento para el modelado de flujos de trabajo formalizados mediante Redes de Petri
Improving Sentence Retrieval with an Importance Prior
Where to Start Filtering Redundancy? A Cluster-Based Approach
Fast weight calculation for kernel-based perceptron in two-class classification problems
A Parallel Perceptron network for classification with direct calculation of the weights optimizing error and margin
Combining user's preferences and quality criteria into a new index for guiding the design of fuzzy systems with a good interpretability-accuracy trade-off
An Analysis of Reasoning with Quantifiers within the Aristotelian Syllogistic Framework
Handling Incomplete Information in an Evolutionary Environment
Human activity recognition applying computational intelligence techniques for fusing information related to WiFi positioning and body posture
Scene Recognition using Visual Attention, Invariant Local Features and Visual Landmarks
OPENET4VE: A Platform for the Execution of IMS LD Units of Learning in Virtual Environments
A comparison of several neural networks to predict the execution times in injection molding production for automotive industry
Comparison of several chemometric techniques for the classification of orujo distillate alcoholic samples from Galicia (NW Spain) according to their certified brand of origin.
Integrating incomplete Information into the Relational Data Model
A Data Mining Algorithm for Inducing Temporal Constraint Networks
Improving the Scheduling of Parallel Applications using Accurate AIC-based Performance Models
Combinig Document and Sentence Scores for Blog Topic retrieval
Simultaneous Learning of Perceptions and Actions in Autonomous Robots
Evaluación de técnicas de Aprendizaje Activo para codificación CIE-9-MC de informes de alta hospitalaria
Knowledge-Based Framework for Workflow Modelling: Application to the Furniture Industry
Automatic parameter assessment of logp-based communication models in MPI environments
GPU detectors for interference cancellation in chaos-based CDMA communications
Improved Design of High-Performance Parallel Decimal Multipliers
Increasing the Locality of Iterative Methods and its Application to the Simulation of Semiconductor Devices
Decision-Making, Behavioral Supervision and Learning: An Executive Role for the Ventral Premotor Cortex?
Fast array thinning using global optimization methods
A 3D Chip Architecture for Optical Sensing and Concurrent Processing
People Detection through Quantified Fuzzy Temporal Rules
Channel Length impact on Velocity Overshoot in UTB-DGSOI
Impact of Random Dopant Fluctuations on a Tri-Gate MOSFET
A case study for learning behaviors in mobile robotics by evolutionary fuzzy systems
Omnivision-based KLD-Monte Carlo Localization
Offset-Compensated Comparator with Full-Input Range in 150nm FDSOI CMOS-3D Technology
Performance Modeling of MPI Applications Using Model Selection Techniques
Lessons Learnt Porting Parallelisation Techniques for Irregular Codes to NUMA Systems
Linguistic summarization of data with probabilistic fuzzy quantifiers
Multi-Subband Monte Carlo study of device orientation effects in ultra-short channel DGSOI
Channel Inversion Charge Dependence on Silicon Thickness in Ultra Thin Double-Gate SOI MOSFETs
¿Cómo y dónde evalúa el cerebro las consecuencias de nuestras decisiones?
Genetic programming algorithm for web service composition
Reduction of the self-forces in Monte Carlo simulations of semiconductor devices on unstructured meshes
Fast array thinning using global optimization methods
Handsheet for Full-Custom Circuit Design
On the Influence of Thread Allocation for Irregular Codes in NUMA Systems
Retinal verification using a feature points based biometric pattern
A Genetic Programming-based Algorithm for Composing Web Services
A 2D model for radiation-hard CMOS annular transistors
Mejora de los Algoritmos de Latencia Variable para el Cálculo de la División, Raíz Cuadrada y sus Recíprocos
On-chip retinal image processing: performance analysis on different approaches
Experimental analysis of CMOS short-channel gate enclosed transistors
Using Opinion-Based Features to boost sentence retrieval
Efficient software-hardware 3D heat equation solver with applications on the non-destructive evaluation of minefields
Simplifying the Rounding for Newton-Raphson Algorithm with Parallel Remainder Calculation
Addressing the flaws of current critical alarms a fuzzy constraint satisfaction approach
Summarizing time series with probabilistic fuzzy quantifiers
Extraction of conditional and causal sentences from queries to provide a flexible answer
View-Based Recommender System
Selección de widgets basada en calidad de servicio de inteligencia colectiva
Effect of Mismatch on the Reliability of ON/OFF-Programmable CNNs
Increasing data reuse of sparse algebra codes on simultaneous multithreading architectures
A role for ventral premotor cortex beyond performance monitoring
Application of the iris filter for automatic detection of pulmonary nodules on computed tomography images
University of Santiago de Compostela at CLEF-IP09
Arquitectura orientada a servicios para la ejecución de unidades de aprendizaje en mundos virtuales
Learning proposal based on reinforcement for collaborative tasks: robot convoy formation
Técnicas de indexación y recuperación de documentos utilizando referencias geográficas y textuales
Desarrollo e Implementación de un Laboratorio Virtual para la Teledetección Oceanográfica basado en Grid
WiFi localization system based on fuzzy logic to deal with signal variations
Metaschedulers in the environment of eScience portals: a case study with GridWay
A Cache Filtering Mechanism for Hardware Transactional Memory Systems Decoupled from Caches
Proyección de Algoritmos de Resolución de Sistemas Tridiagonales en la Tarjeta Gráfica
El Criterio de Información de Akaike en la Obtención de Modelos Estadísticos de Rendimiento
Highly Parallel Image Processing on a Massively Parallel Processor Array
Control y Generación de Refuerzo a partir de la Observación del Comportamiento Humano
FPGA-Accelerated Retinal Vessel-Tree Extraction
Fast robot learning through an ensemble of predictors able to forecast the time interval before failure
Visual FastSLAM Through Omnivision
A home-care pda-based program for the management of copd patients
Variable Latency Rounding for Goldschmidt Algorithm with Parallel Remainder Estimation
High Performance Image Processing on a Massively Parallel Processor
A PDA-Based Modular and Multipurpose System for Intelligent Ubiquitous Monitoring
Tunneling magnetoresistance dependence on the temperature in a ferromagnetic Zener diode
An Efficient FPGA Implementation of a DT-CNN for Small Image Gray-scale Pre-processing
A Digital Cellular-Based System for Retinal Vessel-Tree Extraction
A study of CMOS radiation tolerant transistors using Green functions
Non-destructive soil inspection using an efficient 3D software-hardware heat equation solver
Around fuzziness. Some philosophical thoughts
Compression-Based Document Length Prior for Language Models
Mealtime blood glucose classifier based on fuzzy logic for the DIABTel telemedicine system
OPENET LD: An Ontology-based Petri Net Engine to Execute IMS LD Units of Learning
An Integration of Several Technologies in the Architecture Definition and Deployment of a Geospatial Grid Web Portal
Evaluating Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on the FinisTerrae Supercomputer
Quality of the Information: The application in the winification process in wine production
Wine vinification prediction using data mining tools
Time Estimation in Injection Molding Production for Automative Industry Based on SVR and RBF
CIE-9-MC Code Classification with knn and SVM
Visual metaphors to support diagnosis of Sleep Apnea-Hypopnea Syndrome
OCURO: Estimation of Space Occupation and Vehicle Rotation in Controlled Parking Areas
An Integrated Solution to Store, Manage and Work with Datasets Focused on Metadata in the Retelab Grid Project
Desarrollo de herramientas para la simulación de transistores MOSFET
Propuesta de Estrategia para el enrutamiento adaptable aplicado a sistemas de navegación en entornos urbanos
SPECIAL ISSUE: Selected papers of the XIV Spanish Conference on Fuzzy Logic and Technologies (ESTYLF2008)
Rapid Method for Finding Faulty Elements in Antenna Arrays Using Far Field Pattern Samples
Descripción cuantitativa del orden de las funciones clausales argumentales en español
Accurate Analytical Performance Model of Communications in MPI Applications
Software Integration in the Development of a Spatial Data Grid Prototype based on Metadata
Metaschedulers in the environment of eScience portals: a case study with GridWay
Analytical model of short-channel gate enclosed transistors using Green functions
Quantum Wavelet Transforms of Any Order
Impact of intrinsic parameter fluctuations on the performance of In0.75Ga0.25As implant free MOSFETs
Optimization of linear systems for 3D parallel simulation of semiconductor devices: Application to statistical studies
Detección automática del árbol vascular retinal en imágenes de fondo de ojo
Fuzzy quantification in two real scenarios: Information retrieval and mobile robotics
Image compression: Maxshift ROI encoding options in JPEG2000
Greedy Performance Metrics for Grid Schedulers
Personal verification based on extraction and characterization of retinal feature points
High-Perfomance Decimal Floating-Point Units
Rapid Method for Finding Faulty Elements in Antenna Arrays Using Far Field Pattern Samples
Processing time estimations by variable structure tsk rules learned through genetic programming
A dc I-V model for short-channel polygonal enclosed-layout transistors
Enclosed layout transistors in saturation
Modeling and simulation of CMOS APS
Application of Penalized Splines in Analyzing Neuronal Data
A Revision about the Concept of Intentionality in a Approximate Framework
A fuzzy constraint satisfaction approach for signal abstraction
Selecting variables in non-parametric regression models for binary response. An application to the computerized detection of breast cancer
Learning weighted linguistic rules to control an autonomous robot
A novel similarity metric for retinal images based authentication
An FPGA-based Topographic Computer for Binary Image Processing
TRACE, a graphical tool for the acquisition and detection of signal patterns
A Collective I/O Implementation Based on Inspector-Executor Paradigm
Localization through omnivision for a tour-guide robot
Prólogo de «Robot Behaviour: Design, description, and analysis and Modelling»
A Taxonomy of Collaborative-based Recommender Systems
Looking for a good fuzzy system interpretability index: An experimental approach
Model identification and model analysis in robot training
Retinal vessel tree segmentation using a deformable contour model
CNN Technology for Spatiotemporal Signal Processing
Efficient software-hardware 3D heat equation solver with applications on the non-destructive evaluation of minefields
Visual knowledge-based metaphors to support the analysis of polysomnographic recordings
Neural Correlates of Decisions and Their Outcomes in the Ventral Premotor Cortex
Single Instruction Multiple Data and Cellular Non-linear Networks as Fine-Grained Parallel Solutions for Early Vision on FPGAs
Sensitivity of photodiode-based CMOS APS in 0.18um technology: peripheral collection and optimum dimension
Discrete Time Cellular Non-linear Networks Implementation over FPGA
Forcing one-sided results in Goldschmidt algorithm
Revisiting the Relationship between Document Length and Relevance
A User Management Web System Based on Portlets for a Grid Environment Integrating Shibboleth, PURSe, PERMIS and Gridsphere
Novelty as a Form of Contextual Re-ranking: Efficient KLD Models and Mixture Models
Bottom collection of photodiode-based CMOS APS
Exploiting Data Compression in Collective I/O Techniques
Reordering Algorithms for Increasing Locality on Multicore Processors
Fuzzy temporal rule-based systems: new challenges
Una revisión del concepto de intencionalidad en un marco aproximado
Obtención de modelos estadísticos de rendimiento de las comunicaciones en aplicaciones MPI
Learning a wall following behaviour in mobile robotics using stereo and mono vision
Hybrid approach for machine scheduling optimization in custom furniture industry
Comparison of pixel and subpixel retinal vessel tree segmentation using a deformable contour model
A comparison of different rating-based collaborative filtering algorithms
A New Rounding Algorithm for Variable Latency Division and Square Root Implementations
Benchmarking of Scaled InGaAs Implant-Free NanoMOSFETs
Fuzzy structural algorithms to identify and characterize apnea and hypopnea episodes
A Hardware Error Estimate for Floating-Point Computations
Element Failure Detection in Linear Antenna Arrays using Case-Based Reasoning
A study of statistical query expansion strategies for sentence retrieval
SIMD Array on FPGA for B/W Image Processing
Template-Oriented Hardware Design based on Shape Analysis of 2D CNN Operators in CNN Template Libraries and Applications
DT-CNN emulator: 3D heat equation solver with applications on the non-destructive soil inspection
An FPGA Architecture for CABAC Decoding in Manycore Systems
FPGA-based hardware accelerator of the heat equation with applications on infrared thermography
HILK: A new methodology for designing highly interpretable linguistic knowledge bases using the fuzzy logic formalism
Highly efficient simulations of semiconductor devices
Artificial Intelligence and Education
Similarity metrics analysis for feature point based retinal authentication
Plagiarism detection using software tools: a study in a Computer Science degree
Data Locality Aware Strategy for Two-Phase Collective I/O
Fast Retinal Vessel Tree Extraction: A Pixel Parallel Approach
Bio-Inspired View-Based Algorithms for Collaborative Filtering
Design and Implementation of a Communication Architecture based on Player/Stage for telerobotics operation of P3-DX units
A fuzzy constraint satisfaction approach to identify and characterize apnea episodes
An integrated Solution to the Security User Access in the RETELAB Grid Project, using a Web System based on Portlets and a RBAC Model by means of User Attribute Certificates and PKI
Atomistic mesh generation for the simulation of nanoscale metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors
Tetrahedral elements in self-consistent parallel 3D Monte Carlo simulations of MOSFETs
A framework for unifying problem-solving knowledge and workflow modeling
Processing times estimation in a manufacturing industry through genetic programming
Motion representation using composite energy features
Random dopant related variability in the 30 nm gate length In0.75Ga0.25As implant free MOSFET
A neural network based framework for directional primitive extraction
Image compression: Maxshift ROI encoding options in JPEG2000
Assessing continuous bivariate effects among different groups through nonparametric regression models. Application to breast cancer detection
On the use of an IMS LD ontology for creating and executing Units of Learning
Resultados del programa de compostaje doméstico de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Diseño de juegos para aprender divirtíendose en el ámbito de las Ciencias de la Computación
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications: Preface
A Digit-by-Digit Algorithm for mth Root Extraction
An analysis on document length retrieval trends in language modelling smoothing
Assessing multivariate Bernoulli models for Information Retrieval
A Radix-2 Digit-by-Digit Architecture for Cube Root
Detección automática de nódulos pulmonares en tomografía computarizada (TC)
Show me more: incremental length summarisation using novelty detection
Categorical variables, interactions and generalized additive models. Applications in computer-aided diagnosis systems
Conjuntos Borrosos
Compression of high resolution 1D & 2D NMR data sets using JPEG2000
Accurate robot simulation through system identification
Modelling and executing units of learning using an IMS LD ontology
Algoritmos estructurales basados en lógica borrosa para la identificación y caracterización de apneas e hipoapneas
A comparison among several techniques for finding defective elements in antenna arrays
Information coding in early stages of the somatosensory system
Highly frequent terms and sentence retrieval
A novel model of bottom-up visual attention using local energy
Fairly Retrieving Documents of All Lengths: A study of Document Length Normalization using the Language Modeling approach
Gestión de una base de datos geográfica usando dispositivos móviles y servicios web del OGC
Un servicio web de mapas activos: AWMS
Implementación Eficiente de un Servicio Web de Análisis Geoestadístico Basado en Coberturas Geográficas
Diseño e Implementación de un Servicio Web para la Simulación de la Propagación de Incendios Forestales
Spin polarized tunneling in a ferromagnetic Zener diode
Intelligent alarms for patient supervision
Service-oriented architecture for knowledge-enriched workflows modelling and execution
Improving reinforcement learning through a better exploration strategy and an adjustable representation of the environment
Simulación de códigos de N-cuerpos en sistemas de memoria distribuida mediante un algoritmo paralelo por etapas
Una estructura de indexación para la recuperación de documentos con referencias geográficas
Analytical Performance Models of Parallel Programs in Clusters
An Index Structure to Retrieve Documents with Geographic Information
Model identification and analysis in robot training
Local Energy Saliency for Bottom-Up Visual Attention
The effect of smoothing in language models for novelty detection
Soft-Hard 3D FD-TD solver for non destructive evaluation
Verification of Split&Shift Techniques for CNN Hardware Reduction
Improved Analytical I-V Model for polygonal-shape enclosed layout transistors
Relating Cellular Non-linear Networks to Threshold Logic and Single Instruction Multiple Data Computing Models
Highly interpretable linguistic knowledge bases optimization: Genetic tuning versus solis-wetts. Looking for a good interpretability-accuracy trade-off
Novelty detection using Local Context Analysis
WebLD: A Web Portal to Design IMS LD Units of Learning
Entropy Coding on a Programmable Processor Array for Multimedia SOC
Modelo del conocimiento y arquitectura para la integración de metodologías educativas y nuevas tecnologías en el aula
An Inspector/Executor Based Strategy to Efficiently Parallelize N-Body Simulation Programs on shared memory systems
Linking perception and action The role of the premotor ventral cortex
Petri Net Semantics for OWL-S Service Choreography
Aprendizaje de modelos de usuario para filtrado de información de fuentes continuas
Managing a Geographic Database From Mobile Devices Through OGC Web Services
A snake for retinal vessel segmentation
CNN Implementation of Spin Filters for Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Applications
Area and Time Efficient Cellular Non-linear Networks
Redes ART con categorías internas de geometría irregular
Simulation of parallel applications in GridSim
New approach to get autonomous and fast robot learning processes
Definition and Implementation of an Active Web Map Service
Técnicas paralelas aplicadas a optimización no lineal en sistemas de memoria distribuida
Summarisation and Novelty: An Experimental Investigation
SQL extension for spatio-temporal data
Hardware Support for Adaptive Tessellation of Bezier Surfaces Based on Local Tests
Knowledge-based intelligent diagnosis of ground robot collision with non detectable obstacles
Software Tools for Performance Modeling of Parallel Programs
Collecting and publishing large multiscale geographic datasets
Diseño de sensores ópticos CMOS y dispositivos electrónicos para procesado de imágenes en tiempo real
Efficient combination of the fuzzy Hough transform and the Burns segment detector
Round Numbers revisited. A new fuzzy approach
Computerized detection of breast masses in digitized mammograms
A tourism portal for Galician rural houses based on the IFITT reference model and information filtering techniques
Impact of intrinsic parameter fluctuations on the performance of HEMTs studied with a 3D parallel drift-diffusion simulator
Optimización de un simulador 3D paralelo aplicado al estudio de fluctuaciones de parámetros intrínsecos en dispositivos HEMT
Introducción al número especial sobre técnicas de la inteligencia artificial aplicadas a la educación
La Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de España en 2007. Proyectos, Servicios y Nodos
Security for a Multi-Agent System based on JADE
Statistical study of the effect of interface charge fluctuations in HEMTs using a 3D simulator
Design of a fuzzy controller in mobile robotics using genetic algorithms
Task identification and characterisation in mobile robotics through non-linear modelling
Comparison of alternative frameworks for directional primitive extraction
Polytope ARTMAP: pattern classification without vigilance based on general geometry categories
Quick design of fuzzy controllers with good interpretability in mobile robotics
Relación entre los cambios en la microcirculación retiniana y la lesión de otros órganos diana en pacientes hipertensos y su regresión tras el tratamiento
Autonomous and fast robot learning through motivation
Visual Task Identification and Characterization Using Polynomial Models
Representación y Ejecución de Unidades Educativas a través de una Ontología de Diseños de Aprendizaje
Fuzzy quantification models based on a probabilistic interpretation and their application in information retrieval
Técnicas de Optimización de la Localidad para Códigos Irregulares sobre Arquitecturas Multiprocesador y Multithreading
Automatic detection and classification of grains of pollen based on shape and texture
Software/hardware techniques for mesh compression in computer graphics
Un modelo de redes de restricciones borrosas para la abstracción y el reconocimiento sobre señales
Relational Formalism for the Management of Spatial Data
A learning design ontology based on the IMS LD specification