4th Workshop on the Architecture of Smart Cameras (WASC 2015)
The 4th Workshop on the Architecture of Smart Cameras is dedicated to all aspects of embedded vision systems, from image sensors to high-level information processing and smart camera networks.The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with an informal setting for discussing innovative work in progress on important new technical directions. This year, WASC is in its fourth edition, and will be held on June 29 and 30, 2015 in the Centro Singular de Investigación en Tecnoloxís da Información da universidade de Santiago de Compostela (CiTIUS). Researchers and practitioners in the fields covered by the scope of the workshop are invited to submit proposals for presentation.
WASC is dedicated to all aspects of embedded vision systems, smart camera networks, smart imagers and vision chips. The purpose of this workshop is to create a place to share experiences and concerns while presenting the latest advances and work in progress. The setup is rather informal in order to foster discussion and promote collaboration between researchers from complementary disciplines.
On-site event