Conference: «From attention to traversability: the robot visual pathway in facing harsh scenarios»
Cognitive robotics is the science studying computational models of robot cognition and its embedding within robot technologies. It merges the science of mental processes such as attention, perception, learning, short and long term memorization, reasoning, problem solving, planning and decision making, together with the science of information processing, sensory feedback and control. I would like to present many of the things we are doing, together with all the problems we are facing, within a single framework.
Fiora Pirri is Professor of Computer Science at Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica, Automatica e Gestionale, Sapienza, Università di Roma. She received the PhD from the Universitè Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI, the DEA IARFAG (artificial intelligence, pattern recognition and image processing) at ENPC (Ecole Nationale Ponts et Chausses), a Master degree in Statistics and a Master Degree in Architecture at University of Roma Sapienza. She leads ALCOR laboratory which she founded in 1998. ALCOR LAB research focuses on the following aspects of Cognitive Robotics: Attention, 3D Reconstruction of Large Scale Outdoor Environments, Human Motion Analysis, Planning and Augmented Simulation Environment.
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