Conference: «Future Trends in Similarity Searching»
Similarity searching has been a research issue for many years, and searching has probably become the most important web application today. As the complexity of data objects grows, it is more and more difficult to reason about digital objects otherwise than through the similarity. In this article, we first discuss concepts of similarity and searching in light of future perspectives before a concise history of similarity searching technology is presented. We use the historical knowledge to extend the trends to future. We analyze the bottlenecks of application development and discuss perspectives of search computing for future applications. We also present a model of search technology and its position in computer clouds for application development. Finally, execution platforms for multi-modal findability and security issues for outsourced similarity searching environments are suggested as important research challenges.
About Pavel
Pavel Zezula is a professor of informatics at the Faculty of Informatics, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic. He is also head of the Data Intensive System and Application (DISA) laboratory. His professional interests concentrate on storage structures and algorithms for content-based retrieval in non-traditional digital data types and formats, such as multimedia and the exploration of XML structured data collections. He has a long record of co-operation with the CNR in Pisa, Italy, and has participated in numerous EU research projects. He was a Program Committee Member of several prestigious international conferences (e.g. EDBT, VLDB, ACM SIGMOD, and CIKM). His research results are published in the most prestigious journals (e.g. ACM TOIS, ACM TODS, VLDB Journal) and in proceedings of top conferences (e.g. ACM PODS, VLDB, and ACM SIGIR). He is co-author of a book on similarity searching published by Springer US. Scholar Google registers more than 4 000 citations to his papers.
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