Summer School: 'MOOCs and learning in social networks'
The summer school MOOCs and learning in social networks will take place between July 21 and 24. Main conferences will be held in the CiTIUS while practical sessions will be held in the Escola Técnica Superior de Enxeñaría (ETSE). The course is organized by the research network TELGalicia and directed by the Professors Adriana Gewerc Barujel and Manuel Lama Penín. It will be structured in a series of conferences, round tables and workshops with the following objectives:
To present the current situation of MOOCs and its impact in education
To show the learning methodologies for the implantation of MOOCs.
To analyze the impact of MOOCs in the roles of teachers and students
To show the platforms and tools that facilitate the management and the creation of MOOCs, evaluating the new technological solutions that are required by this educational process
To develop a series of workshops in the use of tools, methodologies and good practices for the creation of MOOCs
To present the main MOOCs initiatives
During the summer school, international experts will analyze the main areas of application and emergent topics. The program will include leading speakers as Stephen Downes, Gráinne Conole, Carlos Delgado Kloos and more.
The summer school is specially suited for understanding the MOOC’s role in education. It would emphasize the possibilities of MOOCs from the pedagogical viewpoint, without forgetting the methodological and technological necessities.
On-site event