'European AI Regulation Week'
In line with its concern to adequately regulate the development and use of AI, the European Commission has promoted several initiatives to set up the principles of a trustworthy and secure AI. In 2019 the high-level expert group on AI presented Ethics Guidelines for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence. Two years later, on 21st April 2021, the European Commission published a regulatory framework to monitor AI, laying down harmonised rules about the topic, finally so-called Artificial Intelligence Act.
The EU Member States have also understood that they need to keep up with AI progress. Many of them have already adopted national AI strategies, while others are in the final drafting phase at present. Given that a European-centred approach to AI is essential, the EU has put in place measures to strengthen coordination mechanisms, and to provide analysis and studies through the creation of AI Watch, an initiative of the European Commission to monitor and facilitate the implementation of the European Strategy for AI.
With the aim of discussing about all these crucial issues, the Singular Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (CiTIUS) will host next week a series of meetings with high-reputation experts, who will join along a three-day event entitled ‘European AI Regulation Week’. This workshop aims to raise awareness and stimulate the debate related to AI regulation, and will be structured in three thematic interactive panels: ‘Socio-economic impact of AI regulation’, ‘Building trust through Explainable AI complying with the European AI regulation’ and ‘A human-centric approach to non-biased AI in agreement with European values and regulation’.
The event is open to the public and will run in hybrid mode, with on-site and online attendants, focusing on a multi-stakeholder approach to bring together the private sector, academia, civil society, and governments representatives.
Register for free at the 'European AI Regulation Week' official website
Virtual event