INLG 2017: 'International Conference on Natural Language Generation'
Next September, Santiago de Compostela will host the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation (INLG2017), the biennial conference of the Special Interest Group on Natural Language Generation (SIGGEN).
Call for workshops
For the second time since its inception, the International Conference on Natural Language Generation will this year include independently organised workshops, which will take place on 4 September 2017, immediately prior to the main conference.
Further proposals for one-day or half-day workshops at INLG 2017 are invited. Workshops can focus on any topic that is viewed as relevant to the Natural Language Generation community. We especially invite proposals for workshops in relatively new areas which have recently begun to attract interest in the research community, or topics where greater interaction between the NLG community and another established research community can be beneficial to both fields. Proposals for workshops which form part of an existing series are also welcome.
Free registration for student helpers
Applications of students to help out at the event (e.g. attend registration desk, carry microphone) are accepted and will receive free registration in return. Those interested must send a short paragraph describing their motivation to attend the event and attach proof of theuir student status to: inlg2017@usc.es, including in the subject of the message: "INLG2017 - Application for student helpers" (Application deadline: July 3, 2017)
Important Dates
Workshops: 4 September 2017
Main Conference: 5-6 September 2017
Hackathon and tutorials: 7 September 2017
On-site event