Entrepreneurship laboratory: «EmprendeLab»
Senén Barro, CiTIUS researcher and head of Redemprendia, will introduce next Friday at the Assembly Hall the entrepreneurship laboratory «EmprendeLab», conceived to help researchers who have just presented their doctoral thesis. The main goal is to propose a professional guidance for new post-docs, inviting them to consider the entrepreneurship area as one of their job opportunities.
«You have just presented your thesis successfully. Years of hard work and sacrifice, a very educational and creative period that allowed you to present your thesis with original (and important) contributions to certain fields of knowledge, and (or) to technological development; you have now a new degree, in fact, the highest degree; you made your family happy, and... now, you are a «post-doc», with a good academical background and a better competence to continue with your professional course, related or not with research. Are you sure of what you really want? Do you know the way? What is your plan: continue to work in research, to become a public servant, to join a company (a multinational enterprise, maybe...?) Are you considering entrepreneurship as an option? If so, you must want to do it, know how to do it, and be able to do it. And the first, and most important thing, is to want to do it. To dare to act, in essence. It's also important to be prepared. Usually we say that it's not possible to teach how to undertake, but certainly it's possible to learn how to undertake».
Senén Barro was rector of the University of Santiago de Compostela between years 2002 and 2010, and nowadays he develops his professional activity at CiTIUS. During this time as the maximum authority of USC, he promoted internationalization and entrepreneurship in the university, and between years 2003 and 2005 he headed the TIC group of the Spanish University Rectors' Conference (CRUE). He was also vice-president of this organization in the period 2008-2010, and from May 2008 he heads RedEmprendia, a network integrated by 20 Latin-American universities, Universia and Santander Bank, created to promote responsible innovation and entrepreneurship.
On-site event