Lecture: 'Intel HPC Software Development Tools Update and AI (classical machine learning and deep learning ) solutions and directions'
Overview on Intel optimized AI tools directions and products
- Optimized Frameworks (Tensorflow, Python SciKit-Learn,..)
- Libraries and toolkits for Machine and Deep Learning -
Update on Intel Parallel Studio XE and the news on the 2019 Editions
- Compiler and Lib Update
- Analysis Tools :
· Application Performance Snapshot (a liteway hi level analysis tool)
· VTune – including the new VTune Platform Profiler for system configuration
· Vectorization (Advisor and Intel Compiler)
· Roofline Analysis
· Intel MPI and Intel Trace Analyzer and Collector (ITAC )
- Intel Cluster Checker ; a System Health Analysis tool for Administrators -
Any other tools related topic ( usage, business, etc…)
· e.g. Licensing and access to Intel software for researching and teaching.
Edmund Preiss is a European Business Development Manager for Intel’s Software Developer Tools, a position he has held for last 11 years. The Intel Tools products includes components such as Compilers, Libraries and Performance Analysis tools for R&D, Academia, enterprise, manufacturing, automotive and machine/deep learning segments and applications.
Edmund Preiss joined Intel in 1988 and has since managed various product marketing, technical and business development programs/projects and teams.
He held several roles such as the Intel’s European Strategic Software Planning within Intel’s Software and Solutions Group and was the European channel marketing manager for Intel’s Web Hosting Services (Intel Online Services).
He holds a Diploma of Electronic Engineering and brings with more than 30 years of Industry experience. Beside Intel he worked in the semiconductor business for the following companies: Siemens Semiconductor Components Division, Thomson Semiconductor and ST Microelectronics.
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