Lecture: ‘Miniaturized Single-Photon Detectors’
Micro-electronic technologies have enabled image and vision sensors with reduced SWaP (Size Weight and Power). Also, by combining photo-detectors with analog and digital processing circuitry on either single semiconductor substrates or several vertically-interconnected substrates, largely miniaturized smart image sensors and even vision sensors can be implemented. While conventional image sensors rely on integrating photo-diodes, this lecture addresses photo-detectors and array sensors thereof capable of detecting single photons. Principles and potential applications will be covered in the talk, with examples taken mostly form the R&D activities currently running at the Institute of Microelectronics of Seville (Universidad de Sevilla-CSIC).
Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez (IEEE Fellow 1999) is a Full Professor of Electronics at the University of Sevilla. He co-founded the Instituto de Microelectrónica de Sevilla, a joint undertake of Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científica (CSIC) and Universidad de Sevilla, and started a Research Lab on Analog and Mixed-Signal Circuits for Sensors and Communications.
In 2001, he was the main promotor of AnaFocus Ltd. and served it as CEO until June 2009, when the company reached maturity as a world wide provider of smart CMOS imagers.
Ángel Rodríguez-Vázquez has 9,200 paper citations and several awards as the IEEE Guillemin-Cauer Best Paper Award or one IEEE ISCAS Best Paper Award. He has an h-index of 47 and an i10-index of 192 (Google Scholar). He has also served and serves as Editor of many IEEE and non-IEEE journals. He has served as Chair of the IEEE CASS Fellow Evaluation Committeee (2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015). He has been appointed General Chairman of IEEE ISCAS 2020.
On-site event