Training Program: 'Star Wars, patents and software, why did the Empire lose the war?'
The talk will give an overview of the different types of protection of research results and an introduction to the process of processing and managing them. The talk is suitable for all types of profiles, but especially for research staff in training.
Fernando Rafael Pardo Seco holds a PhD in Physics from the University of Santiago de Compostela since 2008 and is currently a PhD Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela. In the period 1999-2001 he worked on a research project in the field of digital medical image recording. FPU scholarship holder (2002-2005) to develop his doctoral thesis in the field of digital systems design for landmine detection. In 2006 he obtained a position as assistant professor at the University of Valladolid in the Department of Electronic Technology. In 2011 he joined the Area of Valorisation, Transfer and Entrepreneurship at the University of Santiago de Compostela, managing the intellectual and industrial property portfolio in the areas of mathematics, physics, ICT and engineering and participating in tasks to support the creation of technology-based companies in these areas. In 2020 he obtained a position as Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Computing of the USC where he started working in the line of deployment of deep learning systems at the edge.
On-site event