MENELAOSᴺᵀ Midterm Summer School (MSS) 2021
MENELAOSᴺᵀ Midterm Summer School (MSS) 2021 is a mixed on-site and online event held by the MSCA ITN MENELAOSᴺᵀ in Santiago de Compostela (Spain). The Summer School is organized by CiTIUS, the Research Center on Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
The language of the Summer School will be English, and the program consists of on-site and online presentations and lectures about the newest achievements and developments in multimodal – multi sensor data fusion in the context of the MENELAOSᴺᵀ project.
All sessions will be scheduled between 20 September and 24 September 2021 in Santiago de Compostela. The lectures at the MSS cover the novel paradigms of compressed sensing, deep and compressed learning at all levels of sensor systems, sensor signal processing, and high level information mining.The full information of this Summe School is availabe at 'MENELAOSᴺᵀ Midterm Summer School (MSS) 2021' official website.
To attend this event, please contact the organization sending an email to the following address: menelaos_nt_summerschool@usc.es
The European Training Network MENELAOSᴺᵀ, funded by the European Commission through a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) addresses societal key challenges, applying Novel Technologies to realize multimodal – multi sensor data fusion to optimally combine the information, delivered by different sensors (in-situ/remote, optical/non optical) on different scales, with different resolutions and with different reliability.
MENELAOSᴺᵀ brings together 7 different members from 4 different countries (Germany, Spain, Romania and Turkey) including research institutions, universities and companies, as well as several partner organizations all over Europe. Together, they constitute a network with a broad expertise on the field of remote sensing, sensor fabrication and signal processing.
Mixed event