Py4JFML: A Python wrapper for using the IEEE Std 1855-2016 through JFML

JFML is an open source Java library aimed at facilitating interoperability of fuzzy systems by implementing the IEEE Std 1855-2016 – the IEEE Standard for Fuzzy Markup Language (FML) that is sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society. We developed a Python wrapper for JFML that enables to use all the functionalities of JFML through a Python 3.x module. The bridge between Python and Java is accomplished through the use of the Py4J framework. As a result, the possibility of using the IEEE standard for representing fuzzy systems is enlarged to a wider community of developers and knowledge engineers, with minimal code redundancy. Experiments show full interoperability between Python programs and JFML without any tangible overhead. We illustrate the use of Py4JFML in a beer style classification case study.

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