Job Offer: Junior Postdoctoral Researchers in Intelligent Technologies
CiTIUS offers a new contract to a postdoctoral researcher for a three years at the Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela.
Description and Research Objectives
We are looking for candidates with a PhD in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Mathematics, Physics or related fields and a good record of scientific publications in top conferences and scientific journals, within the topics of interest shown below. The candidates should have less than two years of postdoctoral experience We also expect self-motivated candidates who are able to work both independently as well as in a team. Fluent English is essential.
We are willing to support applications related to one of our Scientific Programmes:
- Machine Learning
- Advanced Computing
- Approximate Processing
- e-Health
- Personal Robots
- Autonomous Sensors
- Natural Language Technologies
- Artificial Vision
Position details
Up to 2 years of research stay in a research centre or university (in Spain or abroad) and 1 year (the last one) at CiTIUS.
Position includes teaching up to a maximum of 30 hours per year.
Full-time contract with a gross salary of about 2.280€/month (14 payments per year, i.e. 31.962€ annual gross salary) when the research stay is abroad or 1.820 when the destination of the research stay is Spain (14 payments per year, i.e. 25.564€ annual gross salary) . It includes medical care coverage and work accident insurance through the Spanish Health System, as well as pension and unemployment benefits.
Duration: temporary contract for a period of 3 years, including a research stay of up to 2 years in another research center.
Estimated starting date: January 2022.
Desirable skills
- Scientific leadership.
- Highly motivated candidates with an excellent scientific track-record.
- Fluent English is essential.
- The ideal candidate will be organized, hard-working and have the ability to work in a team and interdisciplinary environment.
- Good communication skills.
About CiTIUS
CiTIUS is a research centre specialised in Intelligent Technologies located in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. CiTIUS hosts more than 120 researchers, including 29 senior researchers who have been selected by a Scientific Advisory Board. In the last 3 years (2018-2020), CiTIUS attracted funding of 9,8 million euros, including around 2 million euros from projects in collaboration with the industry sector. In the same period, CiTIUS published over 130 articles in indexed journals (SCI-Scopus) and 27 PhD thesis where defended. CiTIUS has transferred 15 software licenses and has created 3 spin-offs (Situm Technologies, Imagames and InVerbis).
CiTIUS is currently involved in 9 EU-funded projects and is the scientific coordinator of two Marie Skłodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN), participant in a FET-PROACT project (MISEL), participant in an Energy project (MINISTOR) and participant in 5 COST actions. The centre is also member of CLAIRE, the confederation of laboratories for AI research in Europe. This European network includes 375 research groups and institutions and over 21,000 people from 35 countries.
CiTIUS develops technology transfer projects with relevant companies such as Indra, Repsol, Babcock, FINSA, Johnson&Johnson, Plexus or Mestrelab Research among others, and with public entities such as the Galician Health Service (Sergas).
Working at CiTIUS
CiTIUS provides a stimulating, interdisciplinary and cutting-edge scientific environment, where our researchers can foster and develop their scientific career in an international team. Among others, we offer:
- State-of-the art research facilities and career development opportunities.
- Be in contact and work in international research projects.
- Flexible working schedule. CiTIUS is committed to reconcile a work and family life of its employees.
- Training Programme in transversal skills which aims to enhance future employability and career success of our researchers including among others, intellectual property rights, technology transfer, entrepreneurship, dissemination and outreach.
- Possibility to participate in dissemination events with industry and outreach activities with scholars, organised throughout the year.
- Access to university facilities: gym, sport activities, Spanish courses, etc.
Deadline for submitting applications: 2021 July, 31st | 23:59 CEST (UCT +02:00)
Send your application to CiTIUS Knowledge Management and Transfer Unit (citius.kmt@usc.es) ndicate the position reference in the subject line (Junior Postdoc EoI) including:
A short Curriculum Vitae (max. 3 pages), including ORCID, Scopus ID or Researcher ID.
A motivation letter outlining background and experience, the most relevant research results and a brief research proposal aligned with CiTIUS’ Scientific Programs (max. 2 pages).
Applications will be evaluated internally and selected candidates will be encouraged to apply to the Margarita Salas call from USC (call).