Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Postdoctoral Fellowship in Intelligent Systems
The Research Center in Information Technologies of the University of Santiago de Compostela (CiTIUS) is looking to recruit postdoctoral researchers in the area of Intelligent Systems interested in a two years position funded by the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA - IF). The next MSCA-IF call will close on the 11th September 2014. The selected candidate will be supported by the Intelligent Systems CiTIUS (IS-CiTIUS) researchers to write a proposal for a MSCA Individual Fellowship.
We are accepting projects in the following areas of interest to the CiTIUS: user-oriented descriptive data analytics, social workflow, sensorized personal smart systems and wearables, life-long adaptation on robotic devices, text mining, temporal data mining, machine learning and pattern recognition. Candidates interested in these or other related areas are also welcome. The projects will be tailored to your prior research experience and training requirements whilst you are hosted by us.
CiTIUS ( is a creative and innovative environment and is part of Singular Research Centers Network of the USC. Our team consists of 32 professors and more than 60 researchers developing different stages of their scientific careers (trainees, predoctoral and postdoctoral researchers). Our research is structured into four main areas and one of them is Intelligent Systems.
We are particularly interested in the following research areas:
User-oriented descriptive data analytics: propose and develop descriptive tools for producing relevant textual information for users through hybridization of paradigms such as Natural Language Generation, Soft Computing, Data Mining and others. The tools developed should be validated in practical Big Data environments oriented to both specialized and non-specialized users.
Social workflow research: the challenges are to develop intelligent techniques and cloud-based architectures for dynamically adapting the workflow to the user behavior.
Innovation in sensorized personal smart systems and wearables: smart systems will need to be endowed with a new level of cognitive skills, intelligence, signal and information processing.
Life-long adaptation on robotic devices: the achievement of learning and adaptation in a largely unsupervised way involves abilities such as deep understanding of the environments through distributed sensing.
Text Mining Technologies to Automatically Detect CyberGrooming and other socio-pathological phenomena.
Temporal data mining algorithms: to research on new measures of interestingness in temporal knowledge discovery.
Machine learning and pattern recognition fields: the project is focused in ensemble and kernel-based classifiers, especially in the design of custom kernels, with improved accuracy and computational efficiency, and in projection methods for classification problems.
Researchers interested in any of the areas of interest of IS-CiTIUS are also welcome.
MSCA fellowships support mobility, career development, and training within and beyond Europe, and usually cover 2 years’ salary, a mobility allowance, and research costs. Fellows can also spend part of the fellowship elsewhere in Europe.
The MSCA mobility rule is mandatory: researchers shall not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Spain for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior the reference date (ref. date: 11.09.14)
APPLICANTS should submit the following information: indication on the research area/s of interest, a full CV with list of publications, a letter of introduction stating why they are suitable for the position/s and name and contact details of at least two persons that can be contacted to provide references for him/her.
The application should be sent by e-mail to with the subject: MSCA-IF Intelligent Systems: [Research area]. Closing date for applications: 31.07.14 at 23h59 CEST.
Research Fields
Computer science
Career Stage
Experienced researcher or 4-10 yrs (Post-Doc)
Required Languages
Language: ENGLISH
Language Level: Excellent