EDIH DATALIFE, the European Digital Innovation Hub to accelerate digital transformation in business and public administration, is launched
CiTIUS participates in the new consortium funded by the European Commission with the seal of excellence 'European Digital Innovation Hub'.
Next Thursday, 30 March, the Xosé Neira Vilas auditorium of the Cidade da Cultura will host the presentation of the EDIH DATAlife project, a new European project in which CiTIUS will contribute its knowledge and research background to help implement disruptive technologies in the public and private sectors. The new European reference hub will be developed over the next three years and is funded 50% by the European Commission (G.A. 101083755) and 50% through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan of MINCOTUR and the EOI Foundation, with a total budget of almost 5.5 million euros.
EDIH DATALIFE aims to become a one-stop shop for services, providing companies with access to advanced digital solutions through modern infrastructures for technological experimentation and validation. The services offered by EDIH DATALIFE will be collected in a catalogue and will include advice for implementing new technologies and proofs of concept in Artificial Intelligence (AI), High Performance Computing (HPC) or Internet of Things (IoT) to EDIH's priority sectors, Agro-Mar-Food, Forestry-Wood, Health-Care and Biotechnology.
The project will focus its efforts on the implementation of disruptive technologies in validation and demonstration phases, with great potential to increase the competitiveness of Galician companies and public administration. EDIH DATALIFE explains that these technologies are "not very widespread at present", which is why they will try to facilitate their knowledge and adoption "by supporting entities within their strategic sectors, especially SMEs". The ultimate goal is to increase the competitiveness of companies through the adoption of AI, HPC and IoT technologies, promoting the implementation of pilot projects and proof of concept by connecting supply and demand.
In the framework of this conference, the project partners will present on the one hand the sectoral and digitisation challenges that they have from the business sector and subsequently, a set of capabilities and examples of technological services.