Pablo Gamallo and Alberto Bugarín participate this week in the conference on AI in Public Administration

CiTIUS researchers will contribute their knowledge in the field throughout this meeting, which will bring together experts from different national universities and directors of different international projects and companies

Next Wednesday, Artificial Intelligence in Public Administration conference will take place in the Sala de Xuntas at the Faculty of Law in Santiago de Compostela. The event will be from 3.30 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.

The technological meeting will be divided in diferent sections, each of them oriented to different fields within artificial intelligence. There will be three in total: AI regulation, security and artificial intelligence and AI in public administration.

The day will begin at 3.30 p.m. with a welcome speech by Jesús Oitavén Barcala, the general director of Administrative Simplification of the Consellería de Facenda e Administración Pública; Alberto Bugarín Diz, Professor of Computer Science of Artificial Intelligence who will represet CiTIUS and María Bobillo Varela, the Director of the Oficina de Apoio Estratéxico e Planificación.

After the opening of the event, at 4.00 p.m. will address the issue of the regulation of artificial intelligence, which will be presented by Luis Miguez Macho, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Santiago de Compostela; Carlos Ruiz de Toledo, Deputy general director of Axudas da Secretaria de Estado de Dixitalización e Intelixencia Artificial; Maria Bobillo Varela, director of the Office of Strategic Support and Planning of the Agency for Technological Modernisation of Galicia; Adrián Palma Ortigosa from the University of Valencia; Manuela Battaglini Manrique de Lara, the executive director of Transparent Internet and Alejandra Artero, advisor and director of communication of the Secretary of State for Digitalisation and Intelligence. 

At 5.45 p.m. it will be the turn to talk about security and artificial intelligence. Ana Aba Catoira, Professor of Constitutional Law at the University of A Coruña; Pablo Gamallo Otero, researcher at CiTIUS and Principal Investigator of Proyect Nós; José Julio Fernández, Professor of Constitutional Law at the USC and Patricia Llaque, Director of Bioethics and Neuroethics at OdiselA and Executive Director and Founder of Metaverse for Good. 

The day will close with the topic of artificial intelligence in public administration, at around 7.30 pm. The speakers will be Ricardo Rivero Ortega, Professor of Administrative Law at the University of Salamanca; Dagmar Monett Díaz from Artificial Intelligence, Software Engineering Head of Computer Science Department and co-director of M. Sc. Dixital Transformation; Gabriele Vestri, from the University of Cadiz and founder of the Observatorio Sector Público e Intelixencia Artificial (OspIA); Clara Velasco Rico, from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and vice-president of the Comissió de Garantia do Dret d'Accés á Informació Pública (GAIP); and Angelo Giuseppe Orofino, professor of administrative law at the University Lum Giuseppe Degennaro.

Seating will be limited, so those interested should send an email to with the subject "Xornada de IA" requesting a ticket for the conference. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.