The startup 'Inverbis', a result of CiTIUS research, receives the 'Technology Transfer Award'
The Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (RAGC) and the Galician Innovation Agency of the Xunta de Galicia (Gain) have awarded the centre's spinoff the top prize in one of the three categories of this competition.
The jury of the ninth edition of the Galician Technology Transfer Awards, awarded annually by the Royal Galician Academy of Sciences (RAGC) in collaboration with the Galician Innovation Agency of the Xunta de Galicia (Gain) has just recognised in its 2023 decision the CiTIUS spinoff 'Inverbis Analytics', a business initiative resulting from the research of the Intelligent Systems Group of CiTIUS (Research Centre on Intelligent Technologies of the USC).
These annual awards are divided into three categories and are intended to recognise applied research work, successful cases of knowledge transfer and successful business cases of technology implementation. The distinguished initiatives have been chosen from a total of 31 candidates, and will be the protagonists in the official awards ceremony, which will take place on 21 June at 19:00 in the Pazo de San Roque (Santiago de Compostela).
Artificial Intelligence to improve processes in companies and organisations
The Fernando Calvet Prats prize awarded to InVerbis has recognised a successful case of technology transfer from the Intelligent Systems Group (GSI) of the CiTIUS (Singular Centre for Research in Intelligent Technologies of the USC). The group, coordinated by the researcher Alberto Bugarín, is linked to the centre. The group developed a technology in the field of process mining and natural language generation that is a world leader, a process that culminated in the creation of the spin-off InVerbis Analytics.
"Process mining is a discipline of Artificial Intelligence that studies certain algorithms and data models that make it possible to discover and represent the real performance of processes in organisations in order to improve their efficiency, since all computerised processes leave a digital footprint in companies' information systems," explain the researchers responsible.
The award-winning company's managers point out how InVerbis has already identified significant scope for improvement in its own processes in various fields, citing some of its achievements to date: "For example, at an air traffic control company, they analysed the ICT incident management processes," they say. "In a cardiology treatment process, they found that, after purchasing test equipment and making small organisational changes, the time between patient admission and treatment was reduced by 23% in one year, and the number of CT scans performed on patients increased by 39%. The researchers illustrate the cross-cutting nature of the technology with two further examples: "Analysis of an industrial vehicle manufacturing sub-process revealed the existence of repeat activity. "And in a telecommunications company, it was possible to reduce the time taken to manage customer incidents,' they point out.
In addition to the award given to InVerbis, the ninth edition of the Technology Transfer Awards in Galicia has also distinguished with the Francisco Guitián Ojea award a drug against colon cancer developed by a research group of INIBIC (Institute of Biomedical Research of A Coruña) and the Ricardo Bescansa Martínez award for the company 'Diversa Technologies', a spinoff from the Nano-oncology and Translational Therapeutics Unit of the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS) and the *Galician Health Service (*SERGAS).