Invited talk on "eXplainable Computational Intelligence: paving the way from Smart to Cognitive Cities"

In the era of the Internet of Things, there has been a huge effort connecting all kind of devices to Internet. Accordingly, in modern cities, everything is connected to Internet. Thus, human beings face two main challenges: + to extract valuable knowledge from the given Big Data (Data Scientists are more and more demanded by companies); + to become part of the equation, i.e., to become active actors in the Internet of Things (in our daily life). Researchers and developers have already created more and more intelligent devices which populate the so-called smart cities. Moreover, nowadays the focus is set on knowledge representation and how to enhance human-machine interaction, i.e., it is time to address the effective interaction between intelligent systems and citizens with the aim of passing from Smart to Cognitive Cities. Non-expert users, i.e., users without a strong background on Artificial Intelligence (AI), require a new generation of eXplainable AI (XAI) systems. They are expected to naturally interact with humans, thus providing comprehensible explanations of decisions automatically made. In this talk, we sketch how certain Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques, namely interpretable fuzzy systems, are ready to play a key role in the development of XCI systems, i.e., CI-based XAI systems.
