Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020)

This Doctoral Consortium (DC) is under the umbrella of the Mentoring and Communication for Starting Researchers (MC4SR) ECAI Program. In addition to the DC, MC4SR included other events such as Meeting with a EurAI Fellow, Job Fair, and the 9 th European Starting AI Researchers’ Symposium (STAIRS). The DC-ECAI 2020 provides a unique opportunity for PhD students, who are close to finishing their doctorate research, to interact with experienced researchers in the field. Senior members of the community are assigned as mentors for each group of students based on the student’s research or similarity of research interests. The DC-ECAI 2020, which is held virtually this year, allows students from all over the world to present their research and discuss their ongoing research and career plans with their mentor, to do networking with other participants, and to receive training and mentoring about career planning and career options.
