Ainhoa Vivel Couso

In 2021 I was one of the beneficiaries of the CiTIUS Summer Scholarships, where I started my research in Natural Language Technologies. In 2022 I was part of Proxecto Nós for the creation of textual linguistic resources for Galician for its integration in Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools. In 2023 I was the winner of the IV Edition Altia Premia for my End of Degree Project. This consisted in the automatic generation of descriptions in natural language to justify the estimated chronological age by a method based on deep learning. 

I am currently hired at the center as a Research Collaborator. I am involved in the REPROHUM and DeepR3 projects. I mainly perform tasks related to the study of the reproducibility of human evaluations in natural language processing and the investigation of efficient methods to extend, reuse and adapt previously trained linguistic models to exploit them in new domains, genres and languages to apply them to different use cases.