Álvaro Goldar Dieste

I obtained a Bachelor's in Computer Engineering and a Master's in High Performance Computing in 2021 and 2022, respectively, from the University of Santiago de Compostela (USC). I see myself as a very curious person and capable of tackling challenges, which is why I have embarked on a Ph.D. in Information Technologies at the same university, to continue learning while developing my research career.

At CiTIUS, my research revolves around remote sensing image processing, such as multi and hyperspectral images, which can be captured by satellites, UAVs, etc. In particular, I develop deep learning-based computer vision techniques to extract and apply the vast amount of information from these types of images, and thus solve various classification and regression problems. For example, some practical applications are the categorization of different plant species observable in aerial views of natural regions, which would be indistinguishable to the human eye, or the estimation of various ecological indexes (biomass, diversity, etc.).