
Since its creation, CiTIUS has been committed to promoting entrepreneurship among its research team.

In this sense, different initiatives have been launched, from the organisation of activities to promote entrepreneurship within the framework of the CiTIUS Training Plan to support and advice in the creation of Technology Based Companies (TBCs). As a result of this effort, since the creation of the centre, several spin-offs have already been created based on our research results.

energHius emerges from CiTIUS as a result of a pioneering research line led by Paula López, Víctor Brea, Diego Cabello, and Fernando Pardo. The company will be led by Daniel García as CEO and Óscar Pereira as CTO, both doctors in microelectronics trained at CiTIUS.

The goal of energHius is to develop innovative solutions for energy harvesting and efficient energy management in electronic devices, with key applications in the Internet of Things (IoT), autonomous sensors, and low-power devices.


Situm was founded in 2015 by 3 pre-doctoral researchers: Cristina Gamallo, Adrián Canedo y Víctor Álvarez.

Based on the fact that traditional location systems (GPS) do not work indoors, Situm creates a multi-sensory indoor location and navigation technology that allows a device to be located over a large area.


InVerbis was created in 2021 by a team of CiTIUS researchers, Alejandro Ramos, Senén Barro, Alberto Bugarín, Manuel Lama y Manuel Mucientes.

InVerbis focuses on process mining, automatically analysing the execution of processes in organisations and contributing to the optimisation, automation and prediction of the evolution of workflows in companies.


Imagames was promoted by three CiTIUS researchers, Manuel Lama, Juan Carlos Vidal and Arturo Casal, founding partners.

Imagames focused on the development of gamified solutions in various fields such as employee and student training and digital marketing. The spin-off developed its activity until 2021.

Cilenis emerged in 2011 from the ProLNat@GE research line, coordinated by Pablo Gamallo. Its aim was to create advanced natural language processing applications.

During its existence, the company launched the language tool portal Linguakit and Avalingua, currently licensed to ProWritingAid. The spin-off was active until December 2015.