Lecture: 'Exploring models through programming'

«Exploring models through programming» By Øyvind Eide (University of Cologne)

Digital humanities (DH) is an area which is still in the process of being shaped. Not only are the borders of DH unclear, the core understanding of the nature of the thing is not fixed either. Is it a discipline, a set of methodologies, as field of praxis, an auxiliary discipline, none of those, or all of them?

In this talk the praxis of making computer systems will be explored, discussing how DH relate to both the humanities, specific humanities disciplines, and computer science. It will also be discussed how DH operates in the span between theory, praxis, and modelling.

Seth Benzell, postdoctoral researcher at the prestigious Masssachusets Institute of Technology (MIT), will give a lecture at CiTIUS on December 14, in which he will discuss the expected changes in the work forces and society in general due to the automation of the economy and the digital transformation, as well as the consequences and challenges that the advent of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence poses for the future.

Further info: https://citius.gal/es/events/lecture-exploring-models-through-programming/


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