Seminar: 'Logic and Languages'
Speaker: Eric Trillas
When George Boole added mathematical symbolism, logic began to separate from natural language and ordinary reasoning towards that of mathematics and deductive reasoning. However, in the latter, meanings arise from specific 'if and only if' conditions, marking a significant difference from the former case, where they can only be described. There, semantics operates in a different realm; usage, context, and purpose mean that, in their analysis, one cannot proceed in the same way as when the three collapse into a definition and meanings become enclosed within rigid borders.
After highlighting that today, and more than logic, there are logics, it will be important to recall what was understood by logic between the classical Greek world and the present, between Aristotle and Alfred Tarski, as well as many-valued logic, Kurt Gödel, Alan M. Turing, and John von Neumann, among others. The differences between the analog and the digital, between Cybernetics and Artificial Intelligence will be evident, as will the relevance that their so-called 'Gordian knot' imposes on the study of natural language, ordinary or common-sense reasoning, and especially creative reasoning. After discussing the philosophical problem of truth and distinguishing between the measurable and the metaphysical, we will finally attempt to show towards what direction these studies should aim to achieve their scientific domestication.
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