CiTIUS is directed by Prof. Dr. Senén Barro Ameneiro, Scientific Director, and Prof. Dr. Paula López Martínez, Deputy Director.
In the CiTIUS organisational model, advice provided by its two external commissions plays key role.
The Scientific Advisory Board advises Management, periodically evaluates the development of CiTIUS scientific activity and assesses on the secondment of new researchers. It is currently made up of six researchers of recognised scientific prestige.
The aim of the Business and Social Council is to establish new formulas for collaboration in the fields of human resources, training and technology transfer, to establish a channel of communication to identify common interests to be explored, as well as to develop formulas for sponsorship and private funding. It is currently made up of fourteen professionals from different entities.
The Governing Committee is the highest governing body and is made up of representatives of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the Xunta de Galicia.
The Centre's management structure is complemented by the four Support Areas: