Towards Real-time Hyperspectral Image Processing, a GP-GPU Implementation of Target Identification

In the quest for real time processing of hyperspectral images, this paper presents two artificial intelligence algorithms for target detection specially developed for their implementation over GPU and applied to a search-and-rescue scenario. Both algorithms are based on the application of artificial neural networks to the hyperspectral data. In the first algorithm the neural networks are applied at the level of individual pixels of the image. The second algorithm is a multiresolution based approach to scale invariant target identification using a hierarchical artificial neural network architecture. We have studied the main issues for the efficient implementation of the algorithms in GPU: the exploitation of thousands of threads that are available in this architecture and the adequate use of bandwidth of the device. The tests we have performed show both the effectiveness of detection of the algorithms and the efficiency of the GPU implementation in terms of execution times.

Palabras clave: CUDA, GPU, hyperspectral images, target detection