11F 2025: The CiTIUS offers a new edition of her workshops on science for children

Researcher Eva Cernadas conducts two free-to-register websites that provide teaching materials for pre-school, primary and secondary school teachers.

As part of the celebration of the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, which is celebrated each year on 11 February, the CiTIUS presents two platforms dedicated to promoting the visibility of women in the field of science and technology, as well as to propel the access of younger girls to both fields.

These activities, gathered on two web pages, are the result of a continuous and collaborative work to highlight the female contribution to scientific and technological development. A dissemination work coordinated by professor Eva Cernadas, researcher at the Centre for Research in Intelligent Technologies and disseminator committed to gender equality in the scientific-academic field.

The website A informática e a vida explores the history of computing from a gender and equality perspective, highlighting the contributions of pioneering women in the field of computing. This platform offers a total of ten classroom activities for primary and secondary schools.

The page O uso do xogo e a arte para educar na enxeñaría dende a infancia offers interactive activities and audiovisual educational resources to encourage girls and boys' interest in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) from their earliest childhood, since the content this website is aimed at infant and primary schools.

Both platforms aim for the same objective: serve as an educational tool for infant and primary teachers to use as a guide in class. Through dynamic and accessible activities aimed at different courses, they invite teachers to reflect on the importance of gender inclusion in science, as well as to discover some possible uses of technology and engineering.

Teachers from interested schools only have to access the registration page of each website and fill in a short form to request access to the workshops.

11F: a day to recognise women and girls in science

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11F) is a key date to highlight and promote the role of women in scientific and technological research. This global celebration aims to inspire more girls to take an interest and participate in STEM disciplines, promoting equal opportunities in a historically male-dominated sector.

With the presentation of these two web platforms, CiTIUS joins this cause with the help of researcher Eva Cernadas. The ultimate goal is to provide valuable and accessible educational resources that bring new generations closer to a world of scientific possibilities without gender barriers.

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