AVECEN: Virtual Assistant for the active aging of people with mental neurodegenerative diseases

The AVECEN project proposes the development of a distributed platform which will allow the self-management of mental neurodegenerative diseases by patients, and the decision taking by part of medical and care staff of possible actions to improve the health status and quality of life of patients.


The specific objectives of the project are the following:

  • To design a virtual assistant for the vigilance and the self-management of the mental health status of patients.
  • To improve adherence of patients to medical routines, treatments, and good practices of management of mental neurodegenerative diseases, in order to improve the quality of life of patients from the viewpoints of mobility, independence, responsiveness and social relations.
  • To facilitate the evaluation of the behavior of patients by medical staff, in order to improve the adoption of medical routines and treatments.