CiTIUS: Singular Research Center on Intelligent Technologies
CiTIUS is part of CIGUS Network, formed by 10 research centres of the Galician University System accredited in excellence in the framework of the grants for the Accreditation of excellence (scientific, technical or artistic) and grants for the structure, improvement and support of the research centres of the Galician University System, co-financed in the framework of the operational programme ERDF Galicia 2021-2027, with the specific objective of developing and improving research and innovation capacities and assimilating advanced technologies.
CiTIUS objectives for this period are structured in two categories:
- Strategic challenges, which consist on the objectives and actions of the Strategic Plan 2024-2027. Its main objective is to increase the internationalisation of research and transfer activity as well as the attraction of talent through the leadership of CiTIUS.
- Scientific challenges, associated to CiTIUS strategic research project. This project aims to provide solutions to some of the scientific challenges in the field of Intelligent Technologies over the coming years, as well as to achieve greater relevance and impact of the research carried out at CiTIUS.
This strategic project will contribute to the improvement of the CiTIUS activity as a whole, through the internationalisation of the activity, the valorisation and transfer of results, the training, attraction and development of talent, as well as the dissemination of all scientific activity.
Programme Galicia ERDF 2021‐2027. Specific objective 1.1: developing and improving research and innovation capacities and assimilating advanced technologies.
<p>CiTIUS is part of CIGUS Network, formed by 10 research centres of the Galician University System accredited in excellence in the framework of the grants for the Accreditation of excellence (scientific, technical or artistic) and grants for the structure, improvement and support of the research centres of the Galician University System, co-financed in the framework of the operational programme ERDF Galicia 2021-2027, with the specific objective of developing and improving research and innovation capacities and assimilating advanced technologies.</p><p>CiTIUS objectives for this period are structured in two categories:</p><ul><li>Strategic challenges, which consist on the objectives and actions of the Strategic Plan 2024-2027. Its main objective is to increase the internationalisation of research and transfer activity as well as the attraction of talent through the leadership of CiTIUS.</li><li>Scientific challenges, associated to CiTIUS strategic research project. This project aims to provide solutions to some of the scientific challenges in the field of Intelligent Technologies over the coming years, as well as to achieve greater relevance and impact of the research carried out at CiTIUS.</li></ul><p>This strategic project will contribute to the improvement of the CiTIUS activity as a whole, through the internationalisation of the activity, the valorisation and transfer of results, the training, attraction and development of talent, as well as the dissemination of all scientific activity.</p><p>Programme Galicia ERDF 2021‐2027. Specific objective 1.1: developing and improving research and innovation capacities and assimilating advanced technologies.</p> - ED431G2023/04 - Senén Barro Ameneiro