ROBOTA-SUDOE: Robotics, Automation and Digitalisation for SME Competitiveness and Growth

The common challenge addressed by ROBOTA project is the technological modernisation of the economic sectors of the SUDOE region, in particular the agri-food and plastics industry, contributing to the transfer of knowledge and innovation to less developed territories and to traditional and artisanal sectors where traditional automation cannot be applied.

The main objective of the project is to improve the competitiveness and boost the growth of SMEs, using collaborative robotics solutions that respond to local challenges and ensure respect for the environment. The project aims to put innovation at the service of territorial actors to improve the quality of life and to increase the potential and attractiveness of the whole SUDOE area, in particular rural areas.

The main expected achievements include the creation of a network between SCT entities focused on knowledge exchange and technology transfer to SMEs, the creation of new collaborative robot control techniques, the application of innovative and differentiating approaches to object manipulation, new technological solutions to support workers in strenuous tasks, the application of these techniques in real production environments, such as cutting production environments like meat cutting, fruit packing and doll assembly, new technological solutions to support workers in strenuous tasks, the application of these techniques in real production environments, such as cutting production environments like meat cutting, fruit packing and doll assembly, and the creation of three Living Labs to demonstrate the developed solutions and promote them among other sectors and SMEs in the territories.

Cooperation between innovation centres and territories will be crucial to contribute to territorial rebalancing, promote innovation transfer and strengthen economic activity in these territories. Transnational cooperation is essential, as the sectors covered and the challenges faced are similar, but the level of knowledge and competences of the different entities are complementary, so working together will lead to more effective and innovative solutions.

The innovative aspect of the project concerns the application of innovative technologies and advanced AI techniques in the development of collaborative robotics solutions adapted to traditional and artisanal sectors.

Link to the Project Website