
Inmaculada Tomás Carmona

Short-term anti-plaque effect of a cymenol mouthwash analysed using the DenTiUS Deep Plaque software: a randomised clinical trial
An ensemble-based phenotype classifier to diagnose Crohn’s disease from 16s rRNA gene sequences
A systematic overview of dental methods for age assessment in living individuals: from traditional to artificial intelligence-based approaches
Impact of 16S rRNA Gene Redundancy and Primer Pair Selection on the Quantification and Classification of Oral Microbiota in Next-Generation Sequencing
In silico evaluation and selection of the best 16S rRNA gene primers for use in next-generation sequencing to detect oral bacteria and archaea
PrimerEvalPy: a tool for in-silico evaluation of primers for targeting the microbiome
In-silico Selection of the Best 16S rRNA Gene Primers for Detecting Oral Bacteria and Archaea
Predictive Potential of Anatomical Tooth Relationships for Determining Chronological Age Using a Semi-automated Approach
Redundancy of 16S rRNA Genes in Genomes from Oral Bacteria and Archaea
Automated description of the mandible shape by deep learning
DenTiUS Plaque, a Web-Based Application for the Quantification of Bacterial Plaque: Development and Usability Study
Towards deep learning reliable gender estimation from dental panoramic radiographs
Deep Neural Networks for Chronological Age Estimation from OPG images