
Inmaculada Tomás Carmona

Short-term anti-plaque effect of a cymenol mouthwash analysed using the DenTiUS Deep Plaque software: a randomised clinical trial
An ensemble-based phenotype classifier to diagnose Crohn’s disease from 16s rRNA gene sequences
A systematic overview of dental methods for age assessment in living individuals: from traditional to artificial intelligence-based approaches
Impact of 16S rRNA Gene Redundancy and Primer Pair Selection on the Quantification and Classification of Oral Microbiota in Next-Generation Sequencing
In silico evaluation and selection of the best 16S rRNA gene primers for use in next-generation sequencing to detect oral bacteria and archaea
PrimerEvalPy: a tool for in-silico evaluation of primers for targeting the microbiome
In-silico Selection of the Best 16S rRNA Gene Primers for Detecting Oral Bacteria and Archaea
Redundancy of 16S rRNA Genes in Genomes from Oral Bacteria and Archaea
Predictive Potential of Anatomical Tooth Relationships for Determining Chronological Age Using a Semi-automated Approach
Automated description of the mandible shape by deep learning
DenTiUS Plaque, a Web-Based Application for the Quantification of Bacterial Plaque: Development and Usability Study
Towards deep learning reliable gender estimation from dental panoramic radiographs
Deep Neural Networks for Chronological Age Estimation from OPG images