NeViComp: Visual Neuroscience and Computer Science
This Network aims to promote real multidisciplinar collaboration among research groups in
the fields of Visual Neuroscience and Computer Science by sponsoring reasearchers
mobility. We aim to create synergies between these groups and to create a critical mass that
allows to launch new future scientific projects. We want to strenghten these spanish research
groups in a future key scientific area that is going to determine the evolution of many other
Vision technology related areas in the following years (e.g. Computer Vision, Image
Processing, Optics, etc).
- Integration of multidisciplinary groups
- Creation of synergies of long length
- International positioning in a key area
- Transfer of technology
<p>This Network aims to promote real multidisciplinar collaboration among research groups in<br />the fields of Visual Neuroscience and Computer Science by sponsoring reasearchers<br />mobility. We aim to create synergies between these groups and to create a critical mass that<br />allows to launch new future scientific projects. We want to strenghten these spanish research<br />groups in a future key scientific area that is going to determine the evolution of many other<br />Vision technology related areas in the following years (e.g. Computer Vision, Image<br />Processing, Optics, etc).</p><ul> <li>Integration of multidisciplinary groups</li> <li>Creation of synergies of long length</li> <li>International positioning in a key area</li> <li>Transfer of technology</li> </ul> - Xosé Ramón Fernández Vidal