RCIS: Network in Science and Service Engineering

Services are becoming a key pillar of the economy. This fact has motivated a new interest for what is now known as the “Science and Engineering of Services”. Nonetheless, the apparition of Cloud Computing, intelligent devices, social computation and crowdsourcing has open new opportunities and challenges and hence new cooperation possibilities.

The network continues the previous Scientific Technological Network in Service Science to complete several unfinished activities, and to explore new synergies in the aforementioned opportunities and challenges.


The main network objectives are:

  • To optimize results and resources of the research groups of the network by means of the idenfitication, sharing and reusing of the knowledge and research resources (experiments, use cases, software tools, etc.).
  • To explore in a cooperative way the new challenges that has been opened by the Cloud Computing, the intelligent devices and the social computation.
  • To transform the network in a platform for the diffusion of the results towards the industry and towards the international community.