
Juan Carlos Pichel Campos

MPI4All: Universal Binding Generation for MPI Parallel Programming
Large Language Models for Binary Health-Related Question Answering: A Zero- and Few-Shot Evaluation
QPU integration in OpenCL for heterogeneous programming
An Unsupervised Perplexity-Based Method for Boilerplate Removal
An accurate machine learning model to study the impact of realistic metal grain granularity on Nanosheet FETs
BigSeqKit: a parallel Big Data toolkit to process FASTA and FASTQ files at scale
A machine learning approach to model the impact of line edge roughness on gate-all-around nanowire FETs while reducing the carbon footprint
An accurate neural network model to study threshold voltage variability due to metal grain granularity in Nanosheet FETs
CiTIUS at the TREC 2022 Health Misinformation Track
A Multistage Retrieval System for Health-related Misinformation Detection
Social Minder: a tool for social media monitoring and its use for detecting COVID-19 misinformation
Real-Time Focused Extraction of Social Media Users
A Unified Framework to Improve the Interoperability between HPC and Big Data Languages and Programming Models
CiTIUS at the TREC 2021 Health Misinformation Track
Comparing Traditional and Neural Approaches for detecting Health-related Misinformation
Colaboración entre docentes de una universidad alemana y una española para el desarrollo de seminarios prácticos acerca de la credibilidad de la información
Reliability Prediction for Health-related Content: A Replicability Study
CiTIUS at the TREC 2020 Health Misinformation Track
eXtream: a System for Real-time Monitoring of Dynamic Web Sources
A Big Data Platform for Real Time Analysis of Signs of Depression in Social Media
VeryFastTree: speeding up the estimation of phylogenies for large alignments through parallelization and vectorization strategies
Ignis: an efficient and scalable multi-language Big Data framework
A Big Data Approach to Metagenomics for All-Food-Sequencing
LinguaKit: a Big Data-based multilingual tool for linguistic analysis and information extraction
Towards a Big Data Multi-language Framework using Docker Containers
A New Approach for Sparse Matrix Classification Based on Deep Learning Techniques
Building Python-Based Topologies for Massive Processing of Social Media Data in Real Time
A Micromodule Approach for Building Real-Time Systems with Python-Based Models: Application to Early Risk Detection of Depression on Social Media
3DyRM: a dynamic roofline model including memory latency information
Perldoop: Efficient Execution of Perl Scripts on Hadoop Clusters
Multiobjective Optimization Technique Based on Monitoring Information to Increase the Performance of Thread Migration on Multicores
Thread migration techniques based on dynamic Roofline models and latency information
Análisis morfosintáctico y clasificación de entidades nombradas en un entorno Big Data
Hierarchically Tiled Array as a High-Level Abstraction for Codelets
A hardware counter-based toolkit for the analysis of memory accesses in SMPs
Using an extended Roofline Model to understand data and thread affinities on NUMA systems
Study of data locality and thread affinity on multicore systems using the Roofline Model
Using sampled information: is it enough for the sparse matrix-vector product locality optimization?
Sparse matrix-vector multiplication on the Single-Chip Cloud Computer many-core processor
Extensión del modelo Roofline y herramientas para su uso
A Flexible and Dynamic Page Migration Infrastructure based on Hardware Counters
DyRM: A Dynamic Roofline Model Based on Runtime Information
A Graphical Tool for Performance Analysis of Multicore Systems Based on the Roofline Model
Hardware Counters Based Analysis of Memory Accesses in SMPs
Experiences with the Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication on a Many-core Processor
Optimization of Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using Reordering Techniques on GPUs
Analyzing the Execution of Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on the Finisterrae SMP-NUMA System
Herramientas para la monitorización de los accesos a memoria de códigos paralelos mediante contadores hardware
Study of Performance Issues on a SMP-NUMA System Using the Roofline Model
A Study of Memory Access Patterns in Irregular Parallel Codes Using Hardware Counter-Based Tools