José Ramón Ríos Viqueira

José R.R. Viqueira is Associate Professor at the Department of Electronics and Computer Science of the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC). Besides, he is founding member of the COGRADE research group of the department of Electronics and Computing of USC . Currently he is leading research lines related to the management of very large and complex scientific datasets, with special emphasis on spatio-temporal and environmental data, leading international, national and regional research projects and contracts with companies and public administrations.

He obtained a master (1998) in Computer Science at the University of A Coruña (UDC), Spain. After two years of research work at the Informatics Lab. of AU of Athens (Greece), funded by the EU CHOROCHRONOS project, and two more at UDC, he obtained his European PhD in 2003 in the area of spatio-temporal databases. During his career, as member of 4 different research groups, he has been involved in research works related to spatial and spatio-temporal data management, with special relevance to GIS applications and sensor data management. He is author of many international research papers, participated in numerous research projects of international, national, and regional scope, and in near a hundred contracts with companies and public administrations. He has participated in committees of conferences and has been reviewer of international journals and conferences. He is also founding partner of two spin-off companies of UDC, both currently active.