Institutional and organisational information
Organisational model and organisation chart
Profile and background of the Scientific Director
Profile and background of the Deputy Director
Activity and planning
Strategic Plan 2020-2023 (executive summary, in Spanish)
CiTIUS Training Programme 2021-2022 (in Spanish)
CiTIUS Activities Report 2022 (in Galician)
CiTIUS Activities Report 2019-2021 (in Galician)
CiTIUS Activities Report 2018-2020 (in Galician)
CiTIUS Activities Report 2017-2019 (in Galician)
Regulations and codes
CiTIUS Internal Regulations (in Galician)
Regulation of protection, exploitation and participation in research results (in Galician)
Regulation for the creation of Technology-Based Companies of the USC (in Galician)
USC Code of Good Research Practice (in Galician)
Economic, budgetary and statistical information (in Galician)
CiTIUS Economic information (in Galician)
USC Economic information (in Galician)
Recruitment and personnel management
HR Excellence in Research, HRS4R
Regulations for the selection of research and research support personnel within the framework of USC R&D&I activities and programmes (in Galician)
CiTIUS job offers
USC job offers (in Galician)
CiTIUS Equality Commission
USC's Strategic Plan for Equal Opportunities for Women and Men (in Galician)
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