Research Areas
Computer Vision
Computer Vision
AZOR: Search, Location and Rescue of People on Land, and Fire Fighting and Prevention
2024-04-22 - 2026-04-21
Gel_ClorheCyme_Oral: Randomized clinical trial on the antibacterial efficacy of a single application of a chlorhexidine and cymenol gel on dental plaque biofilm and saliva
2021-12-03 - 2023-04-02
Randomized clinical trial on the short-term antiplaque effect of GingiLacer Encías Delicadas
2021-09-01 - 2022-05-31
Smart power management unit for IoT applications
2021-03-23 - 2021-12-31
Detection of COVID19 disease and triage of patients with artificial intelligence learning from chest x-rays
2020-09-30 - 2022-09-29
CMOS Vision Sensors, Power Management, and Object Tracking on Embedded GPUs
2019-01-01 - 2021-12-31
Viability analysis of the algorithm for the identification of vegetation an other artificial elements in the river basin
2018-07-31 - 2018-12-31
QPET_RADIOMICS: Advanced image quantification for personalized cancer treatments
2018-01-01 - 2019-12-31
DenTiUS Plaque: A web tool of image analysis for diagnosis and quantification of the bacterial plaque levels
2016-09-01 - 2017-11-30
NeViComp: Visual Neuroscience and Computer Science
2015-12-01 - 2017-11-30
SARELA: Self-powered system with thermoelectric and photovoltaic energy harvesting
2013-08-08 - 2016-08-07
Service robots that learn from you and like you
2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31
MONDEGO: Surveillance and MONitoring baseD on low-power intEGrated visiOn devices (MONDEGO)
2013-01-01 - 2015-12-31
Automatic analysis of retinal and carothid images: correlation between retinal microcirculation and cerebro-vascular macrocirculation
2012-01-01 - 2014-12-31
DICON: Development of new advanced dimensional control systems in manufacturing processes of high-impact sectors
2011-05-04 - 2014-12-31
DETEPRE: Development and implantation of new technologies and protocols in the study of the reproductive ecology in fishery
2011-01-01 - 2011-12-31
Integration of a procedure for automatic computation and monitoring of prognostic variables in retinographies in health information systems
2010-10-01 - 2013-11-30
Scale- and Rotation-Invariant Feature Detectors on CMOS-3D Technology for Low-Power Vision Systems
2010-08-10 - 2013-09-30
Design and Implementation of Artificial Vision Systems on Reconfigurable Platforms
2010-08-10 - 2012-09-30
Modeling of pixels in CMOS sub-100nm technologies
2010-01-01 - 2013-08-31
ALEXANDRIA: Development of new generation techniques and methodologies for damage inspection and dimensional metrology for the aeronautics, railway, naval and wind power sectors
2009-07-23 - 2010-12-31
ADAPTA: Side Protection, Intelligent and adaptative Technology
2008-12-09 - 2011-12-31
Gap-filler integration for mobile television DVB-H
2008-10-27 - 2010-12-31
Bio-inspired computer vision model for event detection
2007-10-30 - 2010-10-31