TecAnDaLi: Network of linguistic data technologies
The Network of Linguistic Data technologies TecAnDali develops a collaboration environment between the scientific fields of Linguistics, Mathematical Modelling and Computing with the objective of developing new approaches for the analysis and valorization of linguistic data. This action continues the first edition of the network that developed its activity between 2012 and 2013.
The network is composed of four research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela and three of the University of Vigo.
For this period, the objectives of TecAnDali will be the following:
- To continue the collaboration between the network members with the aim of identifying common research lines.
- To promote new projects and new research lines.
- To improve previous developed tools and to design new ones.
- To promote interdisciplinary publications and the participation in international workshops and congress.
- To promote the tutoring of researchers and Phd students in interdisciplinary research lines.
- To promote the international projection of the network members
<p>The Network of Linguistic Data technologies TecAnDali develops a collaboration environment between the scientific fields of Linguistics, Mathematical Modelling and Computing with the objective of developing new approaches for the analysis and valorization of linguistic data. This action continues <a href=http://citius.usc.es/investigacion/proxectos/listado/CN2012-179>the first edition of the network</a> that developed its activity between 2012 and 2013.</p><p>The network is composed of four research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela and three of the University of Vigo.</p><p>For this period, the objectives of TecAnDali will be the following:</p><ul><li>To continue the collaboration between the network members with the aim of identifying common research lines.</li><li>To promote new projects and new research lines.</li><li>To improve previous developed tools and to design new ones.</li><li>To promote interdisciplinary publications and the participation in international workshops and congress.</li><li>To promote the tutoring of researchers and Phd students in interdisciplinary research lines.</li><li>To promote the international projection of the network members</li></ul> - Manuel Lama Penín - Senén Barro Ameneiro, Alberto José Bugarín Diz, David Enrique Losada Carril, José Ángel Taboada González, Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo, José Ramón Ríos Viqueira, Juan Carlos Vidal Aguiar, Paulo Félix Lamas, Roberto Iglesias Rodríguez, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Manuel Mucientes Molina