TecAnDaLi: Network of linguistic data technologies
The Network of Linguistic Data technologies
The network is composed of six research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo.
- To increase the collaboration between the network nodes
- To develop new ideas and collaborative research lines
- To develop new research methodologies between the humanistic, experimental and technological scientific fields
- To promote the transfer of technology and the internationalization of the results
<p>The Network of Linguistic Data technologies <it>TecAnDali</it> attempts to establish a collaboration environment between the scientific fields of Linguistics, Mathematical Modelling and Computing with the objective of developing new approaches for the analysis and valorization of linguistic data.</p><p>The network is composed of six research groups of the University of Santiago de Compostela and the University of Vigo.</p><ul><li>To increase the collaboration between the network nodes</li><li>To develop new ideas and collaborative research lines</li><li>To develop new research methodologies between the humanistic, experimental and technological scientific fields</li><li>To promote the transfer of technology and the internationalization of the results</li></ul> - Alberto José Bugarín Diz - David Enrique Losada Carril, Manuel Fernández Delgado, Manuel Mucientes Molina, Manuel Lama Penín