
Juan Carlos Vidal Aguiar

Detecting Model Changes in Organisational Processes: A Cloud-Based Approach
Estudio del contexto de ejecución en monitorización predictiva de procesos
Learning context-based representations of events in complex processes
Embedding Graph Convolutional Networks in Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Monitoring
Hypothesis Testing for Matched Pairs with Missing Data by Maximum Mean Discrepancy: An Application to Continuous Glucose Monitoring
Deep Learning for Predictive Business Process Monitoring: Review and Benchmark
A Conformance Checking-based Approach for Sudden Drift Detection in Business Processes
Glucodensities: A new representation of glucose profiles using distributional data analysis
A 6-minute sub-maximal run test to predict VO2 max
Detección de concept drift en minería de procesos basado en agrupamiento de trazas
Ontology-based approach for the validation and conformance testing of xAPI events
Characterizing Quantifier Fuzzification Mechanisms: a behavioral guide for applications
Integration of Grid, cluster and cloud resources to semantically annotate a large-sized repository of learning objects
Plataforma de Serviços Inteligentes de Learning Analytics para grandes quantidades de dados
Descrição semântica de experiência de aprendizagem baseada na especificação xAPI
SmartLAK: A Big Data Architecture for Supporting Learning Analytics Services
Semantic description of the Experience API Specification
Reconstructing IMS LD Units of Learning from Event Logs
SoftLearn: A Process Mining Platform for the Discovery of Learning Paths
Integración de recursos grid y cloud para anotar semánticamente grandes colecciones de objetos de aprendizaje
Graph-based semantic annotation for enriching educational content with linked data
A Fuzzy Syllogistic Reasoning Schema for Generalized Quantifiers
Learning analytics framework for educational virtual worlds
Una experiencia real de anotación semántica a gran escala utilizando recursos de computación heterogéneos
A practical experience concerning the parallel semantic annotation of a large-scale data collection
A Petri net model for changing units of learning in runtime
Semantic linking of learning object repositories to DBpedia
Toward the Use of Petri Nets for the Formalization of OWL-S Choreographies
Petri net-based engine for adaptive learning
Semantic integration of social information in learning systems
SoftLearn: Soft computing para minería de procesos en e-learning
An Optimal and Complete Algorithm for Automatic Web Service Composition
Razonamiento silogístico aproximado con cuantificadores generalizados
An Evolutionary Approach for Learning the Weight of Relations in Linked Data
Dynamic adaptation in OPENET4LD
Semantic linking of a learning object repository to DBpedia
Toward enriching course content with Linked Data
Simplified Workflow Representation of IMS Learning Design
Dynamic adaptation in IMS Learning Design
Machine Scheduling in Custom Furniture Industry through Neuro-Evolutionary Hybridization
Integración de IMS LD en mundos virtuales
Semantic annotation of educational resources through linked data
Combining uncorrelated similarity measures for service discovery
A context-based algorithm for annotating educational content with Linked Data
OPENET: Ontology-based engine for high-level Petri nets
OPENET4WF: Marco de conocimiento para el modelado de flujos de trabajo formalizados mediante Redes de Petri
OPENET4VE: A Platform for the Execution of IMS LD Units of Learning in Virtual Environments
Knowledge-Based Framework for Workflow Modelling: Application to the Furniture Industry