
Senén Barro Ameneiro

Ultra Fast Classification and Regression of High-Dimensional Problems Projected on 2D
Fast Support Vector Classifier for large-scale classification problems
Proxecto Nós: Artificial Intelligence at the Service of the Galician Language
Non-IID data and Continual Learning processes in Federated Learning: A long road ahead
The Nós Project: Opening routes for the Galician language in the field of language technologies
Ideal kernel tuning: fast and scalable selection of the radial basis kernel spread for support vector classification
Quick extreme learning machine for large-scale classification
Concept drift detection and adaptation for federated and continual learning
Concept Drift Detection and Adaptation for Robotics and Mobile Devices in Federated and Continual Settings
La confianza en las máquinas inteligentes
Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
24th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Walking recognition in mobile devices
Máquinas que venden y compran a máquinas
Learning from the Individuals and the Crowd in Robotics and Mobile Devices
INVERBIS: minería de datos aplicada a la mejora de procesos
Robust and fast scene recognition in robotics through the automatic identification of meaningful images
People and Machines: Partners in Innovation
Robust Heading Estimation in Mobile Phones
An extensive experimental survey of regression methods
Comparison of a massive and diverse collection of classifiers for oil spill detection in SAR images
Polynomial Kernel Discriminant Analysis for 2D visualization of classification problems
Automatización Inteligente
Empleo de personas y máquinas
Robust step detection in mobile phones through a learning process carried out in the mobile
Evaluation of a Data-To-Text System for Verbalizing a Learning Analytics Dashboard
Las empresas de alto crecimiento no surgen por azar. Recomendaciones para actuar en su ecosistema
Claudio Moraga and the University of Santiago de Compostela: many years of collaboration
Fuzzy sets across the natural language generation pipeline
Fuzzy sets and natural language generation. What to make out of it?
Universities performance in knowledge transfer: An analysis of the Ibero-American region over the golden decade
On the role of linguistic descriptions of data in the building of natural language generation systems
Particle filter robot localisation through robust fusion of laser, WiFi, compass, and a network of external cameras
GALiWeatherApp: applicación móvil para predicción meteorológica individualizada en lenguaje natural
Automatic Generation of Air Quality Index Textual Forecasts Using a Data-To-Text Approach
Las descripciones lingüísticas de datos en los sistemas "Data to Text"
Generacion automática de informes en lenguaje natural en una plataforma de e-learning
A Model Based on Computational Perceptions for the Generation of Linguistic Descriptions of Data
Reseña sobre "Linguistic Descriptions for Automatic Generation of Textual Short-Term Weather Forecasts on Real Prediction Data"
Towards Textual Reporting in Learning Analytics Dashboards
Soft Computing for Learner's Assessment in SoftLearn
Enric Trillas: master, scientist and humanist
Approaching uncertainty management in D2T generation using fuzzy sets
Linguistic Descriptions for Automatic Generation of Textual Short-Term Weather Forecasts on Real Prediction Data
Computing with perceptions for the linguistic description of complex phenomena through the analysis of time series data
Do we Need hundreds of classifiers to solve real world classification problems?
Generación automática de predicciones meteorológicas a corto plazo: Metodología y validación
Direct Kernel Perceptron (DKP): ultra-fast kernel ELM-based classification with non-iterative closed-form weight calculation
Análisis de las actividades de I+D+i+e en Universidades Iberoamericanas
Fast weight calculation for kernel-based perceptron in two-class classification problems
A Parallel Perceptron network for classification with direct calculation of the weights optimizing error and margin
A comparison of several neural networks to predict the execution times in injection molding production for automotive industry
Fast array thinning using global optimization methods
Addressing the flaws of current critical alarms a fuzzy constraint satisfaction approach
Time Estimation in Injection Molding Production for Automative Industry Based on SVR and RBF
Rapid Method for Finding Faulty Elements in Antenna Arrays Using Far Field Pattern Samples
Rapid Method for Finding Faulty Elements in Antenna Arrays Using Far Field Pattern Samples
A fuzzy constraint satisfaction approach for signal abstraction
TRACE, a graphical tool for the acquisition and detection of signal patterns
Design of a fuzzy controller in mobile robotics using genetic algorithms
Polytope ARTMAP: pattern classification without vigilance based on general geometry categories
Autonomous and fast robot learning through motivation
Representación y Ejecución de Unidades Educativas a través de una Ontología de Diseños de Aprendizaje