
Data and process science and engineering

Enseñando pensamiento computacional con perspectiva de género en las escuelas
Are Knowledge Graphs Ready for the Real World? Challenges and Perspective
TextFocus: Assessing the Faithfulness of Feature Attribution Methods Explanations in Natural Language Processing
SCOOP All the Constraints’ Flavours for Your Knowledge Graph
Propagating Ontology Changes to Declarative Mappings in Construction of Knowledge Graphs
Sexism Detection on a Data Diet
REACH: Researching Efficient Alignment-based Conformance Checking
VERONA: A python library for benchmarking deep learning in business process monitoring
Empowering the SDM-RDFizer Tool for Scaling Up to Complex Knowledge Graph Creation Pipelines
Customizable orodispersible films: Inkjet printing and data matrix encoding for personalized hydrocortisone dosing
Delving into the Depths: Evaluating Depression Severity through BDI-biased Summaries
Declarative generation of RDF-star graphs from heterogeneous data
Process-to-Text: A Framework for the Automatic Generation of Natural Language Descriptions of Processes
Software BreastAnalyser for the semi-automatic analysis of breast cancer immunohistochemical images
Cognitive and clinical predictors of a long-term course in obsessive compulsive disorder: A machine learning approach in a prospective cohort study
Can we predict behavior problems in children with autism?
Deep Learning Models for Predictive Monitoring of Business Processes
Crawford, Kate (2023). Atlas de IA. Poder, política y costes planetarios de la inteligencia artificial Barcelona: Ned Ediciones
XSD2SHACL: Capturing RDF Constraints from XML Schema
Re-Construction Impact on Metadata Representation Models
The RML Ontology: A Community-Driven Modular Redesign After a Decade of Experience in Mapping Heterogeneous Data to RDF
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an Aortic Stenosis Integrated Care Process
Estudio del contexto de ejecución en monitorización predictiva de procesos
An accurate machine learning model to study the impact of realistic metal grain granularity on Nanosheet FETs
A machine learning approach to model the impact of line edge roughness on gate-all-around nanowire FETs while reducing the carbon footprint
Learning context-based representations of events in complex processes
Embedding Graph Convolutional Networks in Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Monitoring
Aprendizaxe de materias de programación e intelixencia artificial con perspectiva de xénero
Deep Learning for Predictive Business Process Monitoring: Review and Benchmark
Efficient Access to Heterogeneous Environmental Data Repositories Through Linked Data Standards
Providing female role models in STEM higher education careers, a teaching experience
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an Aortic Stenosis Integrated Care Process
TAQE: A Data Modeling Framework for Traffic and Air Quality Applications in Smart Cities
Framework para la Descripción Automática de Procesos en Lenguaje Natural: Aplicación en un Proceso Asistencial Integrado de Estenosis Aórtica
Non-IID data and Continual Learning processes in Federated Learning: A long road ahead
Perspectiva de género en Inteligencia Artificial, una necesidad
Enabling Efficient Distributed Spatial Join on Large Scale Vector-Raster Data Lakes
GeoSPARQL query support for scientific raster array data
Analysing Agreement Among Different Evaluators in God Class and Feature Envy Detection
A comparison of machine learning algorithms on design smell detection using balanced and imbalanced dataset: A study of God class
BrEarth: Tecnología de almacenes de datos para el cerebro de la tierra
Unha experiencia da introducción da perspectiva de xénero en materias de Intelixencia Artificial
Efficient access methods for very large distributed graph databases
Perspectiva de género en Inteligencia Artificial
Exploratory study of the impact of project domain and size category on the detection of the God class design smell
Gender perspective in Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Evaluation of the effects of a virtual intervention programme on cognitive flexibility, inhibitory control and basic math skills in childhood education
On the Integration of Machine Learning and Array Databases
Smart Environmental Data Infrastructures: Bridging the Gap between Earth Sciences and Citizens
A comparison of machine learning algorithms for forecasting indoor temperature in smart buildings
Una aproximación basada en Machine Learning para evaluar la influencia del tamaño del proyecto en la detección de God Class.
Factores que tienen en cuenta los desarrolladores en la priorización de smells para su corrección: conclusiones después de una réplica
Assessing the Influence of Size Category of the Project in God Class Detection, an Experimental Approach based on Machine Learning (MLA)
Improving design smell detection for adoption in industry
Leveraging Bitmap Indexing for Subgraph Searching
Gesture recognition system application to early childhood education
Towards a Fast and Accurate EIT Inverse Problem Solver: A Machine Learning Approach
Grid, cloud and high performance computing: scientific applications' use cases
Improving the working memory during early childhood education through the use of an interactive gesture game-based learning approach
Consulta eficiente de datos moleculares: Situación actual y retos futuros
Multimodal User Interaction for GIS Applications (MUI_GIS).
Incremento de las capacidades ejecutivas mediante el uso de herramientas interactivas basadas en gestos: Caso de estudio la memoria de trabajo.
KEYSTONE Activities and Results Overview on Training School
Towards Keyword-Based Search over Environmental Data Sources
VICLEO: A Visualization Tool for Representing the Semantic Field of Statements
Comparative study of artificial neural network models for forecasting the indoor temperature in smart buildings
Semantic mediation of observation datasets through Sensor Observation Services
S-FRULER: Scalable Fuzzy Rule Learning through Evolution for Regression
Prediction of indoor temperatures for energy optimization in buildings
Análisis inteligente de flujos de trabajo sociales
FRULER: Fuzzy Rule Learning through Evolution for Regression
A Genetic Fuzzy System for Large-scale Regression
A MapReduce Implementation of a Genetic Fuzzy System for Regression
Effects of movement imitation training in Parkinson´s disease: A Virtual Reality Pilot Study
SODA: A framework for spatial observation data analysis
Daily Life Activities Recognition Using RFID to Save Energy
Keyword-Based Search over Environmental Datasets
Reducing the Complexity in Genetic Learning of Accurate Regression TSK Rule-Based Systems
Virtual integration of sensor observation data
Approximate syllogism as argumentative expression for knowledge representation and reasoning with Generalized Bayes' Theorem
Application of fuzzy techniques to Autonomous Robots
Data Storage Optimization for Energy Management in Intelligent Buildings
Learning Fuzzy Controllers in Mobile Robotics with Embedded Preprocessing
Common Data Model in AmI Environments
Graph-based semantic annotation for enriching educational content with linked data
A Fuzzy Syllogistic Reasoning Schema for Generalized Quantifiers
A Proposal of Fuzzy Chained Syllogism based on the Concept of Synonymy
An Instance Selection Algorithm for Regression and its Application in Variance Reduction
A Tabu Search Optimization Module for Scheduling: Design and integration in the open source tool LibrePlan for project management
On the analysis of set-based fuzzy quantified reasoning using classical syllogistics
Low-Cost Virtual Reality System in Evaluation of Rhythmic Motor Patterns in Elderly and Parkinson's Disease Patients
Fuzzy Systems at the University of Santiago de Compostela. A personal vision of the last twenty years
Integración de observaciones medioambientales: Solución inicial y retos futuros
Diseño de un sistema escalable para la sensorización de platós virtuales de televisión con emisiones en directo
Motion Capture for Clinical Purposes, an Approach Using PrimeSense Sensors
The virtual instruments of the Pórtico de la Gloria
Razonamiento silogístico aproximado con cuantificadores generalizados