
Dora Blanco Heras

EffBaGAN: an efficient balancing GAN for Earth observation in data scarcity scenarios
ResNeTS: a ResNet for Time Series Analysis of Sentinel-2 Data Applied to Grassland Plant-Biodiversity Prediction
Region-based multispectral image registration on heterogeneous computing platforms
Redes convolucionales basadas en escalado uniforme de dimensiones para la clasificación de imágenes multiespectrales
GAN-based data augmentation for the classification of remote sensing multispectral images
High Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing: The Third Edition of the School Organized by the HDCRS Working Group of the GRSS Earth Science Informatics Technical Committee [Technical Committees]
Using heterogeneous computing and edge computing to accelerate anomaly detection in remotely sensed multispectral images
A Summer School Session on Mastering Geospatial Artificial Intelligence: From Data Production to Artificial Intelligence Foundation Model Development and Downstream Applications
Implementación paralela del algoritmo HSI-MSER para el registro de imágenes hiperespectrales
Prospective comparison of SURF and binary keypoint descriptors for fast hyperspectral remote sensing registration
Accelerated Extinction Profiles for Anomaly Detection in Fluvial Ecosystems
Consensus Techniques for Unsupervised Binary Change Detection Using Multi-Scale Segmentation Detectors for Land Cover Vegetation Images
ResBaGAN: a Residual Balancing GAN with data augmentation for forest maping
Euro-Par 2022: Parallel Processing Workshops
A Hybrid CUDA, OpenMP, and MPI Parallel TCA-based Domain Adaptation for Classification of Very High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images
Impacto de la segmentación en superpíxeles sobre clasificadores de imágenes multiespectrales basados en aprendizaje profundo
Alineamiento de imágenes multiespectrales de teledetección en un clúster de GPUs
Multi-GPU registration of high-resolution multispectral images using HSI-KAZE in a cluster system
An Optimized Superpixel-based Domain Adaptation Scheme for River Ecosystem Classification
Euro-Par 2021: Parallel Processing Workshops Euro-Par 2021 International Workshops, Lisbon, Portugal, August 30-31, 2021, Revised Selected Papers
High-Performance and Disruptive Computing in Remote Sensing: HDCRS-A New Working Group of the GRSS Earth Science Informatics Technical Committee
A New Multispectral Data Augmentation Technique Based on Data Imputation
HSI-MSER: Hyperspectral Image Registration Algorithm based on MSER and SIFT
Proceedings of the 1st ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Searching and Mining Large Collectiions of Geospatial Data (GeoSearch 2021).
Una nueva técnica de aumentado de datos para la clasificación de imágenes hiperespectrales mediante CNN
Influencia del algoritmo de segmentación en la precisión y el coste computacional de la detección de cambios multiclase sobre imágenes hiperespectrales
A new data augmentation technique for the CNN-based classification of hyperspectral imagery
Comparing area-based and feature-based methods for co-registration of multispectral bands on GPU
Watershed Monitoring in Galicia from UAV Multispectral Imagery Using Advanced Texture Methods
GPU accelerated waterpixel algorithm for superpixel segmentation of hyperspectral images
Dual-Window Superpixel Data Augmentation for Hyperspectral Image Classification
Euro-Par 2020: Parallel Processing Workshops
GPU-Accelerated Registration of Hyperspectral Images Using KAZE Features
Exploring the MSER-based hyperspectral remote sensing image registration
Texture Extraction Techniques for the Classification of Vegetation Species in Hyperspectral Imagery: Bag of Words Approach Based on Superpixels
Superpixel Segmentation of Remote Sensing Images using Waterpixels in Commodity Hardware
Euro-Par 2019: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2019 International Workshops, Göttingen, Germany, August 26-30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Extended Anisotropic Diffusion Profiles in GPU for Hyperspectral Imagery
TCANet for Domain Adaptation of Hyperspectral Images
Computación eficiente de perfiles de difusión para la extracción de información espectral-espacial
Texture-based analysis of hydrographical basins with multispectral imagery
SURF-based registration for hyperspectral images
Exploring the Registration of Remote Sensing Images using HSI-KAZE in Graphical Units
Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops. Euro-Par 2018 International Workshops, Turin, Italy, August 27-28, 2018, Revised Selected Papers.
A multi-device version of the HYFMGPU algorithm for hyperspectral scenes registration
Extended attribute profiles on GPU applied to hyperspectral image classification
Wavelet-based Multicomponent Denoising Profile for the Classification of Hyperspectral Images
Euro-Par 2017: Parallel Processing Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (Volume 10659). Euro-Par 2017 International Workshops, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 28-29, 2017, Revised Selected Papers
Multiclass Change Detection for Multidimensional Images in the Presence of Noise
Stacked autoencoders for multiclass change detection in hyperspectral images
GPU computation of Attribute Profiles for RS Image Classification
Towards a Multi-device Version of the HYFMGPU Algorithm for Hyperspectral Scenes Registration
Alignment of Hyperspectral Images Using KAZE Features
GPU-based segmentation of retinal blood vessels
Caffe CNN-based classification of hyperspectral images on GPU
Advanced Parallel Processing Technologies 12th International Symposium, APPT 2017, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, August 29, 2017, Proceedings
GPU Framework for Change Detection in Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
GPU Accelerated FFT-Based Registration of Hyperspectral Scenes
CUDA Multiclass Change Detection for Remote Sensing Hyperspectral Images using Extended Morphological Profiles
Transformada de Fourier aplicada al alineamiento de imágenes multidimensionales en GPU
Wavelet-based multicomponent denoising on GPU to improve the classification of hyperspectral images
GPU Framework for Change Detection in Multitemporal Hyperspectral Images
GPU Classification for Hyperspectral Images based on Convolutional Neural Networks
Fourier-Mellin registration of two hyperspectral images
GPU Projection of ECAS-II Segmenter for Hyperspectral Images Based on Cellular Automata
GPU classification of remote-sensing images using kernel ELM and extended morphological profiles
HypeRvieW: an open source desktop application for hyperspectral remote-sensing data processing
Exploring the impact of wavelet-based denoising in the classification of remote sensing hyperspectral images
Clasificación de imágenes de teledetección mediante ELM kernel y perfiles morfológicos en GPU.
Evolutionary Cellular Automata based Approach to High-dimensional Image Segmentation for GPU Projection
GPU-accelerated Level-Set Segmentation
An Open Source Desktop Application for Classification of Remote Sensing Data
Efficient ELM-Based Techniques for the Classification of Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Images on Commodity GPUs
Wavelet Based Classification of Hyperspectral Images using Extended Morphological Profiles on Graphics Processing Units
ELM-based Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images using Extended Morphological Profiles and Composite Feature Mappings
Clasificación Supervisada de Imágenes de Sensado Remoto en GPU
Efficient Classification of Hyperspectral Images on Commodity GPUs using ELM-based Techniques
Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images Using Wavelets and Extended Morphological Profiles
Using sampled information: is it enough for the sparse matrix-vector product locality optimization?
Exploring ELM-based spatial–spectral classification of hyperspectral images
Computing Efficiently Spectral-Spatial Classification of Hyperspectral Images on Commodity GPUs
Efficient 2D and 3D Watershed on Graphics Processing Unit: Block-Asynchronous Approaches Based on Cellular Automata
Multiresolution rendering based on gpgpu computing
Partitioning and mapping a fast level-set algorithm on the GPU
A GPU-based multiresolution pipeline for compressed volume rendering
Influencia de las mesetas en la implementación de watershed sobre GPUs
Proyección del método de segmentación del conjunto de nivel en GPU
Efficient segmentation of hyperspectral images on commodity GPUs
Memory Hierarchy Optimization for Large Tridiagonal System Solvers on GPU
Efficient GPU Asynchronous Implementation of a Watershed Algorithm Based on Cellular Automata
Evaluación de las políticas universitarias de sostenibilidad como facilitadoras para el desarrollo de los campus de excelencia internacional
The Split-and-Merge Method in General Purpose Computation on GPUs
Towards Real-Time Hyperspectral Image Processing: A GPGPU Implementation of Target Identification
Aplicabilidade da Pegada Ecológica em contextos universitarios
Estrategias de Sostenibilidad y Responsabilidad Social en las Universidades Españolas: una Herramienta para su Evaluación.
Efficient segmentation of hyperspectral images on commodity GPUs
Analyzing the Execution of Sparse Matrix-Vector Product on the Finisterrae SMP-NUMA System
An eco-feedback system for improving the sustainability performance of Universities
Towards Real-time Hyperspectral Image Processing, a GP-GPU Implementation of Target Identification
Herramientas para la monitorización de los accesos a memoria de códigos paralelos mediante contadores hardware
A Study of Memory Access Patterns in Irregular Parallel Codes Using Hardware Counter-Based Tools
Selecting the Best Tridiagonal System Solver Projected on Multi-Core CPU and GPU Platforms