
José María Alonso Moral

27th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI 2024)
Operationalizing Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the European Union Regulatory Ecosystem
A User Study on the Utility of Context-Aware Explanations for Assisting Data Scientists in Error Analysis of Fuzzy Decision Trees
Enriquecimiento de explicaciones interactivas en asistentes conversacionales usando redes de restricciones temporales difusas
Enriching Interactive Explanations with Fuzzy Temporal Constraint Networks
TextFocus: Assessing the Faithfulness of Feature Attribution Methods Explanations in Natural Language Processing
Introducing User Feedback-Based Counterfactual Explanations (UFCE)
ReproHum #0927-3: Reproducing The Human Evaluation Of The DExperts Controlled Text Generation Method
Sexism Detection on a Data Diet
An Empirical Study on the Number of Items in Human Evaluation of Automatically Generated Texts
An operational framework for guiding human evaluation in Explainable and Trustworthy AI
Investigating Human-Centered Perspectives in Explainable Artificial Intelligence
CL-XAI: Toward enriched Cognitive Learning with eXplainable Artificial Intelligence
The role of Speculations for Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence: A use case on Art Genre Classification
Some lessons learned reproducing human evaluation of a data-to-text system
Beyond Prediction Similarity: ShapGAP for Evaluating Faithful Surrogate Models in XAI
A Confusion Matrix for Evaluating Feature Attribution Methods
Exploring the balance between interpretability and performance with carefully designed constrainable neural additive models
Information-Seeking Dialogue for Explainable Artificial Intelligence: Modelling and Analytics
An Art Painting Style Explainable Classifier grounded on Logical and Commonsense Reasoning
Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI): What we know and what is left to attain Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence in Alzheimer’s Disease: State of the Art, Opportunities, and Challenges
An empirical study on how humans appreciate automated counterfactual explanations which embrace imprecise information
A intelixencia artificial fiable: moda ou necesidade?
Automatic detection of Alzheimer’s disease progression: An efficient information fusion approach with heterogeneous ensemble classifiers
Dealing with hallucination and omission in neural Natural Language Generation: A use case on meteorology
Measuring Model Understandability by means of Shapley Additive Explanations
FCE: Feedback based Counterfactual Explanations for Explainable AI
Interpretable Clinical Time-Series Modeling with Intelligent Feature Selection for Early Prediction of Antimicrobial Multidrug Resistance
Explainable and Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence
Prometheus: Harnessing Fuzzy Logic and Natural Language for Human-centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Evaluación empírica de modelos de cuantificación borrosa aplicados a un agente conversacional
A Framework for Analyzing Fairness, Accountability, Transparency and Ethics: A Use-case in Banking Services
Automatic linguistic reporting of customer activity patterns in open malls
Factual and Counterfactual Explanation of Fuzzy Information Granules
Modelling of the adsorption of urea herbicides by tropical soils with an Adaptive-Neural-based Fuzzy Inference System
Explainable Fuzzy Systems - Paving the Way from Interpretable Fuzzy Systems to Explainable AI Systems
A Multilayer Multimodal Detection and Prediction Model based on Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Alzheimer’s Disease
A Survey of Contrastive and Counterfactual Explanation Generation Methods for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Robust Hybrid Deep Learning Models for Alzheimer’s Progression Detection
Towards Harnessing Natural Language Generation to Explain Black-box Models
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI)
A proof of concept on triangular test evaluation for Natural Language Generation
Plenary Talk on "Interactive Natural Language Technology for Human-Centric Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
Proceedings of the Workshop on Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence (NL4XAI)
Estimation of customer activity patterns in open malls by means of combining localization and process mining techniques
Plenary Talk on "Paving the way from Fuzzy Logic towards Explainable Artificial Intelligence"
La confianza en las máquinas inteligentes
Interactive Natural Language Technology for Explainable Artificial Intelligence
Proceedings of the 1st Doctoral Consortium at the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (DC-ECAI 2020)
Teaching Explainable Artificial Intelligence to High School Students
Experimental Study on Generating Multi-modal Explanations of Black-box Classifiers in terms of Gray-box Classifiers
Building Explanations for Fuzzy Decision Trees with the ExpliClas Software
Generation and Evaluation of Factual and Counterfactual Explanations for Decision Trees and Fuzzy Rule-based Classifiers
Design of Fuzzy Controllers for Embedded Systems with JFML
Paving the way towards counterfactual generation in argumentative conversational agents
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Human-Centric Data Analysis in Virtual Learning Environments
Explainable Artificial Intelligence for Kids
ExpliClas: Automatic Generation of Explanations in Natural Language for Weka Classifiers
Py4JFML: A Python wrapper for using the IEEE Std 1855-2016 through JFML
The use of an Explainable Artificial Intelligence Tool for Decision-making Support in Virtual Learning Environments
Metodología de aprendizaje electrónico móvil (m-learning) mediante gamificación para desarrollar competencias transversales en titulaciones universitarias
Modeling human perceptions in e-Commerce applications. A case study on business-to-consumers websites in the textile and fashion sector
From Zadeh's computing with words towards explainable Artificial Intelligence
Paving the way to explainable Artificial Intelligence with fuzzy modeling
The role of interpretable fuzzy systems in designing cognitive cities
Fuzzy-Based Language Grounding of Geographical References: From Writers to Readers
Proceedings of the Workshop on Intelligent Interactive Systems and Language Generation
JFML: A Java Library to Design Fuzzy Logic Systems According to the IEEE Std 1855-2016
Supporting Content Design with an Eye Tracker: The Case of Weather-based Recommendations
Meteorologists and Students: A resource for language grounding of geographical descriptors
Sorption of phenylurea herbicides by soils: Modelling uncertainty and ruling factors with an artificial neural-based fuzzy inference system
Aplicando Gamificación con Kahoot en el desarrollo de competencias
Desarrollo de un repositorio común de contenidos para facilitar el proceso enseñanza-aprendizaje
Modelado borroso de referencias geográficas textuales sobre datos de expertos
Generación Automática de Explicaciones en Lenguaje Natural para Árboles de Decisión de Clasificación
ExpliClas: Un Servicio Web que Genera Automáticamente Explicaciones en Lenguaje Natural de Árboles de Decisión para Clasificación
An ontology-based interpretable fuzzy decision support system for diabetes diagnosis
Hybrid Data-Expert Explainable Beer Style Classifier
Explainable AI Beer Style Classifier
A bibliometric analysis of the explainable artificial intelligence research field
Toward automatic generation of linguistic advice for saving energy at home
Fuzzy classifier ensembles for hierarchical WiFi-based semantic indoor localization
Building Cognitive Cities with Explainable Artificial Intelligent Systems
New Types of Computational Perceptions: Linguistic Descriptions in Deforestation Analysis
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Natural Language Generation
Linguistic Descriptions for Cognitive Cities: an Illustrative Use Case
Using fuzzy sets in a data-to-text system for business service intelligence
An Essay on Self-explanatory Computational Intelligence: A Linguistic Model of Data Processing Systems
Invited talk on "eXplainable Computational Intelligence: paving the way from Smart to Cognitive Cities"
Linguistic Description of Complex Phenomena with the rLDCP R Package
Natural Language Generation with Computational Intelligence
Invited tutorial on software for fuzzy computing
An Empirical Approach for Modeling Fuzzy Geographical Descriptors
An Exploratory Study on the Benefits of using Natural Language for Explaining Fuzzy Rule-based Systems
rLDCP: R package for text generation from data
Looking for a real-world-semantics-based approach to the interpretability of fuzzy systems
Generating Automatic Linguistic Descriptions with Big Data
Continuous space estimation: Increasing WiFi-based indoor localization resolution without increasing the site-survey effort
Inteligencia emocional: diseño metodológico para la mejora del análisis de calidad de servicio on-line
Special Issue on selected papers from the IFSA-EUSFLAT2015 conference
Special Issue on Computational Intelligence Software
A survey of fuzzy systems software: Taxonomy, current research trends, and prospects