
Manuel Lama Penín

Operationalizing Explainable Artificial Intelligence in the European Union Regulatory Ecosystem
REACH: Researching Efficient Alignment-based Conformance Checking
VERONA: A python library for benchmarking deep learning in business process monitoring
Detecting Model Changes in Organisational Processes: A Cloud-Based Approach
The Droid You're Looking For: C-4PM, a Conversational Agent for Declarative Process Mining
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an Aortic Stenosis Integrated Care Process
Estudio del contexto de ejecución en monitorización predictiva de procesos
Learning context-based representations of events in complex processes
Embedding Graph Convolutional Networks in Recurrent Neural Networks for Predictive Monitoring
Deep Learning for Predictive Business Process Monitoring: Review and Benchmark
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an Aortic Stenosis Integrated Care Process
Framework para la Descripción Automática de Procesos en Lenguaje Natural: Aplicación en un Proceso Asistencial Integrado de Estenosis Aórtica
A Framework for the Automatic Description of Healthcare Processes in Natural Language: Application in an aortic stenosis integrated care process
Estimating Remaining Time of Business Processes with structural attributes of the traces
GeoSPARQL query support for scientific raster array data
A Conformance Checking-based Approach for Sudden Drift Detection in Business Processes
Fuzzy Temporal Protoforms for the Quantitative Description of Processes in Natural Language
Automatic linguistic reporting of customer activity patterns in open malls
Estimation of customer activity patterns in open malls by means of combining localization and process mining techniques
Repairing Alignments of Process Models
Process-To-Text: a framework for the quantitative description of processes in natural language
Understanding complex process models by abstracting infrequent behavior
Collective disambiguation in entity linking based on topic coherence in semantic graphs
Simplification of Complex Process Models by Abstracting Infrequent Behaviour
INVERBIS: minería de datos aplicada a la mejora de procesos
A Vector-Based Classification Approach for Remaining Time Prediction in Business Processes
Pattern-based Simplification of Process Models
Consultas eficientes sobre registros de eventos basadas en análisis de conformidad
Mining Frequent Patterns in Process Models
Comparative study of xAPI validation tools
Discovering Infrequent Behavioral Patterns in Process Models
Towards the Extraction of Frequent Patterns in Complex Process Models
Enhancing Discovered Processes with Duplicate Tasks
Reparación de alineamientos en modelos de proceso similares
Recompilación de procesos de educación a partir de registros de eventos
A Federated Approach for Array and Entity Environmental Linked Data
Análisis inteligente de flujos de trabajo sociales
An Integrated Semantic Web Service Discovery and Composition Framework
Process Mining in IT Service Management: A Case Study
Repairing Alignments: Striking the Right Nerve
Recompiling learning processes from event logs
Environmental Linked Data: Challenges
Integration of Grid, cluster and cloud resources to semantically annotate a large-sized repository of learning objects
Generacion automática de informes en lenguaje natural en una plataforma de e-learning
Plataforma de Serviços Inteligentes de Learning Analytics para grandes quantidades de dados
Descrição semântica de experiência de aprendizagem baseada na especificação xAPI
Supporting real open educational resources in Edu-AREA
SmartLAK: A Big Data Architecture for Supporting Learning Analytics Services
Hybrid Optimization Algorithm for Large-Scale QoS-Aware Service Composition
ProDiGen: minando modelos completos, precisos y simples con un algoritmo genético
Algoritmo Híbrido de Composición Automática de Servicios con QoS
Towards Textual Reporting in Learning Analytics Dashboards
Semantic description of the Experience API Specification
A Hybrid Local-Global Optimization Strategy for QoS-Aware Service Composition
Soft Computing for Learner's Assessment in SoftLearn
Mining Duplicate Tasks from Discovered Processes
A Keyword Recommendation Experiment to Support Information Organization and Folksonomies in Edu-AREA
ProDiGen: Mining complete, precise and minimal structure process models with a genetic algorithm
Reconstructing IMS LD Units of Learning from Event Logs
Learning Analytics for the Prediction of the Educational Objectives Achievement
Using a Learning Analytics Tool for Evaluation in Self-Regulated Learning
A Genetic Algorithm for Process Discovery Guided by Completeness, Precision and Simplicity
SoftLearn: A Process Mining Platform for the Discovery of Learning Paths
Hipster: An Open Source Java Library for Heuristic Search
Integración de recursos grid y cloud para anotar semánticamente grandes colecciones de objetos de aprendizaje
Collaboration and Social Networking in Higher Education
Graph-based semantic annotation for enriching educational content with linked data
Aprendizaje, hallazgo y satisfaccion en un sistema de recomendacion en turismo
Learning analytics framework for educational virtual worlds
Una experiencia real de anotación semántica a gran escala utilizando recursos de computación heterogéneos
A practical experience concerning the parallel semantic annotation of a large-scale data collection
A Petri net model for changing units of learning in runtime
Semantic linking of learning object repositories to DBpedia
A Dynamic QoS-Aware Semantic Web Service Composition Algorithm
Toward the Use of Petri Nets for the Formalization of OWL-S Choreographies
Petri net-based engine for adaptive learning
Semantic integration of social information in learning systems
SoftLearn: Soft computing para minería de procesos en e-learning
An Optimal and Complete Algorithm for Automatic Web Service Composition
An Evolutionary Approach for Learning the Weight of Relations in Linked Data
An optimal and fast algorithm for web service composition
Applying Multicriteria Algorithms to Restaurant Recommendation
Dynamic adaptation in OPENET4LD
Recommending teachers for collaborative authoring tools
Semantic linking of a learning object repository to DBpedia
Automatic web service composition with a heuristic-based search algorithm
Toward enriching course content with Linked Data
Dynamic adaptation in IMS Learning Design
Machine Scheduling in Custom Furniture Industry through Neuro-Evolutionary Hybridization
Integración de IMS LD en mundos virtuales
Semantic annotation of educational resources through linked data
Combining uncorrelated similarity measures for service discovery
Composition of web services through genetic programming
A context-based algorithm for annotating educational content with Linked Data
OPENET: Ontology-based engine for high-level Petri nets
OPENET4VE: A Platform for the Execution of IMS LD Units of Learning in Virtual Environments
Knowledge-Based Framework for Workflow Modelling: Application to the Furniture Industry
Genetic programming algorithm for web service composition
A Genetic Programming-based Algorithm for Composing Web Services
Selección de widgets basada en calidad de servicio de inteligencia colectiva
Arquitectura orientada a servicios para la ejecución de unidades de aprendizaje en mundos virtuales
OPENET LD: An Ontology-based Petri Net Engine to Execute IMS LD Units of Learning
Processing time estimations by variable structure tsk rules learned through genetic programming
Modelling and executing units of learning using an IMS LD ontology
Service-oriented architecture for knowledge-enriched workflows modelling and execution
WebLD: A Web Portal to Design IMS LD Units of Learning
Petri Net Semantics for OWL-S Service Choreography
Introducción al número especial sobre técnicas de la inteligencia artificial aplicadas a la educación