
Víctor Manuel Brea Sánchez

Lost and Found: Overcoming Detector Failures in Online Multi-Object Tracking
A Macro-Pixel Based RGBZ CMOS Image Sensor for Simultaneous Color and Multifrequency Depth Image Acquisition
Live Demonstration: A Mixed-Mode Signal CMOS Chip for Hyperdimensional Computing
HOPBAS10K: A 98×98 Pixels CMOS Vision Sensor for Background Subtraction
CDS Free Frame Differencing Event Vision Pixel with Lateral Overflow Capacitor for Dynamic Range Extension
Global shutter CMOS vision sensors and event cameras for on-chip dynamic information
Simultaneous Multifrequency Demodulation for Single-Shot Multiple-Path ToF Imaging
Low-Power Techniques on a CMOS Vision Sensor Chip for Event Generation by Frame Differencing with High Dynamic Range
Real-Time Siamese Multiple Object Tracker with Enhanced Proposals
A General-Purpose CMOS Vision Sensor with In-Pixel 5-bit Convolutional Layer Computation
Fast Time-Domain Super-Resolution for Single-Shot Multi-Path ToF Imaging
2HDED:NET for joint depth estimation and image deblurring from a single out-of-focus image
A full data augmentation pipeline for small object detection based on generative adversarial networks
Fast Multi-Object Tracking with Feature Pyramid and Region Proposal Networks
Low-cost mobile mapping system solution for traffic sign segmentation using Azure Kinect
Design of a 5-bit SRAM-based In-Memory Computing Cell for Deep Learning Models
A 2-Tap Macro-Pixel-Based Indirect ToF CMOS Image Sensor for Multi-Frequency Demodulation
Spatiotemporal tubelet feature aggregation and object linking for small object detection in videos
Tracking More Than 100 Arbitrary Objects at 25 FPS Through Deep Learning
Proposal of a Single-Shot Multi-Frame Multi-Frequency CMOS ToF Sensor
An 11 mA Capacitor-Less LDO with 3.08 nA Quiescent Current and SSF-Based Adaptive Biasing
Spatio-Temporal Object Detection from UAV On-Board Cameras
HDR 4T-APS Pixel for Event Generation by Frame Differencing
STDnet-ST: Spatio-Temporal ConvNet for Small Object Detection
Real-Time Multiple Object Visual Tracking for Embedded GPU Systems
Short-term anchor linking and long-term self-guided attention for video object detection
SiamMT: Real-Time Arbitrary Multi-Object Tracking
Correlation-based ConvNet for Small Object Detection in Videos
1.88 nA Quiescent Current Capacitor-Less LDO with Adaptive Biasing Based on a SSF Absolute Voltage Difference Meter
RoI Feature Propagation for Video Object Detection
CMOS Vision Sensor for Background Subtraction
On-Chip Solar Energy Harvester and PMU with Cold Start-Up and Regulated Output Voltage for Biomedical Applications
STDnet: Exploiting high resolution feature maps for small object detection
Design methodology of a 0.7 V, 64.5 pW @ 36°C, 1830 μm² Subthreshold Voltage Reference for Implantable Devices
Real-time visual detection and tracking system for traffic monitoring
A Real-Time Processing Stand-Alone Multiple Object Visual Tracking System
Real-Time Traffic Monitoring with Occlusion Handling
Ultralow power voltage reference circuit for implantable devices in standard CMOS technology
Time-of-Flight Pixel with Homodyne Phase Demodulation in Standard CMOS Technology
Live Demonstration: Deep Learning-Based Visual Tracking of Multiple Objects on a Low-Power Embedded System
On-Chip Solar Cell and PMU on the Same Substrate with Cold Start-Up from nW and 80 dB of Input Power Range for Biomedical Applications
Micro-Energy Harvesting System including a PMU and a Solar Cell on the same Substrate with Cold Start-Up from 2.38 nW and Input Power Range up to 10μW using Continuous MPPT
Deep Learning-Based Multiple Object Visual Tracking on Embedded System for IoT and Mobile Edge Computing Applications
Deep Learning para detección y tracking de objetos en vídeo
STDnet: A ConvNet for Small Target Detection
In‐pixel analog memories for a pixel‐based background subtraction algorithm on CMOS vision sensors
Live Demonstration: Light Energy Harvesting System with an On-Chip Solar Cell and Cold Start-Up
Shannon Entropy as Background Dynamics Estimator In Foreground Detector Algorithms
Impact of Analog Memories Non-Idealities on the Performance of Foreground Detection Algorithms
Pulsed Time-of-Flight Pixel with on-Chip 20 klux Background Light Suppression in Standard CMOS Technology
Special issue on advances on smart camera architectures for real-time image processing
Wireless Sensor Network with Perpetual Motes for Terrestrial Snail Activity Monitoring
Dynamic Model of Switched-Capacitor DC-DC Converters in the Slow-Switching Limit including Charge Reusing
Effect of Temporal and Spatial Noise on the Performance of Hardware Oriented Background Extraction Algorithms
Low Power CMOS Vision Sensor for Gaussian Pyramid Extraction
In the Quest of Vision-Sensors-on-Chip: Pre-Processing Sensors for Data Reduction
Dynamic joint model of capacitive charge pumps and on-chip photovoltaic cells for CMOS micro-energy harvesting
Real time architectures for the Scale Invariant Feature Transform algorithm
PRECISION: A reconfigurable SIMD/MIMD coprocessor for Computer Vision Systems-on-Chip
Live Demonstration: Wireless Sensor Network For Snail Pest Detection
Dynamic Model of On-Chip Inverting Capacitive Charge Pumps with Charge Reusing
Time-of-Flight Chip in Standard CMOS Technology with In-Pixel Adaptive Number of Accumulations
Study of the Thermoelectric Properties of Non-Typical Semiconductor Materials with Conventional CAD Tools
Image Feature Extraction Acceleration
Demo: Mask and Maskless Face Classification System to Detect Breach Protocols in the Operating Room
System for Medical Mask Detection in the Operating Room Through Facial Attributes
Live Demonstration: Gaussian Pyramid Extraction with a CMOS Vision Sensor
Dark Current Optimization of 4-Transistor Topologies in Standard CMOS Technologies for Time-of-Flight Sensors
Capacitance-based Wireless Sensor Mote for Snail Pest Detection
Distance Measurement Error in Time-of-Flight Sensors Due to Shot Noise
Four-transistor pinned photodiodes in standard CMOS technologies for time-of-flight sensors
Wireless Sensor Mote for Snail Pest Detection
A 26.5 nJ/px 2.64 Mpx/s CMOS Vision Sensor for Gaussian Pyramid Extraction
Simplification and Hardware Implementation of the Feature Descriptor Vector Calculation in the SIFT Algorithm
The Dickson Charge Pump as Voltage Booster for Light Energy Harvesting on CMOS Vision Chips
Custom Design of Pinned Photodiodes in Standard CMOS Technologies for Time-of-Flight Sensors
Gaussian Pyramid Extraction with a CMOS Vision Sensor
Dark Current in Standard CMOS Pinned Photodiodes for Time-of-Flight Sensors
Split and Shift Methodology on Cellular Processor Arrays: Area Saving versus Time Penalty
Form Factor Improvement of Smart-Pixels for Vision Sensors through 3-D Vertically-Integrated Technologies
Voltage Boosters for on-Chip Solar Cells on Focal-Plane Processors
Comparison of Photosensing Structures in CMOS Standard Technology for Time-of-Flight Sensors
A hierarchical vision processing architecture oriented to 3D integration of smart camera chips
A 176 X 120 Pixel CMOS Vision Chip for Gaussian Filtering with Massivelly Parallel CDS and A/D-Conversion.
CMOS-3D Smart Imager Architectures for Feature Detection
Design of a smart camera system on a single chip in 3D integrated circuit technology
SIMD/MIMD dynamically-reconfigurable architecture for high-performance embedded vision systems
Feature detection and matching on an SIMD/MIMD hybrid embedded processor
Scale- and rotation-invariant feature detectors on Cellular Processor Arrays
In-Pixel Generation of Gaussian Pyramid Images by Block Reusing in 3D-CMOS
A CMOS-3D Reconfigurable Architecture with In-pixel Processing for Feature Detectors
Towards the optimal hardware architecture for Computer Vision
Handsheet for Full-Custom Circuit Design
On-chip retinal image processing: performance analysis on different approaches
Effect of Mismatch on the Reliability of ON/OFF-Programmable CNNs
FPGA-Accelerated Retinal Vessel-Tree Extraction
An Efficient FPGA Implementation of a DT-CNN for Small Image Gray-scale Pre-processing
A Digital Cellular-Based System for Retinal Vessel-Tree Extraction
An FPGA-based Topographic Computer for Binary Image Processing
CNN Technology for Spatiotemporal Signal Processing
Single Instruction Multiple Data and Cellular Non-linear Networks as Fine-Grained Parallel Solutions for Early Vision on FPGAs
Discrete Time Cellular Non-linear Networks Implementation over FPGA
SIMD Array on FPGA for B/W Image Processing
Template-Oriented Hardware Design based on Shape Analysis of 2D CNN Operators in CNN Template Libraries and Applications
Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Cellular Neural Networks and their Applications: Preface
Verification of Split&Shift Techniques for CNN Hardware Reduction
Relating Cellular Non-linear Networks to Threshold Logic and Single Instruction Multiple Data Computing Models
Area and Time Efficient Cellular Non-linear Networks
CNN Implementation of Spin Filters for Electronic Speckle Pattern Interferometry Applications